View Full Version : Another Hopeful...
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 12:17 PM
Hey guys, I am a hopeful applicant of your great team hope to be taken in as one of your own.
I am currently buzzed about Darkfall Online and i'm currently playing Halo3 and WC3 to fill in the time :D
Well.. just wanted to say hi!
Slash Redhand
06-29-2008, 12:29 PM
Hey man. Welcome to the Duchy.;)
Heh, another Brando.
Chrono Veincrusher
06-29-2008, 12:52 PM
Hello there.
Since we're having problems with the application form in the main page, can you please post the application in this thread using the template from the website?
Vec Peregrinus
06-29-2008, 02:41 PM
Hello and Welcome to Wessex B. Grey!
What do you see yourself as in Darkfall? (e.g. race, playstyle, etc...)
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 03:10 PM
Hello and Welcome to Wessex B. Grey!
What do you see yourself as in Darkfall? (e.g. race, playstyle, etc...)
Definately Human, and as far as I can see I will roleplay as some form of healer/support character. Although I might become a hybrid between a healer and an elementalist.
Edit: Well thank you for the information, and I have now posted my application on the appropiate thread!
Look forward to talking to you guys more soon.
Beric Veincrusher
06-29-2008, 06:53 PM
Will you play Darkfall buzzed?
Barden Jusik
06-29-2008, 07:01 PM
Welcome to the duchy!
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 07:01 PM
Will you play Darkfall buzzed?
Hopefully! If it lives upto it's expectations.
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 07:02 PM
Welcome to the duchy!
Thank you!
Beric Veincrusher
06-29-2008, 07:06 PM
I saw that you aspire to become a Bishop yourself - do you fashion yourself after any contemporary religious beliefs?
Barden Jusik
06-29-2008, 07:18 PM
If you are aspiring to become a Bishop then I would recommend taking the friars exam:
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 07:21 PM
I saw that you aspire to become a Bishop yourself - do you fashion yourself after any contemporary religious beliefs?
I follow the Church of Morgaine, and would like to learn from the teaching of Morgaine himself.
((P.s. I could go down one of two paths atm, a religious one or a simple support character who runs his own business.))
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 07:30 PM
I will think about taking the exam on a later date, if I do it now I would probably fail.
Honorius Dioctus
06-29-2008, 08:31 PM
Welcome, good to see more Church folk, but a heads up, it's Auros now, not Morgaine. :D
Morgaine is now a Queen and the leader of the White Order.
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 09:12 PM
Welcome, good to see more Church folk, but a heads up, it's Auros now, not Morgaine. :D
Morgaine is now a Queen and the leader of the White Order.
^_^ I have some reading to do! Although I am suggesting joining the Church at the moment I may however leave it closer until release to make a final decision. Owning my own business/company is also an entertaining thought at the moment.
ZhenYu Omega
06-30-2008, 04:26 AM
06-30-2008, 06:02 AM
Hey its annother new person to Wessex welcome.
Vasidius Kalgar
06-30-2008, 06:36 AM
Will you play Darkfall buzzed?
Brandon Greymoor
06-30-2008, 04:04 PM
Thank you all for your kindness guys ! :)
Tilia Virga
06-30-2008, 08:09 PM
Welcome to Wessex Brandon Greymoor. How's the weather in England? It's pretty damn hot here.
Theodoric Brionne
06-30-2008, 08:34 PM
Welcome to Wessex. If you have any questions, please just ask.
Salamo Creighton
06-30-2008, 08:53 PM
Welcome to duchy, mate!
Brandon Greymoor
06-30-2008, 10:27 PM
Welcome to Wessex Brandon Greymoor. How's the weather in England? It's pretty damn hot here.
I envie you, it's alright over here but not hot enough to tan me!!!
Komako the Hawk
07-01-2008, 06:10 AM
Well Brandon, you look like a real newbie. So now I'm going to give you some good advice--something to remove the freshness in your eyes.
Son, don't eat drink chew chug swallow touch smell caress fondle or gently stroke the yellow dirt. It'll kill you.
Vasidius Kalgar
07-01-2008, 06:21 AM
Son, don't eat drink chew chug swallow touch smell caress fondle or gently stroke the yellow dirt. It'll kill you.
