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Jayden Corrona
01-22-2008, 03:21 AM
I abase myself before the Duke and the most noble subjects of Wessex.
I am Jayden Corrona, a humble Mirdain studying all manner of magic and the wizarding ways.

For sometime now, I have been watching the Duchy of Wessex, and believe I have as much to offer as to gain by joining your illustrious ranks.

Although I am well trained in the magical arts, I prefer discourse over conflict. To this end, I look forward to working with your Heralds and Envoys in spreading the message of the Duchy of Wessex to its friends and would be enemies.

01-22-2008, 03:51 AM
Welcome to the Duchy Jadeen.
Thou sayest thou art searching for a role as one His Grace's most noble diplomats to spread the words of our great duke and his most glorious duchy?

Hast thou ever considered the humble cloth as a path of this world?
The Wessexian diocese of Our Lady of Light Morgaine could always use a fellow of thy skills.

Should'st thou wish to inquire more into this matter doth not be frightened to pursue me and I shalt consult with my betters as to your need.

Morgaine save thee!

Chrono Veincrusher
01-22-2008, 05:33 AM
Greetings, Jayden.
Diplomats are most welcome.
But other then that, What kind of playstyle do you have as a Mirdain?

Aiden Morild
01-22-2008, 12:00 PM
Welcome to Wessex

Jayden Corrona
01-22-2008, 02:45 PM
In past fantasy games I?ve always enjoyed the enchanter/illusionist archetypes.
However, I know exactly how overpowered a crowd control class can be in PvP, so I?ll have to wait and see what sort of skill and career options Darkfall has to offer.
Failing that, I?m 99.9% sure I?ll be a caster of some sort, hopefully a mage with psionic powers.