View Full Version : Aloha Peoples!
ZhenYu Omega
02-06-2008, 05:39 AM
My name is Jade (often Jadeine or Jadelynn). I just recently received the acceptance e-mail and would like to thank all those that participated in that decision making. I look forward to becoming a full member of The Duchy of Wessex as well as to get to know and befriend its members.
I currently live in Texas, am a married mother of 3 younger children, 2 boys and one girl. I attend college working to get my BA of Sociology. I am a very avid gamer and you can oft find me online for 8+ hours of the day when im not tending to kiddo's or swamped in school work (this semester I have an English class so already a bit swamped).
I haven't quite figured out which direction I will go character wise for Darkfall simply because I'm very unsure what it will be like and I'm sure I will have a better idea once i get to test the water. However, in my past gaming experiences I tend to go with Mages, Healers and Crafters so Im sure my choice will likely fall in those lines. I am not a pk oriented person and tend to despise griefing and random pk'ers but enjoy a good guild war or a purposeful pk event or action.
I'm thinking this introduction is getting a bit long so Ill wrap it up. Hope to meet you all and eventually have some awesome gaming experiences with you!
Einar Tyrssen
02-06-2008, 05:56 AM
My name is Jade (often Jadeine or Jadelynn). I just recently received the acceptance e-mail and would like to thank all those that participated in that decision making. I look forward to becoming a full member of The Duchy of Wessex as well as to get to know and befriend its members.
I currently live in Texas, am a married mother of 3 younger children, 2 boys and one girl. I attend college working to get my BA of Sociology. I am a very avid gamer and you can oft find me online for 8+ hours of the day when im not tending to kiddo's or swamped in school work (this semester I have an English class so already a bit swamped).
I haven't quite figured out which direction I will go character wise for Darkfall simply because I'm very unsure what it will be like and I'm sure I will have a better idea once i get to test the water. However, in my past gaming experiences I tend to go with Mages, Healers and Crafters so Im sure my choice will likely fall in those lines. I am not a pk oriented person and tend to despise griefing and random pk'ers but enjoy a good guild war or a purposeful pk event or action.
I'm thinking this introduction is getting a bit long so Ill wrap it up. Hope to meet you all and eventually have some awesome gaming experiences with you!
DAMN! Married. :P
Oh well, how old are the children? Will they be playing Darkfall too? And you can never have an introduction that's too long. Always a pleasant read when the newcomer is literate.
EDIT: On second thought, considering your age, I seriously doubt they're able to master a computer yet. Well, when Darkfall comes out in 2015, they should be about ready!
ZhenYu Omega
02-06-2008, 06:13 AM
Kiddos are 7yr old boy, 4yr old boy and 3yr old girl. The 7yr old is already becoming an addicted gamer when we let him play LOL. We use to let him play DAoC at 5yrs old and he could pk skilled adults better than most average players. Haven't decided if Ill let him play Darkfall yet. My younger two unfortunately even when 2015 hits I doubt they'll be gamers. 4yr old is Autistic and 3yr old has severe learning disabilites, both born preemie ; one by 13 weeks one by 16 weeks early. 2lbs 10 ozs and 2lbs 1 ozs. (for those that are going to ask if I know what caused the probelms)
Einar Tyrssen
02-06-2008, 06:30 AM
Kiddos are 7yr old boy, 4yr old boy and 3yr old girl. The 7yr old is already becoming an addicted gamer when we let him play LOL. We use to let him play DAoC at 5yrs old and he could pk skilled adults better than most average players. Haven't decided if Ill let him play Darkfall yet. My younger two unfortunately even when 2015 hits I doubt they'll be gamers. 4yr old is Autistic and 3yr old has severe learning disabilites, both born preemie ; one by 13 weeks one by 16 weeks early. 2lbs 10 ozs and 2lbs 1 ozs. (for those that are going to ask if I know what caused the probelms)
Being autistic means he has a step up on quite a few people on the net. At least he can say "yeah I have autism" instead of suspecting he has autism because nobody likes him because he roars like a dragon and complains about humans all the time. (otherkin retards do this, and they're apparently all autistic) I'm probably really smart, but in elementary, middle and highschool I was stuck in fuckup battalion because I have ADHD and I thought my teachers were dumbasses and I knew everything. Ah, how wrong I was. So I generally am familiar with all sorts of physical, learning and mental disabilities. One kid had something wrong with his legs and had awesome pimp canes for hands (they wrapped around his wrist and he'd let me wear them) and another, I distinctly remember, had some serious mental deficit. Both, I think, were the most honest people I've ever met. Then there was the rednecks who were genuinely stupid and didn't try/care, and another who had OCD (yes, I'm serious, that was his disability) who was insanely intelligent.
