Pattrik Riley
04-04-2008, 02:00 AM
everyone stops to wonder what this behemoth is going to do as he walk boldly up to the Lord of Wessex. He stops looks around, swiftly he pulls out an old blade. All the Dukes men draw steel to defend their lord, but before anyone can move the half giant falls to one knee and proclaims, "MiLord, I am Pattrik Riley of the Clan Riley far to the north of here in the weathered highlands. I come to you this day because I have heard your name spread across the land as one true and just. I have a dire need my lord. My clans are under attack. As we speak an outpost is going up they call it Fort Vitrus and from it these wretches have attacked my people, stolen their goods, and taken our women. They steal our food and our crops, leaving us naught. I beg you milord to accept me into your protection so that I might learn how to repel these invaders. For my people I will indenture myself, do anything, to save them. This blade my father gave me when I was but a young boy, I give now to you to show that I will always be your man." He offers up the sword hold it by the blade with both hands. The Duke takes the blade. Pattrik reaches into his cloak and removes a small sack, emptying it into his hand he offers it as well. "This gold I give to you in hopes of prosperous times for us in the future. That by you having me I bring you fortune and that I in return will gain wealth of knowledge." The Duke takes the offered sword by the hilt and simply says, "As you kneel before me Pattrik Riley, I accept your offer , by this blow do you take on the pain of those in more need than you." He swings the sword and gives Pattrik a light cut on the shoulder. He then hands Pattrik a pendant. "Take this and wear it so that all in the land will know you are my man and you speak with my authority. Together we will find a way to rid your land of these invaders. In hopes that our two people can have peace between us as it has been for many a generation."
Pattrik stands up turns and swiftly leaves the room, leaving the Duke to wonder if he had made a wise decision allowing this man to join him in a time like this. For war was upon him to.......
Pattrik stands up turns and swiftly leaves the room, leaving the Duke to wonder if he had made a wise decision allowing this man to join him in a time like this. For war was upon him to.......