View Full Version : The Lycian Republic

06-04-2008, 07:00 PM
The Lycian Republic


Our Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2gEcON_0Yk)

Capital: Lycaeus
Race: Human
Founder: General Tycius Velius Lycaeus (deceased)
Consul : Jodaius Venator
Allies : Wessex

The Council of Nine

The Council of Nine is the ruling political body of The Lycian Republic, with each of its nine members, and the sub-councils under them, overseeing a different portion of the government; however all major decisions, such as the passing of new laws or a declaration of war, require a vote of majority, at least five, in the Council.

The Consul
The Consul is the political leader of the Council; he is responsible for maintaining foreign relations and for all diplomatic negotiations that occur between the Republic and another party.

The Magister Militum
The Magister Militum or 'Master of the Soldiers' is the military leader of the Council; he is responsible for recruiting, training, and maintaining the Legion and is in-charge of all military operations.

The Quaestor
The Quaestor is the financial affairs officer of the Council; he is responsible for the collection of taxes, and maintaining the budget.

The Praefectus Vigilum
The Praefectus Vigilum is the commander of the Vigiles or Police; he is responsible for resolving all internal conflicts, between members or groups of members, and upholding the laws set down by the Council.

The Praefectus Industrium
The Praefectus Industrium is the industrial officer of the Council; he is responsible for acquiring both raw resources and finished goods to ensure the economic security of the Republic and to maintain the supply of goods necessary for the military operations of the Legion.

The Praefectus Conscientia
The Praefectus Conscientia is the intelligence officer of the Council; he is responsible both for infiltrating and gathering intelligence on other factions and ensuring that other factions are unable to infiltrate or gather intelligence on the Legion.

The Praefectus Praetorio
The Praefectus Praetorio is the commander of the Council's guard; he is responsible for ensuring the safety of all Council members and any other important persons in the Republic.

The Pontifex Maximus
The Pontifex Maximus is the high priest of the Republic; he is responsible for conducting all major ceremonies and is in-charge of all the Legion's healers.

The Plebicola
The Plebicola is the elected representative of the Republic; he is responsible for representing all Citizens of the Republic and ensuring that the Council does not become corrupt or immoral.

The Lycian Military

The Lycian Military is one of the best military organizations in the world; their combination of fanatic zeal, mercilessness, and brutality, has helped to earn them the reputation of achieving victory at any cost. Their motto is Victoria aut mors, 'Victory or death!?

The Magister Militum or 'Master of the Soldiers' is the supreme military commander; he is responsible for all major decision making concerning the war and how it should be carried out.

The Legatii are the commanders of the legions; they are responsible for all major decision making concerning their legions, such as when and where each will fight, above all it is their duty to ensure that the mission gets done.

The Primus Tribunus is the second in command of a legion; he is responsible for ensuring that the legion has the equipment, training and organization it needs to function properly.

The Tribuni are the commanders of the five cohorts in a legion; they are responsible for training and organizing their cohorts and ensuring that each performs its duties.

The Cataphractarii are the elite soldiers of a legion; these soldiers are the best combatants in a legion and are typically used as reserves for when the enemy has been worn down from fighting the Legionarri and Novus Dammae.

The Legionarri are the basic soldiers of a legion; these soldiers are the main combatants of a legion and perform various other duties as well such as constructing makeshift fortifications and digging roads.

The Novus Dammae or 'Fresh Meat' are the raw recruits of a legion; these soldiers are considered the most expendable combatants of a legion and are frequently given the most dangerous tasks.

OOC: You may or may not have known us as Death Legion, from Project Entropia/Entropia Universe, Face of Mankind and a few other MMOs. The core entity of our clan has been around for almost six or so years now and we're starting to get into Darkfall as a Vassal entity of Wessex, who we look forward to fighting besides

Spaw Kindred
06-04-2008, 07:04 PM
I sense the usage of the word "nigger" to rise 200%.

Welcome and about time :)


06-04-2008, 07:06 PM
welcome to wessex

Slash Redhand
06-04-2008, 07:14 PM
Welcome to the Duchy:gds::gds:

Miles Dei
06-04-2008, 07:35 PM
teh booms.

Lycian has a great ring to it. Welcome aboard, DL. You and your talent are most welcomed and appreciated here.

<3 Friday

Cynric Oakheart
06-04-2008, 08:48 PM
Is audie in this too

Spaw Kindred
06-04-2008, 08:59 PM
Yes, Audie is Salvius.

Adrastos Deimos
06-04-2008, 09:05 PM

Barden Jusik
06-04-2008, 09:16 PM
Welcome to the Lycian Republic

Chrono Veincrusher
06-04-2008, 10:03 PM
Welcome aboard!

Grim Dvalin
06-04-2008, 10:55 PM
Well, atleast DL wont actually be in the Duchy. They will be safely located in another forum =D.

Komako the Hawk
06-05-2008, 01:02 AM
I look forward to your involvement and your unique skills in gaming.

Bernardo dei Medici
06-05-2008, 03:23 AM
Republics are hawtt <3

Slash Redhand
06-05-2008, 10:31 AM
Ohh nice to see new peple around. Wasup boyzzz?;)

Einar Tyrssen
06-05-2008, 08:15 PM
I sense the usage of the word "nigger" to rise 200%.

Welcome and about time :)


*faint smile*

Welcome, Lycians.