Small school districts handle things differently. It's like bizarro-world when it comes to things regarding any disability. So I wouldn't put it past your two youngest to find salvation in a computer. Provided they get past that initial high learning curve when it comes to using a PC for the first time. With that, I have some advice: Get a really junky computer, and let them have it. They'll employ their natural human learning method of "dick around with it until something happens!" It teaches things or something, or at least it taught me a thing or two.
But hey your seven year old sounds like a fun guild-mate. :P I was playing Battlefield 2 with an 11 year old boy the other day. Young minds pick up things FAST, and if it wasn't for my experience he probably wouldn't need the two hour long mentoring session I gave him on sniping.
Manus Dei
02-06-2008, 07:01 AM
Well, the funny thing is that by the time Darkfall comes out the seven year old will probably be old enough to play. ;-)
I'm glad you've found Wessex and are thinking about the type of character you'd like to be here. One of the things I wanted to do when designing this clan as an idea was to provide a place where one really could pursue many different character types and have a fulfilling, immersive experience with each.
We're really glad you decided to try us out. Welcome to Wessex.
Aiden Morild
02-06-2008, 07:47 AM
Welcome to Wessex
Vec Peregrinus
02-06-2008, 01:01 PM
Welcome to Wessex Jade!
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Chrono Veincrusher
02-06-2008, 01:38 PM
Hello there Jade, Welcome to Wessex!
Had any thought about what race you like to play?
Dwarf, Human or Mirdain(elf)
Slash Redhand
02-06-2008, 02:54 PM
Hi there!!;)
Welcome to Wessex:D
Beric Veincrusher
02-06-2008, 05:27 PM
Welcome Welcome.
Komako the Hawk
02-06-2008, 06:00 PM
Well, the funny thing is that by the time Darkfall comes out the seven year old will probably be old enough to play. ;-)
Ain't that the truth :(
Haloo, hallay.
Wolfe Bennett
02-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Welcome to the Duchy Jade
Einar Tyrssen
02-07-2008, 12:21 AM
Well, the funny thing is that by the time Darkfall comes out the seven year old will probably be old enough to play. ;-)
"Darkfall Online;
Family booster back with 30 day free subscription in stores now!"
Talfryn Emrys
02-07-2008, 02:31 AM
Glad to have you here.
ZhenYu Omega
02-07-2008, 03:33 AM
Thank you for all the welcomes from every one!
Hello there Jade, Welcome to Wessex!
Had any thought about what race you like to play?
Dwarf, Human or Mirdain(elf)
I have been leaning towards Mirdain if I go mage direction or priest type, and possibly Dwarf if I go as a trader or crafter type.
Duplicarius Dillingham
02-07-2008, 09:02 PM
Mirdain all the way! Don't let Chrono convince you to go dwarf, they smell bad. Oh, and Welcome!
Chrono Veincrusher
02-07-2008, 10:16 PM
Mirdain all the way! Don't let Chrono convince you to go dwarf, they smell bad. Oh, and Welcome!
Pfff. We smell like we do because we actually work, unlike the Mirdains that rather relax in some tree.
As a Dwarf you get to do all kinds of fun things!
Craft all day long!
Mine all day long in the Ducal quarry!
Compete with other Dwarves about who kills most enemies/hour.
Compete with other Dwarves about who has the biggest axe.
