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View Full Version : To Einar Tyrssen, I pledge

Vilhjamur Helstag
04-15-2008, 07:43 AM
From my travels in the West, I have come here to request shelter under the great Einar Tyrssen. Glorious have my adventures been on the road, I now desire to find a more permanent place of drink and companionship. I wish I could elaborate more about where I have been, but my travels have left me weary.

Of you, I request, oh great Einar Tyrssen, to allow me to serve under your rule, serving the greater good as you see fit. If you grant my wish, I pledge to use my abilities to their furthest extent to faithfully serve and defend your kingdom and your kingship.

I am applying to join the Thanedom of Sleggjaholl
[Sidenote: Mods, would it be possible to change my name here to Vilhjamur Helstag?]

I heard about the Kingdom of Sleggjaholl from an acquaintance on irc, and after looking at Darkfall I realized that it was the type of guild I had been looking for since my UO days.

I was never one for PvP, as I enjoyed the chase more than the kill, so my skills would include being a scout/rogue, or ship maneuvering (sailing around the sea and exploring uncharted islands was one of the best parts of UO for me, next to pissing of PKers.). I am interested in getting into PvP more so this time around, but my main skills lie in evasion.

Socially, I'm rather easy to get along with. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

-Vilhjamur Helstag

Einar Tyrssen
04-15-2008, 07:49 AM
Though I am no king, I am willing to accept your pledge. It is good to see a Norseman so skilled and wise in travel wishing to join me in my hall. So let all know that I, Einar, accept Vilhjamur Helstag as a THRALL* (stfu Chrono McPerfectgrammarson) under me; may he serve with honor.


Vilhjamur Helstag
04-15-2008, 08:01 AM
I am most honoured to hear this my lord, I swear to serve you to the greatest extent possible!

Chrono Veincrusher
04-15-2008, 09:55 AM
You're most welcome, Vilhjamur Helstag!
Feel free to roam around on our board.

Vec Peregrinus
04-15-2008, 02:41 PM
Hello Thar and welcome to our happy abode Villy! :)