View Full Version : Greetings to all
Mordraig Gudrunson
03-31-2008, 03:15 AM
I would like to take a moment to say hello to everyone.
My name is Mordraig Ljossalfheimer and I just submitted an application on your website.
I have been following Darkfall for some time and finally decided to get involved a bit more pre-game so to speak. I have a character background roughed out and look forward to making a formal introduction if I am accepted.
I have also just downloaded Shadowbane and created a character in preperation in the event I am accepted. I had not played Shadowbane before today but I am slowly learning how it works and am at lvl 19 at the moment.
I hope to be able to asist the Duchy in its aims in both games.
Komako the Hawk
03-31-2008, 04:00 AM
It's great to see members instantly take interest in our main game. When you need an invite to Wessex in SB, get in ventrilo and ask around. Our vent info will be public once you've been accepted as a trial member - which I'm sure you will!
Chrono Veincrusher
03-31-2008, 05:38 AM
Welcome Mordraig!
I concur, it's nice to see you showing interest in our pre-game.
Just a quick question about Darkfall, what kind of play style do you prefer?
Mordraig Gudrunson
03-31-2008, 10:07 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome.
As to playstyle, I'm primarilary a crafter, usually play a caster with a balanced spell repertoire, and in DAoC I paricipated in the RVR aspects of the game a fair amount and often would set up and run rams on keep raids as well as repairing doors on the defense.
Due to Darkfall's style I may play a hybrid with some more melee skills but its difficult to know exactly till im in game. The one factor that won't change is crafting. As I play a bit of POTBS right now I might even focus on woodworking and possibly shipbuilding.
Slash Redhand
03-31-2008, 11:32 AM
welcome to Wessex:gds::gds:
Vec Peregrinus
03-31-2008, 01:50 PM
Hello Thar and welcome to Wessex Mordraig! Any ideas on which race you'll be once DF comes out?
Mordraig Gudrunson
03-31-2008, 07:58 PM
I'll be playing a human in Darkfall
Orishas Morgan
03-31-2008, 09:24 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome.
As to playstyle, I'm primarilary a crafter, usually play a caster with a balanced spell repertoire, and in DAoC I paricipated in the RVR aspects of the game a fair amount and often would set up and run rams on keep raids as well as repairing doors on the defense.
Due to Darkfall's style I may play a hybrid with some more melee skills but its difficult to know exactly till im in game. The one factor that won't change is crafting. As I play a bit of POTBS right now I might even focus on woodworking and possibly shipbuilding.
Welcome! Another person interested in shipbuilding. What server do you play on POTBS?
Barden Jusik
04-01-2008, 01:31 AM
Welcome to Wessex! You should start playing shadowbane with us.
Mordraig Gudrunson
04-01-2008, 02:48 AM
I play on Bonny, though I canceled my subscription today. Its still active till th 24th though. Just too frustrating an endeavor in a guild of 2 and playing a Freetrader doesn't help.
As far as Shadowbane goes im still learning the ropes a bit but I have 2 characters, both channelers (one mage/chan 20 that I learned on and is probably a borked spec, and a priest/chan 19 thats a bit better spec'd but not a pure build)
Mordraig Ljossalfheimer and Arintyll Fenrirsbane
Havent been off the starting Island yet and mostly expect to get rolled as I am still just 2 days new to SB.
I have not yet received a trial membership to the Duchy as far as my inbox tells me, If you want me to head where you guys are once I leave the starter island, I'd be more than happy to.
Mordraig Gudrunson
04-01-2008, 06:41 AM
Having received my Trial membership email today, I would like to request forum access to whatever areas you feel I need access to. (sorry i don't know which ones to request specifically)
I'll be posting a character background in the appropriate forum later on and the will post a more propre introduction.
Thanks for the oppertunity.
Mordraig Gudrunson
04-01-2008, 07:57 AM
Your Grace,
May the light of the Three part Wisdom be keeping you in good health.
A young man will come come to your court seeking entrance to your lands to work as a carpenter in the days to come. It is my belief that he will serve you well in the days to come. He will go by the name of Mordraig. As always the final decision is yours to make.
With warm regards, L.
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