Wise words indeed.
William Lonsword
07-01-2008, 08:05 AM
Welcome my good man, all the best with your application!
Thusard von Hellman
07-01-2008, 12:17 PM
Greetings and Welcome to Wessex!
Brandon Greymoor
07-01-2008, 01:16 PM
Well Brandon, you look like a real newbie. So now I'm going to give you some good advice--something to remove the freshness in your eyes.
Son, don't eat drink chew chug swallow touch smell caress fondle or gently stroke the yellow dirt. It'll kill you.
I'll try and avoid it all together then :confused:
Thusard von Hellman
07-01-2008, 05:10 PM
Well Brandon, you look like a real newbie. So now I'm going to give you some good advice--something to remove the freshness in your eyes.
Son, don't eat drink chew chug swallow touch smell caress fondle or gently stroke the yellow dirt. It'll kill you.
Tilia Virga
07-01-2008, 07:32 PM
I envie you, it's alright over here but not hot enough to tan me!!!
LOL. It's always summer over here.
Well Brandon, you look like a real newbie. So now I'm going to give you some good advice--something to remove the freshness in your eyes.
Son, don't eat drink chew chug swallow touch smell caress fondle or gently stroke the yellow dirt. It'll kill you.
I don't get it. :confused::confused::confused:
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 02:59 PM
LOL. It's always summer over here.
You're one lucky son of a """"" (Yes son of a speech mark) I wish I was in some form of perma-summer I would love it.
Slash Redhand
07-03-2008, 03:01 PM
You're one lucky son of a B*tch, I wish I was in some form of perma-summer I would love it.
Heh, don't be rude to a lady.:D
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 03:06 PM
Heh, don't be rude to a lady.:D
Hehe, I wasn't meaning to be rude! But she has the sunshine!
Spaw Kindred
07-03-2008, 03:09 PM
Hehe, I wasn't meaning to be rude! But she has the sunshine!
Yeah, you're in the England. The country with loads of rain and loads of clouds, when was the last time you had pure sun shine in your city?
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 03:12 PM
Yeah, you're in the England. The country with loads of rain and loads of clouds, when was the last time you had pure sun shine in your city?
If you ever saw how pale I was, you'd realize I haven?t seen pure sunshine since I was a child!
A hot day in England has the same probability of a blizzard in the Sahara Desert.
Glacier Harmon
07-03-2008, 08:03 PM
If you ever saw how pale I was, you'd realize I haven’t seen pure sunshine since I was a child!
A hot day in England has the same probability of a blizzard in the Sahara Desert.
Where I live, it's hot and sunny most of the time, but I'm still pale from being a computer nerd if that makes you feel any better. :D
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 08:21 PM
Where I live, it's hot and sunny most of the time, but I'm still pale from being a computer nerd if that makes you feel any better. :D
LOL. My little sister is the same way. She spends the whole day in her room playing WOW or chatting on the net with friends. She only leaves the room to find food or use the restroom. She's as white as a ghost.:p As for me, I had a good amount of "fun time in the sunshine" yesterday. I was at a fundraising car wash and got burnt pretty bad. Instead of white, my skin in pretty red now.
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 08:54 PM
LOL. My little sister is the same way. She spends the whole day in her room playing WOW or chatting on the net with friends. She only leaves the room to find food or use the restroom. She's as white as a ghost.:p As for me, I had a good amount of "fun time in the sunshine" yesterday. I was at a fundraising car wash and got burnt pretty bad. Instead of white, my skin in pretty red now.
I'm not pale beacuse I don't go outside, I'm pale beacuse the sun is non-existant :P Although when I did play WoW I hibernated just to lead a Molten Core or something, kind of sad really.
Well I got to intimidate 9-11 year olds at karate whilst you were washing cars! P.s. how much did you make?
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 09:29 PM
I'm not pale beacuse I don't go outside, I'm pale beacuse the sun is non-existant :P Although when I did play WoW I hibernated just to lead a Molten Core or something, kind of sad really.
Well I got to intimidate 9-11 year olds at karate whilst you were washing cars! P.s. how much did you make?
oOoo u do karate? Intimidate?LOL I love punking kids. Do you teach?
