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View Full Version : Hiya from the Dragon nerd!

Talya Drakefire
06-12-2008, 03:59 PM
I'm hoping to become a member of Wessex. My name is Tanya and i'm a 15 year old (zomg really?!) from north west England (an NO i am not a chav....).
I am a huge fan of RPGs and have played recently games such as, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Diablo 2 + LoD, Two Worlds and i think theres more but i cant quite remember. Other game genres that I like include RTS games, big big fan of Supreme Comannder, the entire Age of Empires series, Warcraft 3 + expansion, LotR Battle for Middle-Earth 2 and again a lot more which i cant be bothered to name. I also play a lot of FPS games such as Rainbowsix Vegas 1 and 2, CoD 4, Team Fortress 2 and CS...... The list goes on so ill spare you the boredom and get on with it.

I have gained my MMO experiance from WoW (dun dun duuuun) but recently since Darkfall appears closer to release than ever i can't play it for more than a an hour or two a week.

I look forward to talking with all of you and hopefully we shall meet in the game soon!


Slash Redhand
06-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Hi there;).

Welcome to the Duchy.

Chrono Veincrusher
06-12-2008, 04:13 PM
Greetings Tayla! ;)
Where do you see yourself in Darkfall?

Spaw Kindred
06-12-2008, 04:20 PM
I'm hoping to become a member of Wessex. My name is Tanya and i'm a 15 year old (zomg really?!) from north west England (an NO i am not a chav....).
I am a huge fan of RPGs and have played recently games such as, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Diablo 2 + LoD, Two Worlds and i think theres more but i cant quite remember. Other game genres that I like include RTS games, big big fan of Supreme Comannder, the entire Age of Empires series, Warcraft 3 + expansion, LotR Battle for Middle-Earth 2 and again a lot more which i cant be bothered to name. I also play a lot of FPS games such as Rainbowsix Vegas 1 and 2, CoD 4, Team Fortress 2 and CS...... The list goes on so ill spare you the boredom and get on with it.

I have gained my MMO experiance from WoW (dun dun duuuun) but recently since Darkfall appears closer to release than ever i can't play it for more than a an hour or two a week.

I look forward to talking with all of you and hopefully we shall meet in the game soon!


:O Sounds like win to me.

Thusard von Hellman
06-12-2008, 04:23 PM
Greetings and Welcome to Wessex

Talya Drakefire
06-12-2008, 04:25 PM
Greetings Tayla! ;)
Where do you see yourself in Darkfall?

Going for melee with a slight back up from archery since theres nothing worse than having an enemy you cant reach, so hopefully i can work around that.

I'm also going to work on my crafting while im not PvPing.

Tewdric Veincrusher
06-12-2008, 04:47 PM

Another BRIT!!!!!!!!!! did i mention!!!!!!!!!!

Morgual Wehllyn
06-12-2008, 05:07 PM
Hello and Welcome

Vec Peregrinus
06-12-2008, 06:30 PM
Why hello there, Talya! Welcome to Wessex!

Any ideas what race you would like to play?

Einar Tyrssen
06-12-2008, 06:57 PM

Anyhow, Welcome.

Tilia Virga
06-13-2008, 05:54 AM
HI Tayla! Welcome to Wessex! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

Why are u called the dragon nerd?

Vasidius Kalgar
06-13-2008, 06:22 AM
Welcome to Wessex Dragon Nerd!

Always good to have another Pommy around haha.

Talya Drakefire
06-13-2008, 09:26 AM
HI Tayla! Welcome to Wessex! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

Why are u called the dragon nerd?

Because i love dwagons! weee :eek:

and im not sure what race im going to play but im sort of leaning towards a human right now as i played an elf through most of WoW so its time for a change i guess :)

Cjinx Almeida
06-13-2008, 02:45 PM
played an elf through most of WoW You mean you didn't play a gnome?!

Nice to meet you, hope to see you playing BF2 one of these days...

Tilia Virga
06-14-2008, 05:17 PM
Because i love dwagons! weee :eek:

and im not sure what race im going to play but im sort of leaning towards a human right now as i played an elf through most of WoW so its time for a change i guess :)

LOL. I love them too.:p Welcome to Wessex.