View Full Version : Greetings!
Tilia Virga
11-29-2007, 06:42 AM
Hello everyone! I'm just got accepted as a trial member. My name is Tilia Virga. It's a honor to be accepted into the land of Wessex. I hope I can be of great service. I look forward to meeting everyone.:)
Radison McDougal
11-29-2007, 07:00 AM
Greeting and Welcome to Wessex. Radison reaches out his hand in act of kindness. I'm new to the duchy as well. I do hope you enjoy your stay in Wessex. Don't forget about the tavern. Which for the life of me can not remember it's name. Serves me right. I should be beaten for forgeting it!
Dreign Swift
11-29-2007, 07:19 AM
Welcome to Wessex, Tilia.
Feel free to tell us more about yourself, we like to get to know our new potential citizens. :)
What race are you thinking about playing? What playstyle might fit you best in a world like Darkfall?
Chrono Veincrusher
11-29-2007, 10:38 AM
Greetings Tilia Virga.
Have you consider playing as a Dwarf? :rolleyes:
Anyway, Nice to have you here. Enjoy your stay!
Don't forget about the tavern. Which for the life of me can not remember it's name. Serves me right. I should be beaten for forgeting it!
Chronos eyes goes wide open as the rage starts to overflow.
"Radison.... You and me are going to have a one on one talk later, so you better prepare.
Jord Hunter
11-29-2007, 03:26 PM
Welcome to Wessex Tilia. Good luck with the trial.
Rivers Kelak
11-29-2007, 05:34 PM
Hello please enter our homemade pile of goodness.
Aiden Morild
11-29-2007, 08:13 PM
Welcome to the Duchy
Einar Tyrssen
11-29-2007, 08:55 PM
Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay.
Talfryn Emrys
11-30-2007, 05:38 AM
A pleasure to meet you.
Tilia Virga
11-30-2007, 07:49 AM
Welcome to Wessex, Tilia.
Feel free to tell us more about yourself, we like to get to know our new potential citizens. :)
What race are you thinking about playing? What playstyle might fit you best in a world like Darkfall?
Thanks for the welcome. I'm currently a college student majoring in Biology. In the mean time, I work as a massage therapist. My semi- career as a therapist is both interesting and challenging. I meet lots of different people (age and body type) and hear about all the reasons why they're stressed out. I've elbowed alot of rhomboids!:D I have forearms of steel!
Playing style? I guess I'm more of an adventurer. I like to explore the land and meet different people or beings...I'm playing as a healer...kinda suits my arena:) I don't know if I'll be a good soilder. I'm not much of a fighter. I'll see where the wind takes me.
Manus Dei
11-30-2007, 08:01 AM
Thanks for the welcome. I'm currently a college student majoring in Biology. In the mean time, I work as a massage therapist. My semi- career as a therapist is both interesting and challenging. I meet lots of different people (age and body type) and hear about all the reasons why they're stressed out. I've elbowed alot of rhomboids!:D I have forearms of steel!
Massage therapist, eh? Why don't you try that yeoman exam? I am sure we have a sinecure in the ducal court for "court masseuse".
Dreign Swift
11-30-2007, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I'm currently a college student majoring in Biology. In the mean time, I work as a massage therapist. My semi- career as a therapist is both interesting and challenging. I meet lots of different people (age and body type) and hear about all the reasons why they're stressed out. I've elbowed alot of rhomboids!:D I have forearms of steel!
If you work as a massage therapist while you're in college for Biology, does that mean you didn't have to take classes to become a massage therapist, or did you just do that first? I just got a pretty intensive massage some weeks back (if only I could afford to have them like twice a week...hmmm) and from asking questions, it seemed that to become a licensed MT meant like 2 years of school. I've actually considered getting the training before--I seem to naturally have the ability and sense for it, though unrefined.
Playing style? I guess I'm more of an adventurer. I like to explore the land and meet different people or beings...I'm playing as a healer...kinda suits my arena:) I don't know if I'll be a good soilder. I'm not much of a fighter. I'll see where the wind takes me.
Sounds great, we could always use more healers. I'm a big explorer-type myself.
Tilia Virga
12-01-2007, 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=Dreign Swift;30251]If you work as a massage therapist while you're in college for Biology, does that mean you didn't have to take classes to become a massage therapist, or did you just do that first? I just got a pretty intensive massage some weeks back (if only I could afford to have them like twice a week...hmmm) and from asking questions, it seemed that to become a licensed MT meant like 2 years of school. I've actually considered getting the training before--I seem to naturally have the ability and sense for it, though unrefined.
It's okay. I welcome questions. The requirements for being a licensed MT varies depending on where you live. Some offer State license, which allows you to work ANYWHERE within that state. I live in California..... unfortunately, we have to get a license in EVERY city we want to work in. The price for licensing is expensive. It can range from $500 to $900 or more... so you have to be commited if you want to be a therapist. However don't let that disappoint you. You might find an employer who will help pay for that expense.:D (I can write a whole essay on the wages of a MT... Let's save that for later)
Training to become a MT is ALOT of fun! You can go to a trade school (which usually last 9 months) or go to the holistic health center at a community college (which might take 1 to 2 years depending on how many units you want to complete in a semester).