And at the end of the day, Enjoy a few barrels of quality Dwarven Ale.So yeah, I'd suggest that you go Dwarf since we could need a few female Dwarves. ;)
02-07-2008, 10:45 PM
So yeah, I'd suggest that you go Dwarf since we could need a few female Dwarves. ;)
There are female Dwarves? I thought you all just sprouted out of the ground!
Einar Tyrssen
02-07-2008, 11:09 PM
There are female Dwarves? I thought you all just sprouted out of the ground!
Me too, I was SURE that you guys are born when two rocks collide.
Komako the Hawk
02-08-2008, 12:10 AM
Roll human.
In fact, that's the advice I'm going to give to any new Duchy members. Human is the way to go.
Chrono Veincrusher
02-08-2008, 12:16 AM
Me too, I was SURE that you guys are born when two rocks collide.
Well.. Yeah, But we still need some Dwarven booty to look at.
Therefore the Female Dwarf exists.
Anyway, If you won't go Dwarf, Take Komako's advice,
Dwarf > Human > Mirdain. ;)
Wolfe Bennett
02-10-2008, 01:21 AM
Well.. Yeah, But we still need some Dwarven booty to look at.
There for the Female Dwarf exists.
Chrono mind if i quote this in my sig on darkfall forums :D
Chrono Veincrusher
02-10-2008, 01:35 AM
Chrono mind if i quote this in my sig on darkfall forums :D
Sure thingy, Go ahead.
Just use this with the fixed typo:
Well.. Yeah, But we still need some Dwarven booty to look at.
Therefore the Female Dwarf exists.
Wolfe Bennett
02-10-2008, 01:40 AM
k cool ^^
Dreign Swift
02-11-2008, 09:28 AM
Ah, the typical new female welcoming :)
Welcome to the forums, Jade.
Einar Tyrssen
02-11-2008, 09:36 PM
Ah, the typical new female welcoming :)
Welcome to the forums, Jade.
You're just mad because I wouldn't give in to your advances in IRC. I AM SORRY, BUT CHRONO HAS TAKEN MY HEART.
Komako the Hawk
02-11-2008, 10:05 PM
And your jeans.
Wolfe Bennett
02-11-2008, 10:37 PM
And your jeans.
Chrono Veincrusher
02-11-2008, 11:30 PM
And your jeans.
It's not like i forced him to take them off so it doesn't count.
Aiden Morild
02-12-2008, 12:23 AM
So did you force him to give his heart?
Chrono Veincrusher
02-12-2008, 06:38 AM
So did you force him to give his heart?
Who knows ;)
Einar Tyrssen
02-13-2008, 01:10 AM
So did you force him to give his heart?
If feeding me strawberries while I was blindfolded on a yacht is forcing me, then yes. He did.
Beren Fiennes
02-17-2008, 07:58 PM
My name is Jade (often Jadeine or Jadelynn). I just recently received the acceptance e-mail and would like to thank all those that participated in that decision making. I look forward to becoming a full member of The Duchy of Wessex as well as to get to know and befriend its members.
I currently live in Texas, am a married mother of 3 younger children, 2 boys and one girl. I attend college working to get my BA of Sociology. I am a very avid gamer and you can oft find me online for 8+ hours of the day when im not tending to kiddo's or swamped in school work (this semester I have an English class so already a bit swamped).
I haven't quite figured out which direction I will go character wise for Darkfall simply because I'm very unsure what it will be like and I'm sure I will have a better idea once i get to test the water. However, in my past gaming experiences I tend to go with Mages, Healers and Crafters so Im sure my choice will likely fall in those lines. I am not a pk oriented person and tend to despise griefing and random pk'ers but enjoy a good guild war or a purposeful pk event or action.
I'm thinking this introduction is getting a bit long so Ill wrap it up. Hope to meet you all and eventually have some awesome gaming experiences with you!
A mother, and a student, and able to play 8hours a day? Someones a dedicated gamer :P
Sorry for the late Welcome...but Welcome to Wessex forums,
and congrats on your trial membership, i hope you make it through it ;)
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