View Full Version : Vicious Vikings
01-09-2008, 10:51 AM
Greetings from the Land of the Vikings and the Midnight Sun
We're a norwegian guild with approx 30 members, how many that will play DF is still debated :confused:. Cause of the DF requirement Im the official leader for the DF section of the Guild, but the Guild in general are run by its core members. We're organized in a way that is best described as "wet a finger and stick it up in the air". Most of our members are in their thirties, atleast we're five 30+ for each puppy.
VV was founded in SWG, by merging two former CS clans, 4xP and Comics. The core of the guild are RL friends that either did or still enjoy Pen and Paper RPG. When that is said we do not Roleplay in mmoprgs, atleast not written, but we do take our roles within the community.
VV has been strongly presented in SWG and WOW (eek) and in its prime time in WoW had over 200 members, but after a cleaning session with a /filter removing the garbage we were 30 left:rolleyes:
The reason We're here are the Sleggjaholl thread in the official DF forum. We think that a few of us are to soft for DF and the remaing hardcore PvPers (yes we have a few very good ones) are to small in numbers to stand on our own feet and are looking for a merge or function as a subguild within the kingdom.
As a Norwegian I just have to ask, Do you know what Sleggjaholl means :D
Best Regards
Dreign Swift
01-09-2008, 01:10 PM
(Ooohh, juicy!)
Greetings, Nataz of The Land of the Vikings and the Midnight Sun. Glad to hear of your interest in our interests. This is by no means an official diplomatic response. More like a friendly hello :)
A few questions:
How attached/serious are you to/about the Viking theme of your clan? I ask because you came from games like CS and SWG, which are both quite odd places to float the Viking genre (I mean no offense, of course. I hope you understand my train of thought).
Next, what do you mean by "a few of us are too soft for DF"? Does this mean: "mostly just enjoy crafting"? "mostly just interested in roleplaying"? Or, "have absolutely no desire to even pick up a weapon"? I ask because I believe there will be plenty of people in Darkfall who aren't "hardcore PvPers." Any good DF clan will need plenty of crafters and other "commoner" types, and they will certainly play a significant role in the game, hardcore PvP-ness or not. For example, we have a serf-like class which will have little expected of them in regards to martial pursuits, beyond having whittled out some basic combat skill, to be mustered into a "militia" upon national affairs.
I can't wait to see how happy he (Sir Einar Tyrrsen, Thane of Sleggjaholl) is to find others interested in the Viking/Norse backdrop for a clan. Not trying to steal your potential recruits or anything, Einar, just trying to get a better idea of what they're looking for :p.
Regardless, welcome to the forums :)
01-09-2008, 01:28 PM
Hello Dreign
Yes we came from games like CS originally, but we werent presented as Vikings in CS, not that the name of a CS clan matters. I agree with you that the name dosnt suit SWG very well, but the name I think is more of a label of our herritage.
For DF yes we will play the Viking theme with exeptions, we dont force anything upon our members, but I think most are cool with playing the Viking theme or slaves of Vikings (You know they found Incas in east of Norway, probably frozen to death, well consider they found them in the early 20th century they might as well have died of old age:eek:).
With to soft I mean we have a wide spectre of playstyles. We have a good squad of PvPers, crafters, but we're also concerned that some still play WoW and cater to the PvE side of things.
Speaking of me Im probably going to play some kind of Dark mage (possibly Necromancer) and probably have to accept that Im a result of a Longship driveby and they had a spare seat or oar
Dreign Swift
01-09-2008, 01:54 PM
Speaking of me Im probably going to play some kind of Dark mage (possibly Necromancer) and probably have to accept that Im a result of a Longship driveby and they had a spare seat or oar
Heh, must have been quite a climb to go from the product of a "longship driveby" to clan leader!
In other news, last I heard, the Necromancer prestige class may very well require you to maintain an evil alignment. How does this suit you, if true?
Also, may I ask what your official title is?
