View Full Version : Just wanted to introduce myself..
Orishas Morgan
02-26-2008, 08:05 PM
Hello everyone; I have been following Darkfall for a while now - and I've decided I'd look into getting more involved. I looked into some of the clans, and yours really interested me - it seems like a playstyle I could really enjoy.
I intend on working on crafting in the game, depending on the complexity (complexity is good, not bad ), if an individual crafter can perfect his craft in such a way that somebody who is 'good' at it could serve his community better than somebody who clicks more buttons.
I'd like to provide my clan with crafting and would be fully dedicated to that pursuit. I'm not sure if the best route for me. if accepted, would be to pursue life as a burgess? This seems like it might be nice for an independant merchant type - but I would like something that may be more dedicated to the clan / less independant.
If crafting in this game ends up being something 'too simple' or your clan has all the bases covered, I may pursue naval combat as well - as that is something that interests me as well - I undestand you have a seaman branch in your miltairy structure.
I'm torn between dwarf and human, so I'll look into that more if/when I get into beta and have more information.
Currently playing as a Freetrader in Pirates of the Burning sea - really enjoy the ship combat, and living as a merchant there for now.
Any questions for a future possible community member?
Orishas Morgan
02-26-2008, 10:49 PM
I've actually taken the Yeoman exam as well (Steward of Trade) - I understand that this is not something you would assign to a new (not even accepted) member, but I wanted to express my interest in that role in the future- and prove my interest the The Duchy.
Chrono Veincrusher
02-26-2008, 11:24 PM
Greetings Orishas, And welcome to Wessex!
Taking the Yeoman exam before being accepted is pretty rare, You have my respect for completing it. I also enjoy seeing a dedicated crafter since it will serve as a welcome boost to the Duchy's efficiency.
Good luck with the application and enjoy your stay!
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 12:03 AM
I've just finished the fireside chats -and I'm growing pretty excited about the structure, and *hopefully* my possible role in it.
I really like how the clan is setup, and therefore want to be involved as I can when the game is released. This may come off as overeager ambition, but I would like to play an important role in the clan.
Since, I'm interested in crafting it seems the Natural path for me would to aim for being a burgess and be a freeman. This doesn't sit right for me, as I dont really want to work independantly from the clan. Should I aim for Burgess as a temporary position? There are several positions of importance to the clan that interest me, and I think I could serve well as. As a burgess, I could buy/build a ship and use the ship in his Grace's Navy -> Would this aid in getting me the privledge as serving as a captain? If I went this route I would eventually aim for commodore, if the position was vacant (I could even run Naval 'drills' in pirates of the burning sea - though this will take considerable more time then 'Rune' Drills would for land combat, so its not really practical --> Pirates of the Carribean is consiberadly less sophisticated Naval combat wise - but its free, and basic principles could still be practiced)
Alternatively, I could still focus on crafting (will ships be crafted?), and use my Naval interest as a method of trading with foreign lands. This, perhaps, would aid in the Steward of Trade's responsiblities, and if that positions was filled I could serve as an envoy and captain or mate.
Anybody with thoughts on my ambitions, and ideas on how I should shape my goals?
Of course, my first goal should be to be accepted as a trial member :) -- I'm just talking long term plans.
P.S. I hit Enter by accident a couple times on the yeoman's exam, hence the only partially completed first 2 entries :)
Chrono Veincrusher
02-27-2008, 12:33 AM
Since, I'm interested in crafting it seems the Natural path for me would to aim for being a burgess and be a freeman. This doesn't sit right for me, as I dont really want to work independantly from the clan. Should I aim for Burgess as a temporary position?
As a Burgess it means you have saved up enough money to buy a store(or merchant ship) inside one of the Duchy's towns. Being a crafter doesn't mean you have to be a Burgess, for example you can still craft and sell it on the street or work for a Knight as his personal smith.
There are several positions of importance to the clan that interest me, and I think I could serve well as. As a burgess, I could buy/build a ship and use the ship in his Grace's Navy -> Would this aid in getting me the privledge as serving as a captain?
