View Full Version : Greatings my friends of the DoW!

02-10-2008, 02:42 AM
My name is Nenweyen, and I come to your forums in peace and hopes of friendship. I am the General and Ambassador of the Imperial Republic of Argos, as I am sure most of you are familiar with of the Sub-Guild of the C.R.S.S., and therefore are your friends as well.

I would very much like to get to know all of the members of the Dutchy of Wessex as well as your leader, and the guild as a whole. I am sure we will be active together in game, and I think it would be wise for me to get to know one of our allies to the CRSS and the IRA. I hope to form a friendship with you all and play together in game as well.

I am open to contact from any of your members at any time I am online. I am on MSN very much of the time I am online, and you can reach me at maxcool100@hotmail.com. I am also available to Microphone, but not very often and on certain nights. I'm on most of the time on weekends, and Mon, Wed, and Fri nights during the week. I would also love to play online with all of you if you happened to have XBOX LIVE. I currently don't have any computer games ans my computer sucks, but I have COD4 and Halo 3 on the 360, and am up for a game anytime.

A bit about me. My name is Max. You can call me that, Nenweyen, or even Nen as some call me. I am into computers and am going to go to college to get a degree in computer science. I am also a very big animal lover, and if it wasn't for the lack of career choices, and lack of pay because I wouldn't want to be a vet, I would pursue a career with them hands down. I plan on getting a job as some type of Support or Admin career, and spend a lot of my free time helping out at shelters. (And of course playing Darkfall if I am still into gaming at the time)

As far as gaming goes, I have a pretty big history and am very into gaming. I don't have extensive MMORPG experience, but I've played a few, and have vasts amount of other gaming experience and other MMO's. My first MMO experience was Evequest. Now, I'm not very picky about PVP(its a plus, but i don't play games just for it), I am more into how much fun i have playing and the features. For my first MMO, i loved and had a blast with it. I then moved onto WoW some years later. I played for a very long long time, but eventually got tired of the game at Level 38 as a Tuaren Shamen. I also had a fun time for most of the time. In my time playing World of Warcraft, I had experience with being an Officer in 3 or so guilds at different time periods, all decently large in size. At one point in one of the guilds, I had to help lead as the leader had basically dissapear. I also played Warcraft 3 for a very long time(and still would be if i could find the disc). I mostly played for the Custom games. This game had a built in system so that players could design their own game using the mechannics, so it was many games in itself. I spent a lot of time playing the game, and they had some cool maps like LOTR and other genres. I also was a leader of one clan and in the council of a few others.

Recently, I've been playing the Total War games, first Rome a few months back and now Medieval 2 (although i cant play it right now because of my graphics card). They are both amazing games and I HIGHLY suggest everyone plays it for the experience. My emperor, Constantine, first got me into it. It's a totally different RTS than any of the others, and it lets you take control of your units on the battlefield as if you were the general or commander. IT takes place in Europe, and you can take over large citys and eventually the whole map and dominate.

Currently I only play Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 on the XBOX 360. I'm pretty good in both, and I have a great time. I'm a level 33 or so in Call of Duty 4 and a Luietenant in Halo 3.

Thats just a bit about me. Anything else, I'm always open to talk.

Chrono Veincrusher
02-10-2008, 03:35 AM
Welcome to the Duchy, Nenweyen!

Friends of the RRS is friends of ours.
You and your members are more then welcome over here to have a chat.
Anyway I'll be looking forward to meeting you guys, See you around!

Duplicarius Dillingham
02-10-2008, 04:54 AM
Greetings! I read your post and saw that you played CoD4, and I got excited. Then I saw that you only played it on the 360 and I turned sad. I currently play CoD4, and it's my main game, but I only play the PC.

Anyway, welcome to the Duchy, and it's always nice to meet allies.

Aiden Morild
02-10-2008, 10:16 AM
I play COD4 on the 360

Welcome to Wessex

Slash Redhand
02-10-2008, 10:41 AM
:gds::gds::gds:Welcome to the Duchy:gds::gds::gds:

Wolfe Bennett
02-10-2008, 04:04 PM
Welcome to Wessex.