View Full Version : Hail!

05-14-2006, 08:40 AM
Subjects of the Duchy,

Greetings, I am Georg von Bismarck, some may know me, others may not. I hope to enter service in the name of His Grace, the honorable Duke of Wessex. When I enter the service of the Duchy I will immediately begin work on increasing His Grace's magnum opus. I've finished my Yeomans Test and I plan to become one of His Grace's loyal envoys.

I believe that the Duchy contains men who are well educated, and of intellectual stature which may manifest in the clarity of the Duchy's future. I hope to help lay the foundations of the duchy's conceptual edifice in terms of diplomacy and organization which may dominate the rest of Mercia. Diplomacy using words of action to effiecatly greater the Duchy's postion. Also, the importance of making the Duchy a fluid structure of authority which is well managed, well delegated, and efficient in all levels. So to keep the lowest burden on the Ducal Court as possible, but to have everyone living in the duchy to attain a high standard of initiative (For example, every soldier carries a field marshal's baton in his kit). This will allow for a command, inputted by the Duchy's authority, to guarantee a greater, maximized, output.

I give an oath to be loyal and obedient to the Duke of Wessex and to fulfill his orders. If His Grace orders me to jump, I'll respond, "How high?" If His Grace orders me to position myself as a sentry I will stand up right like a marble statue. If His Grace wants me to charge into a suicidal frenzy I will tell him that it was an honor to serve.

Robert Setles
05-14-2006, 10:12 AM
I hope you will continue working like you started off last round.

Welcome back.

my words were harsh and inappropriate sorry :S