View Full Version : It has been many moons...
Lord Thor
03-11-2008, 02:41 AM
A band of what appears to be men ride towards the borders of Wessex. In the bunch is seen a dwarf riding along the side of what appears to be the leader of the group. The man in lead is adorned with a gold breastplate and gold gauntlets. Riding on the other side of the leader is a man carrying the standard of the Realm of Kirdain. As they approach it is clear that the Duke along with his guard has come for a visit. Just as they reach the border guards order the band to stop.
"Hail members of the Ducal Garrison. What seems the problem? I am here to visit His Grace on many matters of state and it is best that we are not delayed."
Bernardo dei Medici
03-11-2008, 06:21 AM
A figure riding upon a motley steed of grey and white approaches the guard post followed by several men in full mail and a herald holding a standard bearing a shining orb of silver.
The small contingent arrives on the same road from which the band of Kirdain's men traveled. A figure in simple mail and a giant sword strapped to his back hops from his horse and quickly approaches the post. The guards in the area quickly snap to attention.
"Be at ease, I'm not the lightbearer for the love of Auros or your Duke of Wessex," the figure smirks as he strides to offer his hand in welcome to Lord Thor.
"Greetings your Grace, it is a pleasure to see you passing through these ways again. I hope your journey was a pleasant one. I was just on my way to see the Duke of Wessex. Ride with me to my cousin's manor that we may grant you a proper welcome than one out here amongst the squalor and swine."
Valens Bellator
03-11-2008, 11:16 AM
Valens walked along quietly at the back of the group, relieved to finally see Wessex in the distance. Travelling through Mercia was always a treacherous business, and the tall towers, thick walls, and safety they offered were more than a welcome sight.
"Even bigger than they say.." he muttered to himself upon his first good view of the city. He'd passed through many years ago as a child, but that memory, as with most of his childhood, was hazy at best. He was immediately struck by the enormity of the city and the large population, not rivalled by any settlement he'd visited save Sanguine itself.
Suddenly the group had reached the gates, and Valens could hear the Duke speaking to the guards, though his view was blocked. Having come primarily to protect his Lord during the travels, Valens was also immensely intrigued with what these events might yield.
It was then that a tall mounted figure, followed by a group of well armed men, approached the Duke, but the initial concern this caused Valens was quickly dissipated by the man's friendly demeanor.
Having proved to be a personable man of good intentions in his brief introduction, Valens let his guard down and, for the first time since they'd left Kirdain, felt at ease.
"So far so good.."
Chrono Veincrusher
03-11-2008, 12:04 PM
Chrono nodded to the entrance guards.
"Welcome to Wessex, Your Grace, Gentlemen. I'm sure some of your men are tired, We have arranged free food and refreshments in the tavern over there. Don't worry about your mounts, our guards will stable them for you. Oh and your men are more then welcome to look around in town if they wish. Very well, Your Grace, The Duke of Wessex are expecting you in his mansion. Follow me."
They then began walking across the town on the main road. Along the way Chrono pointed out different important government buildings, local stores with interesting stock and other points of interest. They soon reached a beautiful mansion where Chrono lead them into the reception chamber.
"Your Grace, your men will have to wait here in this reception hall. This way if you may."
Chrono walked along a red carpet leading up to the Dukes personal chamber where he knocked and then entered .
"His Grace, Thor, Duke of Kirdain and His Grace, Brando, Doge of Aquileia!" the dwarf shouted before thumping his staff onto the ground and turning to the side of the doorway.
Lord Thor
03-11-2008, 03:28 PM
Thor turns to Chrono and bows his head out of respect. He turns to face the Duke and gestures towards the chair.
"Your Grace may I take a seat it has been a long ride and my legs could use a break."
Manus Dei
03-11-2008, 11:09 PM
The square room was silent, with sunlight from a window to the side of the Duke of Wessex's mahogany desk spilling a road of yellow onto the extragavant Rubaiyat rug spread across the polished wood floor. Behind the desk, at the far side of the room from the large oaken double entrance doors, sat a man in doublet with a simple coronet upon his brow. He rose on the entrance of the herald and bowed cordially to the two figures who entered, then waited patiently as the herald continued to announce the lesser lords in the entourage as they filtered in.
In the silence at the end of the formalities, the Duke of Kirdain spoke up humorously to break the tension, "Your Grace, may I take a seat? It has been a long ride and my legs could use a break." Courtiers and diplomats in the room broke into a simultaneous chuckle that then ceased to instantly quiet the room again.