EDIT: To become a Captain you could either enlist as a Seaman and work your way up, or buy a merchant ship directly as a Villein to instantly becoming Captain. After that you may hire other Villeins/Freemen to work for you on the ship. Once again, You don't need to be a Burgess to buy/build a ship, but that would be something you become if you buy a ship for merchant activities.
If I went this route I would eventually aim for commodore, if the position was vacant (I could even run Naval 'drills' in pirates of the burning sea - though this will take considerable more time then 'Rune' Drills would for land combat, so its not really practical --> Pirates of the Carribean is consiberadly less sophisticated Naval combat wise - but its free, and basic principles could still be practiced)
About naval drills, As long as theres a official naval drilling manual and you have been made a certified drill leader, and of course enough people to drill it i don't see a problem with it.
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 12:57 AM
As a Burgess it means you have saved up enough money to buy a store(or merchant ship) inside one of the Duchy's towns. Being a crafter doesn't mean you have to be a Burgess, for example you can still craft and sell it on the street or work for a Knight as his personal smith.
Once again, You don't need to be a Burgess to buy/build a ship either. First step to become a captain would be by joining the Duchy's fleet as a Seaman. If you can afford your own ship after that i guess you can command it since it's yours. But I'm not sure if you will receive the title "Captain" just because of that alone.
About naval drills, As long as theres a official naval drilling manual and you have been made a certified drill leader, and of course enough people to drill it i don't see a problem with it.
Ahhh, yes, I realize the order of things; Purchasing land or a Ship - it seems may allow me the title of Burgess If I chose to pursue that. If I want to serve as a merchant, that would probably a good goal -as having land in the main city would certainly be a great aid to that, as well as reduced burdens (Income tributes) from being a Villein.
I dont really want to serve independantly of the clan, though - so pursuing a position as a freeman seems contrary to that goal... 'tis why I more intersted in serving in the Navy or The court.
*edit - you've made a couple things clear for me thanks for the info :)
Manus Dei
02-27-2008, 01:15 AM
It's been a long time since someone was enthusiastic and attracted to the clan just based on its simple principles and premise, like the first members who came. They weren't brought by the Duchy's fame or its size or its reputation, but rather by the novel concept that was its very reason for being - the creation of a realistic feudal government in an MMO world in a way that has never been done. It's very refreshing to see another member like this come along again.
Everything you said is true, but understand that being a burgess does not mean you work independently of the clan. You may run your own business and be responsible for your own supply and profits, but a burgess can be involved with the running of the council for his Boroughs as an alderman or mayor, and remember that freemen can be yeomen even who work for the ducal court as heralds or clerks or many other things. All of these have "freeman" status, but they can be the most vital and contributing members of the duchy.
Chrono Veincrusher
02-27-2008, 01:18 AM
Another thing is that while being a Freeman or Burgess might give you a lot of freedom, It doesn't mean you can't be a active force within the Duchy at the same time. Anyway I'm glad i could be to some help, feel free to ask if theres anything else your wondering about.
Vec Peregrinus
02-27-2008, 03:11 AM
Hello and welcome Orishas Morgan! A pleasure to meet you.
What type of craft interests you, if you don't mind me asking?
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 03:37 AM
That is a good question; and I'm not going to limit myself at this point.
Obviously, I can and probably will take up multiple crafts - unless I end up being more involved in his grace's Navy - and need to allocate my time / skill points doing things that assist in that.
Whatever I decide to do - I want to Master, so I dont plan on learning all 20+ trade skills in dabbling certainly.
I want to do something that will assist the Duchy, and be needed regularly.
Things like Fletching and Traps - I imagine that the characters using those crafts may, in fact, take those up themselves ( Bowman want to make their own bows and arrows, Assassins may want to make our own traps). I imagine other crafters may take up some obvious things like Weaponsmithing and Armorsmiths ---- those are very useful and needed crafts, but they are also obvious choices for the crafters in the world, and may be something that is overdone and unneeded.
Since I do have an interest in the navy, if there are craft skills related to the upkeep and outfitting of boats (making bigger badder cannons? especially if they degrade - grapeshot? Bar shot? - thats probably too 'realistic' and not magic enough though). Along that now, I may be involved in building seige weapons as well.