Sadly...we didn't make much. Tons of car pass, but very few stopped by.:mad:
Chrono Veincrusher
07-03-2008, 09:36 PM
LOL. My little sister is the same way. She spends the whole day in her room playing WOW or chatting on the net with friends.
Why not introduce her to The Duchy?
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Why not introduce her to The Duchy?
Hmmmm....not a bad idea.....
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 09:46 PM
oOoo u do karate? Intimidate?LOL I love punking kids. Do you teach?
Sadly...we didn't make much. Tons of car pass, but very few stopped by.:mad:
Jujitsu 2 n half years, did boxing, taekwondo for a few months and didn't like so now i'm doing karate :) And teach? I wish ! I'm only 16 but I guess when I'm older I could teach, started it 6 months ago with my two cousins.
Shame about the carwash, damn those fools... most people today have no heart :(
You do anything other than Gaming?
Slash Redhand
07-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Why not introduce her to The Duchy?
Chrono, you must find a gf:p
Chrono Veincrusher
07-03-2008, 10:00 PM
Chrono, you must find a gf:p
That's what i was working on a few min ago...
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 10:01 PM
Chrono, you must find a gf:p
LOL. Chrono, how old are you? She might be too young for you.
Slash Redhand
07-03-2008, 10:02 PM
That's what i was working on a few min ago...
Oh, Sorry I didn't want to ruin your plans man.;)
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 10:08 PM
Oh, Sorry I didn't want to ruin your plans man.;)
Let him play it cool dude, let him use his charm :D
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 10:19 PM
Jujitsu 2 n half years, did boxing, taekwondo for a few months and didn't like so now i'm doing karate :) And teach? I wish ! I'm only 16 but I guess when I'm older I could teach, started it 6 months ago with my two cousins.
Shame about the carwash, damn those fools... most people today have no heart :(
You do anything other than Gaming?
LOL Tae Kwon Do is boring.
I've been training Kuk Sool for about two years now. It's a combo of Hapkido, Kung fu, and weapons. I'm 23. Although I should be in the adult class, a lot of times, I also train with the younger ones during the kid's class. I sparred a 13 year old yesterday :D:D:D
Call me a bully, but hey! I wouldn't take some of those kids lightly! They're tough cookies. I thought karate and Tae Kwon Do are very similar arts.
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 10:33 PM
LOL Tae Kwon Do is boring.
I've been training Kuk Sool for about two years now. It's a combo of Hapkido, Kung fu, and weapons. I'm 23. Although I should be in the adult class, a lot of times, I also train with the younger ones during the kid's class. I sparred a 13 year old yesterday :D:D:D
Call me a bully, but hey! I wouldn't take some of those kids lightly! They're tough cookies. I thought karate and Tae Kwon Do are very similar arts.
Kuk Sool, thats a new one for me sounds good though.
Lol you bully, although as older people we have earned the right to bully little kids!
And Tae Kwon Do and Karate (Shotokan in my case) are very different, if I have to ever spend a whole 1h 30min pacing a room doing just kicks again i'll slit myself. Karate is more practical I think.
P.s. I win, I get to spar against 8 and 9 year olds :p and with a shout like mine... muwahaha. It's hilarious they jump out of their skin.
Chrono Veincrusher
07-03-2008, 10:38 PM
LOL. Chrono, how old are you? She might be too young for you.
22, We'll see. ;)
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 10:47 PM
Kuk Sool, thats a new one for me sounds good though.
Lol you bully, although as older people we have earned the right to bully little kids!
And Tae Kwon Do and Karate (Shotokan in my case) are very different, if I have to ever spend a whole 1h 30min pacing a room doing just kicks again i'll slit myself. Karate is more practical I think.
P.s. I win, I get to spar against 8 and 9 year olds :p and with a shout like mine... muwahaha. It's hilarious they jump out of their skin.