Wessex spoke. "My distinguished cousins, Kirdain and Aquileia, and all good gentles of this company, to you, welcome to the humble abode of the Dei family". The Duke bowed his head once.
"Your journey has been long, I doubt not that, fair cousin. I shall not leave His Grace in suspicion about the hospitality and good name of Wessex when he comes to me with aching feet. And so, good gentles all, I offer you rest and washroom, and the services of our palace masseuses. And after, when you have refreshed yourself to your satisfaction, if you would do me the honor of moving this our meeting to our palace lawn, you will find a banquet has been prepared in anticipation of your arrival."
The Duke of Wessex bowed and smiled to the assembly, who responded with a delicate applause as chamberlains guided them out.
Gegmil Ironfist
03-12-2008, 01:53 AM
Gegmil whispered to two of his guards. They then hurried away. One toward the city and the other toward their horses.
As Duke Thor heads back outside, Gegmil follows. As usual Gegmil went unnoticed sitting in a place where he could observe much and react fast if need be. Always near Duke Thor he watches ever vigilant for trouble.
Yet he feels at ease here. After all it is well known to be one of the safest places in Mercia. As is Cromyr in the Andor province of Kirdain. Thinking of this makes him feel a bit better. So he takes a sip of his flask filled with his special home vintage of Dwarven fire whiskey, then returns it to his pocket.
Now outside, the guard that ran to the horses returns with a object covered in black velvet & leather about 3 and a half feet long. The guard holds it out to Gegmil gently, bowing as he takes 2 steps back. Gegmil waves for him to return to his duties watching over Duke Thor.
Gegmil steps up to the table near him covered with food and begins to withdraw the item from inside..
Lord Thor
03-13-2008, 02:35 AM
"You are most kind Your Grace."
Thor proceeds to wash up and make himself more presentable for more formal affairs. After cleaning himself up Thor walks to the gardens and sits down. Thor pulls out a pipe and starts to pack it with the finest tobacco Kirdain has.
"Would you like a pipe yourself Duke? I always carry multiples."
As Thor says this Gegmil pulls out what appears to be a large package.
Gegmil Ironfist
03-13-2008, 03:17 PM
From this black velvet and leather case Gegmil pulls out a violin of wonderful dwarven craftmenship. Also resting within this case is a lute of Dwarven make. Gegmil sets the case down with the lute still lying in it as he begins to play a warm tune on the violin.
"Please, sip some wine, have some cheese and partake of bread while I play some music Lord Thor. I figure a bit of music while you eat and I keep watch may help past the time my Lord. Do you mind?"
Lord Thor
03-13-2008, 05:35 PM
"By all means my good friend unless our hosts find it distasteful which I should hope not."
As the music plays in the background Thor turns to the Duke and taps the table twice to get his attention.
"Your Grace I hate to take away from the mood but would you care if we set up an appointment to handle these assortments of relational issues?"
Manus Dei
03-13-2008, 06:07 PM
When the assembly had reconvened and all had taken their places at the long tables bedecked with white tablecloths and the assorted varieties of food, a crew of some sort came out and began to prepare some kind of performance in the center of the gathering. The dwarven companion of Lord Thor began to play with the violin and bow, whilst at the head of the longest white table, the Duke of Wessex sat with the Doge of Aquileia on his right and the Duke of Kirdain on his left. Others were present as well, including courtiers and vassals such as Sir Thirlan the knight, Jord the personal squire of the Duke Wessex, and Sir Einar the thane.
At length, Gegmil the dwarf's performance was met with enthusiasm and remark about his accomplished talent, and moreover, the culture of Kirdain that a bodyguard should have such development in courtly pursuits. It is then that the Duke of Wessex rose, goblet in hand, and posed dramatically before the noble assembly.
"Good gentles, knights and peers, you bring me honor in taking your place at this feast we have prepared. For truly, those who may sit and share a meal with friends may count themselves among the blessed of all life, as nothing may compare with the satisfaction of a full belly and close company. Surely it is said that the gods themselves do nothing but dine all day on heavenly ambrosia, and I think our gathering partakes of their fine example.
"A toast then, to my distinguished cousins the Doge of Aquileia and the Duke of Kirdain, and all their entourage, who have journeyed so far to be with us."
A simultaneous "huzzah" ran through the crowd of diners, caterers, guards, and entertainers, and then all settled as the Duke of Wessex lowered his goblet from his lips and winked at a courtier nearby.
