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View Full Version : Oaths of Fealty, Office and Service

Casilda Tametomo
11-11-2009, 07:49 AM
Within this vaulted cathedral, witnessed by the ornate carvings and the panorama of stained glass windows, the ancient and great ceremonies of homage and fealty are carried out. Here noble subjects of the Duchy of Wessex pronounce their vows of obedience and service to their liege lords and receive their vows in return. Feudal charters are spoken, bound, and sealed in this holy sanctuary, and we heralds stand ever on hand to faithfully record and authenticate all that is spoken for posterity.

All subjects of the Duchy of Wessex signed an oath of fealty when they entered into villeiny under His Grace upon settling in Wessex¹. Those records are maintained by the Clerks of the Chancery, and are considered of too mundane a nature to be handled with the pomp and ritual fit for the cathedral. However, should a serf be made into a freedman or burgess, excused from his serfdom by the Duke as a result of receiving a court appointment or even issued heraldic arms as a knight or esquire, a fitting ceremony should be held in this cathedral, so that all may witness the proceedings of these more momentous occasions.

If a villein should pass from the service of the Duke into any particular knight, the ceremony and investment of that knight with the new serfs as well as the oaths from the serfs should also be spoken here.

May these hallowed pillars and rafters continue to echo with the sacred pronouncements of loyalty and trust, ever vitalizing us, ever ennobling our spirits, ever cementing our society and infusing it with the blessings of the divine. May my soul guide my pen as I perform my sacred charge.


If you have been marked INACTIVE or your Oath of Service has EXPIRED, you must contact your leaders to see what duties they may have for you, then swear your oath again if resumption of your duties is indicated. Much the same instructions extend to those who have RETIRED but who once again wish to take up a former duty, save that if the individual will once again fill the position, the Oath will be renewed instead of made afresh.

Being an Esquire or a Yeoman is not just a title; these are responsibilities. Both are expected to remain active on the forums even while there may be few duties to perform.

Lepida Nuykani
Queen of Arms of the Royal College of Heralds

¹ Membership Application
Credits and Changelog:
Originally posted by Ellison Montjoy (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/member.php?u=153) on 03-04-2008