To give a background in Star wars galaxies - I was a shipwright, I felt this a very 'personal' tradeskill - pilots had certain playstyles and needs, and every part you could tune a certain way to give the pilot the perfect ship for him/her. It also involved lots of knowledge of the mineral stats and such to get the best tuned parts
In a Tale in the Desert, I tried my hand at blacksmithing - which was very much a *player* (not character) based profession. I made a few very high quality shovels this way. (Ironically in this game I did a lot of the 'combat' discipline which was a lot of vs. card games and puzzle games and such - one of the few activities that *wasnt* crafting based)
In world of warcraft, I was an enchanter. Before there were a million addons that did it for you - I made money simply by playing the auction houses - I would buy cheap items that would disenchant into highly sought crystals. I would also by out certain outems and resell them - I ended up making a lot of money just by playing the AH. In later level I ended up working to get every single enchanting recipe. This meant a *lot* of faction grinding, and buying of useless recipes - but I just wanted to have my recipe list be - complete-.
I am now playing Pirates Of the Burning sea, which I feel has a very robust player economy, currently making ships - but dabbled in a few other disicplines before that.
I guess to answer your question simply, I really want to see a list of skills before I know what I want to craft :)
and sorry to all - it seems most of my posts are pretty big walls of text.
02-27-2008, 03:41 AM
welcome to the clan!
Chrono Veincrusher
02-27-2008, 09:11 AM
Congratulations to your Trial membership!
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the Kind Welcome!
Thinking about it more, *about the question about 'which craft'* depending on what it entails - Carpentry certainly interests me. I'd like to be involved in buildings for the city, Seige weapons and Boat building.
If carpentry doesnt assist in those items, though, perhaps not.
Slash Redhand
02-27-2008, 03:15 PM
:gds::gds:Welcome to Wessex:gds::gds:
Aiden Morild
02-27-2008, 03:49 PM
Welcome to the Duchy
Vec Peregrinus
02-27-2008, 04:42 PM
Ah. carpentry. Haven't noticed too many going into that field of work. Usually it's weapon/armor smith, though it's understandable why many would choose them. I don't believe carpentry would have any direct way of helping with building houses and the like, though not sure when it comes to ships and siege weapons, since someone/thing needs to make them.
Welcome again and congratulation on the trail membership!
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 04:52 PM
Usually it's weapon/armor smith
Exactly why I'm not immediately interested in those fields. It seems those that want to be 'crafters' are likely to be dwarfs and take advantage of their superior smithing and mining and be Miners, Weapon smiths and Armor smiths - thats great for the Duchy, but it also means there likely isn't a great need for more of them.
I don't know the list of crafting skills, I may have missed it if that info is released, but I'd like to do something that is useful.
Vec Peregrinus
02-27-2008, 05:06 PM
I don't know the list of crafting skills, I may have missed it if that info is released, but I'd like to do something that is useful.
That info hasn't been release(among a lot of other things...) to the best of my knowledge. Just vague ideas and whatnot
Orishas Morgan
02-27-2008, 05:12 PM
Well I guess the a human smithy will be needed to make 'lightbringers' - so that may be something I might pursue despite the advantage dwarfs have.
Chrono Veincrusher
02-28-2008, 01:54 AM
There will still be a demand for crafters from other races then Dwarves.
So don't worry.
Orishas Morgan
02-28-2008, 02:32 AM
and dwarves make poor naval tacticians I hear.
Komako the Hawk
02-28-2008, 02:36 AM
and dwarves make poor naval tacticians I hear.
They're great for mopping the poop deck.
Orishas Morgan
02-28-2008, 03:26 AM
They're great for mopping the poop deck.
And if ones gets low on cannonballs......
Chrono Veincrusher
02-28-2008, 03:37 AM
And if ones gets low on cannonballs......
... we get some more from the harbor.
Orishas Morgan
02-28-2008, 04:30 AM
Chrono Veincrusher
02-28-2008, 04:33 AM
Orishas Morgan
02-28-2008, 04:48 AM
ahh, should checked your sig :)
I was just kidding anyway, I actually was decided between dwarf and human at this point --- that as time goes on Im leading more torwards Human - seems to fit the theme of the clan to have more humans.
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