"Ladies and gentlemen, and my noble peers, if you would bring your attention to our central tennis court here, you will notice the makings of a stage - and as they say, all of life's a stage... With my insistence, please join me in welcoming the Wessex Chamberlain's players, who will give you this afternoon a slice of Wessex 'life'. I give you," His Grace lifted an eyebrow with a smirk and a bow, "dinner and a show".
A slim and lightfooted young woman ran out to center and bowed to commence the show. As the play developed, it became clear that it was a comedy. The main characters were intended to represent some sort of royal family, although it was unclear which royal family exactly that it was. The plot revealed 5 royal children, all of which represented extreme comic stereotypes: one was a headstrong "miles gloriosus" type of braggart, another was an imbecile, a third a hypochondriac and so forth. The fourth oldest must to all intents be considered the heroine, and was a beautiful, intelligent, and virtuous woman. Finally, the fifth seemed to be a dastardly sort of villain.
As the performance proceeded and the audience responded with amusement, Manus of Wessex leaned left to the Duke of Kirdain. "How now then, cousin?" he said with lowered head and eyes looking upward and squinting at the play, as if his mind was working in tandem with the actors. "Like you this our afternoon's entertainment?" Wessex dabbed at the corner of his eyelid casually as he sat backward, blinking lightly with the feigned laziness of aristocracy. "Mmm" he muttered lightly. "Look you there, to the end of the feasting table on Sir Einar's side. Take note of the courtier there, the one with the grimace that seems he's trying to make everyone vomit their meal before it's finished. That's Sanguine, be sure, keen to have an ear of what we're about. But I wouldn't worry about him being able to hear us from there. I think, circumstances willing, we shall have our meeting in plain sight."
The Duke of Wessex swished some red wine in his cheek like a schoolboy, settling into the evening with the smirk of a dice player who knows he cannot lose.
Lord Thor
03-15-2008, 07:38 PM
As the performance ended Duke Thor arose from his seat and cheered. He then turned to his host and leaned forward.
"Oh my excellent Your Grace. My compliments to the actors and their fine performance."
Thor leaned back and took note of courtier that the Duke pointed out.
"Good good it is not a problem for one to hear for what I am about to say shall be made public in due time no matter what."
"The current kings of Mercia are not what they used to be. They have grown weak and unable to protect the people of Mercia from the hordes of the Orks and the malicious Alfar at bay. We must do something. I am not sure of what at this time but it stands clear that the Duchies of Mercia must unite and protect those that live and follow Auros against the evils that come this way."
Einar Tyrssen
03-16-2008, 03:43 PM
In the spirit of roleplay, I'm going to extend to the Duke permission to use my character, Einar, in this. As I'm hardly ever on as of late. I may jump in here and there to contribute, but honestly don't expect me much.
Manus Dei
03-18-2008, 10:55 AM
The muscles near the Duke of Wessex's ear flexed as the words spoken by the Duke of Kirdain passed into them. "The current kings of Mercia are not what they used to be. They have grown weak ... I am not sure of what at this time but it stands clear that the Duchies of Mercia must unite and protect those that live and follow Auros against the evils that come this way."
Without taking his eyes from the play, which was now beginning it's second act, Wessex responded. "Indeed, fair cousin. It must be done... in the name of the Sun. And it is Auros Hyperion himself who shall lend us his horses."
In the first act of the play, the princess's two eldest brothers had met comedic ends as their bumbling antics led them into fatal perils. The heroine had met a charismatic love interest - a duke who was also a mysterious and charming magician. The end of the first act closed with a spectacular wedding for the two.
In the second act, the Lord Chancellor of Mercia had declared the princess's only older brother unfit to rule owing to his dim wittedness. A romantic scene followed wherein the princess and her ducal husband were facing the prospect of becoming the next king and queen of Mercia, but it was suddenly interrupted when assassins sent by her younger brother gained entrance to their palace and attacked. When all seemed lost, the princess's husband cast a spell to transform them both into birds, and they flew out the window. This was accomplished with a smoke explosion, a trapdoor, and the release of two doves, much to the audience's delight.
As the play wound to a close with the two "lovebirds" escaping into the twilight, the Doge of Aquileia leaned over to the Duke of Wessex and said, "Smashing play, Manny, simply smashing. But I say-speaking of that princess, wasn't your grandmother also named Laureola?"
Bernardo dei Medici
03-18-2008, 08:36 PM
Continuing, the Doge felt a smirk creep across his face and the shook his head taking in the moment. "In the midst of all that happens, there's always time for things such as this."
