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View Full Version : The Razgriz

02-29-2008, 11:44 PM
Greetings all!

I certainly appreciate the offer from one, "Duke Wessex" to join this clan

I am the Razgriz, my real name is Jason, im 20 years old, and have much experience in MMOs and shooters... I am an archer/healer in many games and wish to fullfil the same role here...

If there are any questions, please ask here! =D =D =D

Chrono Veincrusher
02-29-2008, 11:53 PM
Hello there and welcome to Wessex!

02-29-2008, 11:59 PM
Thank you Chrono! May we have many a battles togetherxorz =D

Chrono Veincrusher
03-01-2008, 12:05 AM
May we have many a battles togetherxorz =DTrue that! :p
Anyway, What race will you be playing?

03-01-2008, 01:21 AM
Mirdain my good friend... I will more than likely be an archer/healer/stealthy guy.... How about yourself friend?

Anselm Dwyer
03-01-2008, 01:50 AM
Hey Razgriz, I am a new member here as well but wish to welcome you anyways! Hopefully archery will be as awesome in DFO as they describe it to be.

Komako the Hawk
03-01-2008, 03:54 AM
"The" Razgriz. That's a grandiloquent title.

I'm Koma. Welcome to Wessex ;)

Slash Redhand
03-01-2008, 08:25 AM
:gds::gds:Welcome to Wessex:gds::gds:

Aiden Morild
03-01-2008, 09:47 AM
Welcome to the Duchy

Chrono Veincrusher
03-01-2008, 11:34 AM
Mirdain my good friend... I will more than likely be an archer/healer/stealthy guy.... How about yourself friend?
If the siggy didn't give it away, I'm a Dwarf.

03-01-2008, 04:01 PM
Oh... I thought he was just the guy you whored out to be your lacky and pay him to be a model for your sick sick fantasies....

Yeah we'll go with that... ... Marksman FTW!

Voris Wulfgar
03-01-2008, 09:50 PM
Greetings all!

I certainly appreciate the offer from one, "Duke Wessex" to join this clan

I am the Razgriz, my real name is Jason, im 20 years old, and have much experience in MMOs and shooters... I am an archer/healer in many games and wish to fullfil the same role here...

If there are any questions, please ask here! =D =D =D

Funny because I use that name on another game, guess I'm not the only person that played Ace Combat 5.


Dreign Swift
03-02-2008, 12:13 PM
Welcome to the forums, Razgriz. Look forward to getting to know you. :)