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Athrin Whiteblaze
05-14-2006, 06:26 PM
Hello all. I am Athrin Whiteblaze. I have just been accepted as a trial member to the Duchy, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce myself. Unfortunately, I am a former FoMer (AE Rank 6, VI Rank 6) as well and so I know some of the existing members of the Duchy already. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Setles for accepting the application, and I look forward to the future that awaits the Duchy in Darkfall. For know, I have chosen the path of the Ranger as well, but I will be taking the Yeoman test soon. I look forward to helping the Duke of Wessex in any way I can, and I am excited about the opportunity to getting to know and fight alongside all of you.

-Athrin Whiteblaze

*As a side note, I would like to request forum access to the relevant sections for a trial member. Thank you.

Aiden Morild
05-14-2006, 09:08 PM
Hey Athrin, was only in AE for a while before the big wipe, but I got to fight with ya :D