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View Full Version : New Trial Member

04-19-2008, 09:00 PM

I'm a Shadowbane player from back shortly after release, and just got back into the game in again in the last few days. While looking for a nation on the loreplay server, I came across the recruiting thread in the enlistment forum for the Duchy.

I looked into joining the Shadowbane nation and found out that there was also much anticipation for Darkfall. I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years now, and my favorites have been those with a lot of freedom in the game, plus meaningful PvP... so not only am I joining up with you in Shadowbane, but now I'll be along in Darkfall, too :)

Anyway, my real name is Kyle. I'm 24, from the U.S. I'm on my break before my second semester of law school, so I often don't have a lot of free time during the week, but on the weekends I'm usually online playing quite regularly.

What I've seen so far really has me looking forward to playing with you guys, and I hope I can make the feeling mutual :)

Oh, right. And could I get access to the appropriate forums? I'm afraid I don't know which ones they are, or I'd be specific.

Barden Jusik
04-19-2008, 09:06 PM
Welcome to the Duchy! What is your character race and class? How do you imagine that you'll fit in with the clan for Darkfall?

Chrono Veincrusher
04-19-2008, 10:41 PM
You're most welcome to Wessex, Strapping.
Have you been following Darkfall for a long time, or just recently found out about it?

04-20-2008, 01:27 AM
Hail and well met, Strapping. I look forward to seeing you within our taverns. If you have any questions, feel free to pose them and we would all be happy to be able to answer them for you.

Finnigan McGowwan III
Clerk of the Ducal Court

04-20-2008, 01:37 AM
Well I've known of Darkfall for a year or so, but haven't paid much attention to it until relatively recently when I got fed up with all the other MMOs around and got my fill of all my old, single-player RPGs.

I haven't picked a race or class for Darkfall yet; at the moment I'm working on getting back into the Shadowbane swing of things to play with the members of WSX that have a nation on there.

In between times I'm on SB though I'll be checking out the DF forums and I'll get an answer to the race/class questions soon. The more I read about it, the more I like it :)

Barden Jusik
04-20-2008, 03:30 AM
Well I am glad to hear that you are enjoying Wessex. Hope to see you in Shadowbane.

Salamo Creighton
04-21-2008, 06:14 AM
Welcome to wessex mate, Im also on trial. :)

Vec Peregrinus
04-22-2008, 02:41 AM
Hello buddy boy and welcome to Wessex!