Einar Tyrssen
01-09-2008, 03:50 PM
Greetings from the Land of the Vikings and the Midnight Sun
We're a norwegian guild with approx 30 members, how many that will play DF is still debated :confused:. Cause of the DF requirement Im the official leader for the DF section of the Guild, but the Guild in general are run by its core members. We're organized in a way that is best described as "wet a finger and stick it up in the air". Most of our members are in their thirties, atleast we're five 30+ for each puppy.
Hail and well-met! Glad to see you've found your way here, and I adore your playstyle. I can agree, mine is somewhat of the same, I like to improvise on the spot. And my, you're much older than I am! I hope I live up to your expectations. I sometimes get humble, and right now I am so shocked that anyone would pay attention to my little group of Norsemen. :)
VV was founded in SWG, by merging two former CS clans, 4xP and Comics. The core of the guild are RL friends that either did or still enjoy Pen and Paper RPG. When that is said we do not Roleplay in mmoprgs, atleast not written, but we do take our roles within the community.
VV has been strongly presented in SWG and WOW (eek) and in its prime time in WoW had over 200 members, but after a cleaning session with a /filter removing the garbage we were 30 left:rolleyes:
Nice, I remember early days of SWG but never played, my computer simply couldn't handle it. When I did get one capable, Sony had ruined the game basically and I never really went into joining. And you don't have to roleplay, I'm okay with it either way. It's encouraged but if you don't feel comfortable, no pressure. :)
The reason We're here are the Sleggjaholl thread in the official DF forum. We think that a few of us are to soft for DF and the remaing hardcore PvPers (yes we have a few very good ones) are to small in numbers to stand on our own feet and are looking for a merge or function as a subguild within the kingdom.
As a Norwegian I just have to ask, Do you know what Sleggjaholl means :D
Best Regards
Well, we're willing to take anybody soft or hard. A good leader knows the strengths and weaknesses of everyone he commands and I make it my priority to use everybody's assets so we all can have a great time. A merge would be fantastic, we're scrambling to hit a 40 membership mark, and we're at 15 right now. So anyone from your camp is welcome. As we grow, I'll cook up ways to get people involved, and don't be surprised if I have a set plan for you laid out. I think for people a lot, I guess that's why I'm ALWAYS the leader, especially when all I want to do is follow. :P It's a mixed blessing, trust me.
And I believe it is Icelandic and Norse mixed, I know the first part is "sledge" and the last is "hall" in Norse. At the time I didn't have a name, and I sort of picked one at random. After staring at my computer, I realized it looked really cool. I was proud of myself.
And thank you so much for your interest and time, I really appreciate it. If nobody from VV wants to join that's okay. I don't want to pressure any of you into something that is not absolutely the best choice for you. This is a game, and we're supposed to be having fun.
Chrono Veincrusher
01-09-2008, 04:14 PM
Welcome Nataz, I'm glad you Vikings showed up.
Just for clarification, The Kingdom of Sleggjaholl is a sub-guild to The Duchy of Wessex. And by being a sub-guild, it means they gain a great deal of freedom and can specialize in any way they see fit while Wessex cover their backs and keep the rest of the gears they need moving.
And with Sir Einar thinking highly of you i think you would do great together as a Viking clan if the future brings a merge. With that being said, Welcome once again, and feel free to roam around in this forum. I will be looking forward to hearing more from you guys!
Dreign Swift
01-09-2008, 06:49 PM
I can agree, mine is somewhat of the same, I like to improvise on the spot. And my, you're much older than I am! I hope I live up to your expectations. I sometimes get humble, and right now I am so shocked that anyone would pay attention to my little group of Norsemen. :)
Bah, Sir Einar is just being modest, he's actually got quite the vision and most certainly has done his share of in-depth study to create this "little group of Norsemen" and formulate their goal outline as well as he has.
Komako the Hawk
01-11-2008, 04:50 AM
Great to meet you.
Aiden Morild
01-11-2008, 07:10 PM
Welcome to Wessex
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