:eek:8 and 9 year olds!! :eek:You're the real bully!!!!! It's actually Kuk Sool Kwan, an ancient royal court martial arts of Korea. It used to be taught to royal bodyguards of Korea. This is all before Tae Kwon Do. In a nutshell, when Japan occupied Korea, they outlawed the practice of Kuk Sool. If anyone wanted to learn martial arts, they had to learn Karate. Speaking Korean was even illegal for a short time. Kuk Sool survived in secret training. After Japan left, Korea was trying to find a national identity and decided to make Tae Kwon Do(which is Karate, but with higher kicks) their national martial arts.
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 11:00 PM
:eek:8 and 9 year olds!! :eek:You're the real bully!!!!! It's actually Kuk Sool Kwan, an ancient royal court martial arts of Korea. It used to be taught to royal bodyguards of Korea. This is all before Tae Kwon Do. In a nutshell, when Japan occupied Korea, they outlawed the practice of Kuk Sool. If anyone wanted to learn martial arts, they had to learn Karate. Speaking Korean was even illegal for a short time. Kuk Sool survived in secret training. After Japan left, Korea was trying to find a national identity and decided to make Tae Kwon Do(which is Karate, but with higher kicks) their national martial arts.
I really hope I got all that right.
One thing, Ancient Japan did jujitsu, karate is a later off-spring of Jujitsu combined with another i think... but any martial art from that time phrase is good simply beacuse it's been altered and adjusted for a thousand years + (?) Although with the jujitsu, this was the time of the samurai so this may have came later :)
Tilia Virga
07-03-2008, 11:03 PM
One thing, Ancient Japan did jujitsu, karate is a later off-spring of Jujitsu combined with another i think... but any martial art from that time phrase is good simply beacuse it's been altered and adjusted for a thousand years + (?) Although with the jujitsu, this was the time of the samurai so this may have came later :)
I just have Kuk Sool pride!!!!
Whatever floats your boat :p
p.s. you're still a bully for punking 8 year olds.
Brandon Greymoor
07-03-2008, 11:04 PM
I just have Kuk Sool pride!!!!
Whatever floats your boat :p
p.s. you're still a bully for punking 8 year olds.
hehe if you think thats bad I actually hit a 12 year old in the face two weeks back, was free sparing and he didn't even step back -_-
Einar Tyrssen
07-04-2008, 06:48 AM
hehe if you think thats bad I actually hit a 12 year old in the face two weeks back, was free sparing and he didn't even step back -_-
I whacked my brother's friend in the head with a wooden training sword when I was teaching him. He wasn't following my advice on keeping your guard up so I smacked him in the temple and his knees went limp. He was on the ground like "what happened" and I explained to him the importance of being aware and keeping your guard up (again) and we continued.
He still kept failing, though so I decided to improve his accuracy by throwing basketballs at him. If he can't guard, at least he can parry.
Slash Redhand
07-04-2008, 09:03 AM
You teach martial arts Einar?
Brandon Greymoor
07-04-2008, 09:38 AM
I whacked my brother's friend in the head with a wooden training sword when I was teaching him. He wasn't following my advice on keeping your guard up so I smacked him in the temple and his knees went limp. He was on the ground like "what happened" and I explained to him the importance of being aware and keeping your guard up (again) and we continued.
He still kept failing, though so I decided to improve his accuracy by throwing basketballs at him. If he can't guard, at least he can parry.
Lol that sounds like fun!
Tilia Virga
07-04-2008, 07:08 PM
You teach martial arts Einar?
Nah, he doesn't teach. He never misses an opportunity to torment little kids.
Spaw Kindred
07-04-2008, 07:30 PM
Nah, he doesn't teach. He never misses an opportunity to torment little kids.
That or backyard wrestling with florescence lights on street curbs; but imo, aikido is win :D
Slash Redhand
07-04-2008, 10:18 PM
aikido is win :D
Steven Seagal?
Muay Thai all the way.
Pwns everything that moves.
Einar Tyrssen
07-04-2008, 10:55 PM
You teach martial arts Einar?
He was curious about sword arts, and I train in the German school. So I learn't him good.
Nah, he doesn't teach. He never misses an opportunity to torment little kids.
That too.
That or backyard wrestling with florescence lights on street curbs; but imo, aikido is win :D
This is rural Minnesota, we don't have streets with florescent lights. The yard light is about as close as you're going to get.