03-24-2008, 01:51 PM
Riding upon a Armored Horse, his stature upright and very firmly stood. A sword rested within a sheath by his right side, and the armor he wears buffed to shine. His face unconcealed to those who look upon him appears youthful but well experienced, for the scar he bares upon his brow. His Jet-Black Hair combed back, his beard of same color groomed well and kept short. His eyes a hazel tone and his skin berrated by the sun a dark brown.
As he approaches the Gaurds to the Duchy, He climbs off his mighty war steed and looks upon the gaurds while holding the Reigns of his horse firmly in his hand.
"I am Grand-General Alphacod, the military advisor and the overseer of all of Kirdain's armed forces. I have come to share the audience with your lord and mine, If that means I must enter unarmed I will be much obliged to surrendering my arms, as weapons do not coexist with the terms of peace," He speaks firmly but to the point.
Bernardo dei Medici
03-24-2008, 08:30 PM
Upon hearing the words from the newest guest to have graced the delegation with their presence, the Doge instantly shot a glance that met an equally amused look from the Duke of Wessex.
"Grand-General? How do I go about getting myself a title such as this?" He leaned forward to address Thor of Kirdain. "Duke Thor, I find it delightfully entertaining that you style your soldiers in such a manner. I don't believe I could find a general, much less a grand general in all of Wessex or Aquilea. Come to think of it, his title makes him sound more important than the three of us lords sitting here all put together. I believe it may be best to keep the waiters away from here before they become knights themselves or perhaps Lord High Admirals."
The Doge settled back into his chair, having been more fulfilled by his teasing of Duke Kirdain than the entire meal.
03-25-2008, 02:49 AM
Bernardo dei Medici
03-25-2008, 03:58 AM
"I am Wessex? I am not Wessex, I am of my own realm, just as Kirdain is its own realm," The Doge lept from his chair clearly offended by the assertation.
((Its plenty obvious to me that you can't take a joke, jump to your own conclusions if you must, but I find it entertaining to have such grandiose titles when your leader styles himself as a Duke. Why not a King if he's going to have grand-generals and marshals at his beck and call?))
03-25-2008, 04:02 AM
((I'll leave this political Agenda to Thor, Its clear whats going on. Our rank Structure is differnt from Doges <Excuse my last jump of conclusions I mistook Doge as a member of Wessex which inreturn I appologize> but none-the-less, I will not take back what I've said about the rest. However, Since Politics is definately not my Arena, the Battle Field clearly is, I am removing my character from this "Playwrite" and deleting my previous post. I will let Thor handle this as he wants. But I am making it clear, perfectly clear, even a blind man can see the patterns going on. Dont bother responding to my post, as I will not be checking these forums unless thor tells me too.))
Valens Bellator
03-25-2008, 10:58 AM
"I am Wessex? I am not Wessex, I am of my own realm, just as Kirdain is its own realm," The Doge lept from his chair clearly offended by the assertation.
((Its plenty obvious to me that you can't take a joke, jump to your own conclusions if you must, but I find it entertaining to have such grandiose titles when your leader styles himself as a Duke. Why not a King if he's going to have grand-generals and marshals at his beck and call?))
((I believe it is more the timing of the joke that is the problem moreso than the joke itself. Any fool could see how tactless and silly it is to tease both leaders of our Realm right now, as the whole point of this gathering was to repair an already severely-strained relationship.
I suppose it is true that lords were often somewhat snobbish and full of themselves, so I could see how this might come up in roleplaying, but it probably wasn't too clever or necessary to bring it up at this time regardless. We will always have a differing govermental structure, as we, unlike you, are not trying to recreate an exact replica of a midieval aristocratic republic, nor a 14th century Grand Duchy, but rather a simplified combination of them and other structures. As such, we will probably often run into this issue during our roleplaying, and I'm sure it will be taken as a joke should we be on friendlier terms, but seeing as we're not on said terms yet it would probably be best to ignore our differences for the moment.
Here's a brief description of what our Grand General is. We have a few generals in our Realm called Field Commanders (only one at the moment, with a maximum of three), and the Grand General is simply the one who commands the generals and their lieutenants. Our Grand General is just a title we made which is synonymous with the ranks "Field Marshal" and "General of the Army". Basically, just think of Napoleon, Grant, or Eisenhower, and that's what he's supposed to be.
Anyway, I neither speak for anyone of my realm nor do I have any place in these proceedings, I simply felt the need to speak up after reading about what transpired here. I leave you guys now to hopefully sort this all out.))
