View Full Version : Salutations
03-18-2008, 10:21 AM
*deftly removes his cap and tucks it under his arm*
I wishes to present myself, I am called Greyhame your Lordship, Gawyn Greyhame. I am new to these parts and wish to offer my services, as much as they are. I have sent word to your clerks via the regular method of contact but thought a more personal introduction would not go amiss under the circumstances.
Well with your leave, your Grace I will make haste to the nearest hostel and attend to my humble affairs. I would not want to distract you from your business.
May the light illume your path.
*sketches a low bow*
Manus Dei
03-18-2008, 10:32 AM
His Grace placed the fingertips of both hands together with his elbows resting on his mahogany desk while he listened to the newcomer's polite introduction.
"Very good, then. Welcome to the Wessex. I am sure you have no reason to doubt that a clerk will be contacting you soon."
His Grace got up nonchalantly while looking over a certain document, then strolled toward the door. As he passed the bowing figure, he casually passed his hand over the individual's head - all without looking up from the paper.
"I accept you as my villein from this day forth, for life and worldy honor, and shall make right by you and your family for the land you hold of me in villeinage. Very well, dismissed."
His Grace then went and sat behind his desk again, still poring over the document.
//It's a pleasure to have you. Welcome to our clan. :-)
03-18-2008, 10:35 AM
*Glanced at the figure briefly,blinking *
Thank you, your Grace.
(A pleasure to be here. I hope I get to meet a few more of you soon, if there are any more questions I can answer please feel free to give me a poke.)
Dreign Swift
03-18-2008, 12:08 PM
Greetings, Greyhame, and welcome to The Duchy of Wessex! Congratulations on being accepted so quickly, this is truly a very rare occasion ;). Look forward to getting to know you.
Slash Redhand
03-18-2008, 12:31 PM
Welcome to the Duchy:gds::gds:
03-18-2008, 12:34 PM
*bows lightly*
Thank you very much for your warm welcome, it is appreciated greatly.
Barden Jusik
03-18-2008, 07:37 PM
Welcome to Wessex! Congrats on being accepted so quickly.
Tewdric Veincrusher
03-18-2008, 07:50 PM
Tewdric nods his head in greeting.
Welcome to The Duchy of Wessex. Congratulations on being accepeted so quickly and i have you are a great asset to the Duchy
Chrono Veincrusher
03-18-2008, 09:22 PM
The Dwarf gave a friendly nod to the newcomer.
Vec Peregrinus
03-19-2008, 12:49 AM
*sneaks up behind Greyhame and gives Greyhame a hardy pat on the back*
Hello Thar and Welcome to our beloved Duchy! Do you have any ideas on which race you wish to be?
03-19-2008, 02:34 AM
*Starts out of his reverie, eyeing the fellow with a raised brow*
Well met, you speak of race? Why sir I am a humble man of these lands. What else would I be? I wonder why you ask, for I am too tall to be a Dwarf, too wide for a Mirdain and the last I checked my complexion was far from green so I cannot be an Ork. I see perhaps the beard, yes , perhaps you mistook me for one of the savage Mahirim. Perhaps I should shave it off, it would indeed darken my day to be cut down by one of the guard if they mistook me for one of them.
*grinning widely, grasping the other fellows forearm*
Less jesting on my part. I greet you sir. I am Gawyn Greyhame, I am here seeking to pledge myself to the Dukes service as a craftsman. Perhaps you would consider giving me your name?
Teetrid Beamfist
03-19-2008, 07:34 AM
*Watches form the bar, disapprovingly* 'Hrmph! Who is this newcomer causing commotion?'
What are some other games you've played?
03-19-2008, 08:00 AM
Well I started out my days with UO and it was the one that for set the standard, I have yet to find a game with such scope again. I played that for a number of years both officially and not so officially. Aiding some friends with the running of organisations, writing and various odd jobs. I played Archmage for a bit, that was a text based turn phase kind of affair, fairly simple. SWG kept me occupied for about a fortnight. After that I played Lineage 2 for a while but it didn't hold my interest for long. Currently I tend to muck about with some friends on Warcraft a little though its appeal for me is diminishing. A small stint on Vanguard kind of failed for me, it was a bit too buggy when I tried to get to grips with it.
This is why Darkfall has grabbed my attention, its vast scope, general atmosphere and freedom to do what you like within reason has me intrigued.
Vec Peregrinus
03-19-2008, 04:41 PM
*Starts out of his reverie, eyeing the fellow with a raised brow*
Well met, you speak of race? Why sir I am a humble man of these lands. What else would I be? I wonder why you ask, for I am too tall to be a Dwarf, too wide for a Mirdain and the last I checked my complexion was far from green so I cannot be an Ork. I see perhaps the beard, yes , perhaps you mistook me for one of the savage Mahirim. Perhaps I should shave it off, it would indeed darken my day to be cut down by one of the guard if they mistook me for one of them.
*grinning widely, grasping the other fellows forearm*
Less jesting on my part. I greet you sir. I am Gawyn Greyhame, I am here seeking to pledge myself to the Dukes service as a craftsman. Perhaps you would consider giving me your name?
Ah, where are my manners! I am Vec Peregrinus, Mirdain formerly of Mirendil.
I wish you luck with your trail membership and hope to see you soon as a full member of the Duchy! Also...
*Gives a grin with a slight mischievous look in his eyes as he holds up a bag of coins*
won't be getting your wallet back until you do. :p *chuckles*
Teetrid Beamfist
03-20-2008, 04:41 AM
I've had the same experience gaming. Pretty much everything has lost it's appeal except DFO. If darkfall fails (and I hope/pray/bet that it won't) probably won't be playing any video games for a long time.
Slash Redhand
03-20-2008, 11:02 AM
If darkfall fails (and I hope/pray/bet that it won't) probably won't be playing any video games for a long time.
I can't even think about it....I'm gonna stop playing video games for ever:(
03-20-2008, 11:33 AM
*mutters darkly about his wallet, not that it had anything in it but dead moths, but damn he'd been saving those moths for a rainy day*
Yes I think if Df went down the pan I will consider taking up crochet or something.
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