Spaw Kindred
07-05-2008, 12:08 AM
This is rural Minnesota, we don't have streets with florescent lights. The yard light is about as close as you're going to get.
You put a florescent light on the street curb itself, then you smash the kids face on it.
Einar Tyrssen
07-05-2008, 01:39 AM
You put a florescent light on the street curb itself, then you smash the kids face on it.
Oh! Good idea :D
Godric Whitetree
07-05-2008, 01:53 AM
This is rural Minnesota, we don't have streets with florescent lights. The yard light is about as close as you're going to get.
Doesn't sound all that different than out here in West TN, except our neighbors are the only ones with a yard light for 2 miles in any direction. Gets kinda dark out here....
Einar Tyrssen
07-05-2008, 06:14 AM
Doesn't sound all that different than out here in West TN, except our neighbors are the only ones with a yard light for 2 miles in any direction. Gets kinda dark out here....
I know how that is, the forest is absolutely dark and waaaay off you see a blue glow, barely lighting anything. You can see it lighting things up farther away, but not where you are. Kind of messes you up, because things seem much darker than they really are when your eyes get something to compare to. Except I think I might have more trees than you have. The only spots without trees, really, have swamps or are farm fields. No open grassy spots unless they're artificial.
You can find out exactly where a house was just by the fact that there's grass and maybe some saplings.
Godric Whitetree
07-05-2008, 08:02 AM
We have quite a few trees, but few woodlands. Its all agriculture out here, so open fields and empty spaces abound. I'm also close to the Mississippi River, so there are some wet spots around, too, especially down in the bottoms. I definitely prefer it to the bustling urban zones, though.
Aery Thiralis
07-05-2008, 09:47 AM
Living in the countryside which still has a big city nearby on a 10 minutes drive > living in the city
Holland sux though, nothing pretty to see here.
Slash Redhand
07-05-2008, 11:20 AM
Holland has some of the best countrysides.
So enjoy the beautiful nature around you my friend.
Brandon Greymoor
07-05-2008, 11:25 AM
Living in the countryside which still has a big city nearby on a 10 minutes drive > living in the city
Holland sux though, nothing pretty to see here.
I see trees of green... red roses to, and just outside my window, a grey house to block my view and I think to myself... what a wounderful world.
I live 40 min's away from the city basically surrounded by houses.
Einar Tyrssen
07-05-2008, 12:22 PM
We have quite a few trees, but few woodlands. Its all agriculture out here, so open fields and empty spaces abound. I'm also close to the Mississippi River, so there are some wet spots around, too, especially down in the bottoms. I definitely prefer it to the bustling urban zones, though.
Doesn't compare to our wetlands. People come from notoriously "swampy" areas and when they arrive here, the one thing they always say is, "fuck, ya'll got a lotta skeeters." The previous, quote, is verbatim from somebody born and raised in Florida.
We have more of those nasty, little fuckers than Florida. Swamps and ponds are pretty and all but dude. Spring hits and ho ho ho welcome to west nile and malaria.
Brandon Greymoor
07-05-2008, 01:23 PM
Offically a full member now! even though my rank hasn't changed it has been delcared! Victory to me :D Finally I can get a cool sig. and join you guys :D
Einar Tyrssen
07-05-2008, 02:11 PM
Offically a full member now! even though my rank hasn't changed it has been delcared! Victory to me :D Finally I can get a cool sig. and join you guys :D
Eit er fr??i? um Nornagest,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
t?l?kum g??um gekk han n?st,
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
oksar t?lv v?ru leiddir ? torg
og so fram ? fr??u borg
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Kongur ?tlar at h?gga teir,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
T?l?kum g??um gekk ta? vi? gleim.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Kongurin hj? so miki? h?gg,
At bl??i? dreiv vi? benjar d?gg
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Allir duttu teir dey?ir ni?ur,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
?xin st?? ? stokki vi?.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Allir lova?u hilmarh?gg,
bl??i? dreiv um benjard?gg.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Har kom kall vi? h?kjur tv?r,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Studdist so fast ? b??ar t?r.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Kongurin kv??ur kalli bl?ttt:
?Hv? lovar t? ikki h?ggi? m?tt?
