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View Full Version : A Ranger wonders in from the Republi...

Valic Fortan
04-06-2008, 03:47 AM
Entering the city Valic was graced by beautiful sites all around him. He understood why the republic he had come to call home had become such good friends with the people of Wessex. Valic stood there for awhile just taking in the scope of the grand city and all the people in it, he did not even notice the guard come up behind him.

?Hail there stranger. I see you are a little overwhelmed by are city is there any thing I can help guide you to?? The guard asked with utmost honesty. Valic was reminded of when he first entered the city of Soacio not so long ago and how welcomed he was, it was the same here.

With a smile Valic replied ?No my good man I have just coming to visit your fine city after finding out that we are allies. I have recently been accepted into the committee of the crowned republic of silver sun. So as soon as I heard of are two nations ties I thought it a good time to make a journey to your fine city and see it for myself.?

The guard nodded and gave a bow to Valic and said ?Well if there is any thing you need help with just ask myself or anyone else around.? After that the guard continued his patrol of the city and left Valic on his own.

OOC ?Just wished to learn more of wessex and introduce myself to every one here. Also is there any way I can get put under the label of a republic of silver sun member. Thanks and hope to have nice talks with you all. /bow?

Vec Peregrinus
04-06-2008, 05:07 AM
Greetings oh traveler from our allied lands and Welcome to Wessex! Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Slash Redhand
04-06-2008, 08:24 AM
Welcome to Wessex Valic:gds::gds:

Tewdric Veincrusher
04-06-2008, 09:07 AM
Welcome to Wessex, i hope you find your stay a comtable one.

I am Tewdric a pursuivant to Chrono and i will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


Chrono Veincrusher
04-06-2008, 04:00 PM
Greetings Valic.
Always nice to see people from the Republic on these forums.
I'm sure a Sheriff can give you a Republic title.

Valic Fortan
04-06-2008, 04:29 PM
Thank you all for the warm welcome I am truly happy to know are nations are friends. Your city is has so much to see.

OOC (I am mostly looking around reading threads and every thing I most say I love your RP tavern forum I love reading players background lore.)

Valic Fortan
04-06-2008, 07:40 PM
OOC (Thank you who ever labeled me as a citizen of the republic. /bow)

Erwin Carius
04-07-2008, 02:05 AM
It's like Batman, you just give the signal and it'll mysteriously get done. ;)