View Full Version : Hello all, did you get my app?
05-17-2006, 12:00 PM
Greets future fellow Darkfaller's :D
I posted an app on your site 4-5 days ago I think but haven't heard back yet. If you guys didn't get it let me know I can repost, or I could just ramble on in this thread, either way!
05-17-2006, 03:11 PM
Whoops, I got the e-mail response this morning and my spam blocker had moved it, this can by my introduction thread then.
Hello Duchy, I was drawn to your guild much by your leadership structure. I'm also drawn to the idea of having a military that does practice drills and functions well as a team. I always like to be part of a team effort in MMO's, and so of course I appreciate when things run smoothly. That's also why I like to usually play classes with key team roles, having a lvl 220 enforcer (tank) in Anarchy Online where I played for four years, and a lvl 60 priest in WoW that I raided MC and BWL with for 8 months.
I'm glad to see I've been accepted as a trial member. I plan on playing a paladin-style support character in Darkfall, heavy armour, buffs and heals. I'll have a character of last name Serious, assuming I can nab that before anyone else does at launch. Leaning towards Vilhelm Serious atm.
Well I'll get to perusing this forum more thoroughly, thanks for having me, now lets hurry up and wait for DFO!
*Edit* I'm not sure which forum sections I should have access to as a trial member, but pls update my access, thanks.
05-17-2006, 05:45 PM
It should be fixed now.
Miles Dei
05-17-2006, 11:33 PM
Jord Hunter
05-18-2006, 12:58 AM
Greetings! Welcome to the Duchy :)
Nira Nathair
05-18-2006, 03:23 AM
Greetings and welcome!
Alexio Corbeille
05-19-2006, 06:03 AM
I raided MC and BWL with for 8 months.
wow.... well i quit wow way before i reached lvl 60... but 8 months in MC and BWL?? dam those must be some freakin huge dungeons...
ohh ya.... GREETINGS \/ peace
Manus Dei
05-19-2006, 07:08 AM
I am pleased to see that you did receive our response. Welcome to you, sir. I always appreciate it when someone understands the spirit of Wessex.
05-19-2006, 03:09 PM
wow.... well i quit wow way before i reached lvl 60... but 8 months in MC and BWL?? dam those must be some freakin huge dungeons...
ohh ya.... GREETINGS \/ peace
Hehe.. Well they are somewhat large, but mostly it was the learning curve that took time. The best we did on any boss was 2 weeks to learn it, or basically 2 nights of attempts. We were killing up to Ragnaros in MC for a while before BWL was out, believe it or not it took us 2 months and a guild disband / reformation before we took Ragnaros down ;). Then our newly formed guild went on on kill Nefarian approx 5-6 months later. We were on Vaelestrasz for another 2 months :confused: back when you could only spend 1 hour attempting him then you were shut out till the dungeon reset in 5 days. Yeesh.
The challenge of the PvE content was nice. Getting 40 people to meet up 3 times a week and actually work together is a bit of an undertaking. I never was one to squeel like a little girl on ventrilo (there were a few that did) whenever I got a new item, so the process of farming them for 15-20 hours a week wasn't worth it for me. Overcoming those challenges the first time was some worthwhile gaming though.
Aiden Morild
05-19-2006, 05:16 PM
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