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Yvri? harra var h?ggi? t?tt,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
? for?um s? eg v?nari sl?kt.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
T? skalv b??i leyv og lund,
Sjur?ur h?gg ormin ? mi?ju sundur.?
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
?Kanst t? siga fr? Sjur? svein,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
hann var fr?gur av fornum ein.?
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
?Ta? kann eg siga Sjur?i fr?,
t?likan eingin vi? eygum s?.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
H?gni var ein hei?ursmann,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Ljotan av lit so kendi eg hann.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Gunnar var so reystur og r?kur,
fr??ur og bl??ur og Gunhild l?kur.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Fr??ur og bl??ur og Gunhild l?kur,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Seint man f??ast annar sl?kur.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Fa?ir m?n ?tti fr??dligt b?.
Fj?l ta? miki? um manga k?.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Eg sat ? sk?gvi og goymdi hest,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Helst t? i? ve?uri? var best.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Ri?u teir um diki? heim,
Gunnar og H?gni og Sj?r?ur svein.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
R??u teir um d?ki? t?,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Eg var sevin og s? har?.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Gunnars hestur sprakk um fyrst,
Gunnar kandi v?l tann dyst.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
H?gna hestur sprakk um t?,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Grani fastur ? feni l?.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Sj?r?ar hestur sprakk um s??st,
t? gav Gu? m?r go?an list.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Grani fell ? feni? fast,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
galtagj?r?in sundur brast.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Allir stigu ?r s??lum teir,
Gunnar, H?gni og Sj?r?ur svein.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Allir tuga ? d?ran hest,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Sj?r?ur tugar ? teymar mest.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Ofta havi eg um d?ki? trott
b??i dag og d?kka n?tt.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Gestur, ger m?r viljan ein
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
tv?a m?n g??a gangara rein?.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Sylgjan, ?? sundur brast fyri m?r,
Hana, Gestur, gevi eg t?r.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Ri?u so fram at eina ?,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Eingin kundi til manna sj?.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Eg tv?a?i hans br?st og bringa rein?,
hans l?r og legg og langa bein.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
G??an gangara gj?rdi eg rein?,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
s??an hev?i meg Sjur?ur til svein. .
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
V?r r??um so fram ? F?vnis b?l,
Har skein gull sum geisar av s?l.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Eg t?k eitt h?r av sama hesti,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
ta? var s?tt og vaxi? mest.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Ta? var favn og feti s?tt.
gl?gva?i r?tt sum silvur hv?tt.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Eg havi ? for?um fari? v?tt,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Ei funni? lj?s og l?vi? m?tt.?
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Kongur gav honum skaft og skei?,
Og sj?lvur seg?i han kalli lei?.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
?? Fraklandi er vatni? v?tt,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
Har er lj?s og l?vi? t?tt.?
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
Leingi kava?i kurtis mann,
??ur hann beint ? bl?ggi? fann.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
K?rnar prestur sk?r?i hann,
-t? tarvst onki r?? geva ? vanda-
T? lei? l?v sum lj?si? brann.
-hv?r ein sveinur geri so-
T? i? lj?s ? lyktu var brent,
T? var l?v og levna? ent.
-Hv?ta tjald n?vir ni?ur frammi.
Enn gellir l??ur ? stavni,
Kallur kom heim vi? ungum syni,
Kelling situr so h?konu bl??,
Hv?ta tjald n?vur ni?ur frammi.-
Tilia Virga
07-06-2008, 01:24 AM
Is there a youtube video that goes with that? I'm curious as to what that sounds like.
Surly von Fishbarrel
07-06-2008, 01:44 AM
Is there a youtube video that goes with that? I'm curious as to what that sounds like.
Not as spectacular now, is it?
Covo FaerdhĂnen
07-06-2008, 01:11 PM
it actualy sounds brilliant!
Einar Tyrssen
07-07-2008, 11:54 PM
Not as spectacular now, is it?
Very untrue, it makes it even more badass than just a wall of text nobody can read. Not even the Swedes.
it actualy sounds brilliant!
Agreed. I discovered it while I left "How far to Asgaard" running in Winamp. I was all "oh shit!" and seperated the two songs just so I could listen to the Norse badass singing. Then I got drunk and learned the lyrics.
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