Bernardo dei Medici
03-25-2008, 01:05 PM
((It truly was a joke and if people can't handle it then I suppose there is way too much tension even in the midst of the roleplay. Its not a matter of being snobby or uptight or even tactless. If we can't poke fun at each other over a game, then how are things going to get when we come across serious strains when we're actually playing the game.
I understand the situation and if people can't laugh and have a good time, then we all have some serious issues in our lives to deal with. I guess I didn't realize people were so uptight and sensitive over the issue. I guess I also didn't realize everyone was still so mad and upset over things in the past. If I thought Kirdain's ranks were truly lame, I would have sent a message or IM straight to Thor, not through some petty RP argument. Geeze, I think I deserve more credit than that. I'm a straight forward person myself. If the babies ugly, call the baby ugly, but I also like to joke around when I think something is funny.))
Valens Bellator
03-25-2008, 02:01 PM
((Well to be honest, it didn't really come across as a joke when I read it, and apparently neither did it for Alpha. I'm not sure how much your definition of "joke" covers, but, at least to me, you appeared to be mocking them rather than joking with them.
But yes, there's a good deal of animosity between some members of our realms still, so I suspect we'll have to be more careful with our words than we would be otherwise, at least for the moment.))
Bernardo dei Medici
03-25-2008, 02:39 PM
((To an extent, I suppose I was mocking them. "Men honor titles; titles do not honor men" has always been in the back of my mind, especially since serving in the military in RL. It is one of the traits I put forward in my character; He's a noble, yet he despises the titles and the overdone pageantry that comes with it.
But, I think your PM reply explained it all, very well.))
Gegmil Ironfist
03-25-2008, 03:26 PM
Gegmil leans over to one of his guards whispers a few words & the guard swiftly leaves the room. A humble looking man of ordinary class of what seems to be a peasant of Wessex now walks up to Gegmil. The Wessex's guards seem astonished that this person addresses Gegmil and ignores everyone else at the table.
Gegmil whispers something to this peasant. The peasant smiles, chuckles a bit after looking at The Duke of Wessex. He whispers something back to Gegmil. He then bids Gegmil & the Duke of Kirdain fairwell, leaving the room with out so much as a glance or word to anyone else.
Gegmil stands, "It seems I am needed elsewhere my lords and ladies. I have been asked by one of your ppl to help him in the use of proper etiquette. He said no one around here would help him in this matter." Gegmil laughs.. "Pardon I jest of course. Yet I am actually needed else where for real kingdom business."
"Thank you for the interesting comedy. I haven't seen something that funny in a long time. My complements to the playwright. He sure knows how to make up great stories!" Gegmil laughs deep and loud as any amused dwarf would.
"I Lord Gegmil bid thee all ado.. Oh? I'm sorry. You weren't aware I was a noble?" Gegmil chuckled again to himself. "That's ok, I like ppl to think I am only a "Capt of the guard" so to speak. Keeps them all guessing really.. "
"I am much more than this. In fact I am many things to many ppl in many places. To some, I am a very high ranking well loved leader. To others I am merely a soldier in their army. And to still others I am a hated mongrol in an evil guild that hates all things Kirdain.."
Gegmil laughs loudly again.. "But to most ppl in all places I am just called friend. To those that wish to be Tyrants and Usurpers, they call me Death, Assasin, Thief of thier grandiose plans... And yet they call me friend as well. At least that's what they think I am.."
"But for you all here, you having nothing to worry about in these matters, because here I am a Noble in the Realm of Kirdain. Leader of the Duke's Elite Guard among other things. And nothing more. And even yet to many here in Wessex I am called Friend. For this I am grateful. For this is a beautiful place. And a great place to visit. It is good to have broke bread among friends. Thank you for your wonderful food & entertainment. I must go now."
Gegmil bows to the Duke of Kirdain, then the Doge of Aquileia, then to the Duke of Wessex, and lastly to all the rest of the Lords & Ladies that attended. Gegmil turned to leave and vanished before any could respond.
Lord Thor
03-31-2008, 05:21 PM
As Gegmil left the table a messenger bearing the Kirdain Coat of Arms approached and did a quick bow before Thor. Thor bid him to come closer and the messenger whispered into his ear. Thor's facial expressed changed and he stood up quite hastily.
"Gentleman and Your Grace, I must depart. Thank you for the entertainment and the chat it was a pleasure. Until next time my friends."
With that the Duke bid the Court of Wessex ado and departed towards the stables to make the long journey back home.
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