I went to a trade school. It was so easy! We did yoga every morning and traded massages every day. It was 9 months of nothing but Anatomy and Philisology and the art of relaxation. :p If this is something that interest you, I recommend visiting a school and sitting in on a COUPLE of different classes. Make sure you pick a good teacher! After I completed MT school, I went back to college to pursue Bio. Naturally, my emphasis will be on physiology :D I think I have many years of schooling ahead of me.. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride.
With an end note, I think anybody can be a healer. You don't have to physically touch someone or be an expert on Anatomy to heal. With the intention of love and care, your intuition will guide you to do the best.
(p.s...... what is an "intensive" massage? If you say deep tissue, I'll laugh!)
Tilia Virga
12-01-2007, 07:16 AM
Greeting and Welcome to Wessex. Radison reaches out his hand in act of kindness. I'm new to the duchy as well. I do hope you enjoy your stay in Wessex. Don't forget about the tavern. Which for the life of me can not remember it's name. Serves me right. I should be beaten for forgeting it!
Thank you Radison for your warm welcome. The Tavern eh? It looks like a place of artistic expression. I'm not skilled in poetry. However, I am a beginning musician. I'm a harpist. Maybe I can play for everyone one day. Did you see that stunning portrait of the Duke posted by servus?
Tilia Virga
12-01-2007, 07:19 AM
Massage therapist, eh? Why don't you try that yeoman exam? I am sure we have a sinecure in the ducal court for "court masseuse".
Oh my! What an honor to grasp the attention of the Duke himself. Since you suggest, I will definately study diligently and try the examination.
Einar Tyrssen
12-01-2007, 08:35 AM
(p.s...... what is an "intensive" massage? If you say deep tissue, I'll laugh!)
Happy ending, that's what. Or at least that's what I have in mind.
Yeah, I'll go now.
Tilia Virga
12-01-2007, 02:43 PM
Happy ending, that's what. Or at least that's what I have in mind.
Yeah, I'll go now.
Dumbass is correct. :mad:
Einar Tyrssen
12-03-2007, 01:53 AM
Dumbass is correct. :mad:
Hahaha, I like you. Oh yes.
You'll fit right in. <3 I'm actually really interested in massage therapist techniques because, well, my back is horrid. If I can guide whatever girlfriend I have at the time at a proper massage (they usually suck at it) then I can walk upright for a week. Otherwise I just throw myself back-first at things like corners and endtables until I'm either incapacitated or I feel better.
You are very right about the dumbass part, I have the most monolithic dumb ideas.
Dreign Swift
12-10-2007, 04:31 AM
Training to become a MT is ALOT of fun! You can go to a trade school (which usually last 9 months) or go to the holistic health center at a community college (which might take 1 to 2 years depending on how many units you want to complete in a semester).
I went to a trade school. It was so easy! We did yoga every morning and traded massages every day. It was 9 months of nothing but Anatomy and Philisology and the art of relaxation. :p If this is something that interest you, I recommend visiting a school and sitting in on a COUPLE of different classes. Make sure you pick a good teacher! After I completed MT school, I went back to college to pursue Bio. Naturally, my emphasis will be on physiology :D I think I have many years of schooling ahead of me.. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride.
Sounds like you'll be far more than an MT when you're through with school. What are you hoping to do with all that schooling? Become an overqualified MT, or something entirely different?
(p.s...... what is an "intensive" massage? If you say deep tissue, I'll laugh!)
(I can write a whole essay on the wages of a MT... Let's save that for later)By intensive, I mean the whole hour she was working on knots and lactic acid build-ups; some in my upper back, some in my calves. I kept assuring her that I was able to take the beating she was giving those knots, so it was a pretty intensive hour. It was funny...she was a "larger" blonde woman, and I kept getting the stereotypical image of a huge Swedish woman named "Helga" pummeling me. She was quite strong, lol...
As far as the essay goes, I'd like to hear it. I may never choose to work in that field, but I'm actually pretty interested in doing a trade school for Massage Therapy, so I might as well hear the inside scoop, just in case. I need to start using my Montgomery G.I. Bill soon...
Otherwise I just throw myself back-first at things like corners and endtables until I'm either incapacitated or I feel better.
I lol'd irl.
Finally, you changed your damn name!
Einar Tyrssen
12-10-2007, 05:20 AM
I lol'd irl.
Finally, you changed your damn name!
What's sad and funny is I actually do that.
And no, Coro did.
Dreign Swift
12-10-2007, 05:46 AM
What's sad and funny is I actually do that.
And no, Coro did.
Hah, Coronach is doing exactly what I would be doing :p
Tilia Virga
12-11-2007, 09:53 PM
Hahaha, I like you. Oh yes.
You'll fit right in. <3 I'm actually really interested in massage therapist techniques because, well, my back is horrid. If I can guide whatever girlfriend I have at the time at a proper massage (they usually suck at it) then I can walk upright for a week. Otherwise I just throw myself back-first at things like corners and endtables until I'm either incapacitated or I feel better.
You are very right about the dumbass part, I have the most monolithic dumb ideas.
I'm curious about the cause of your extreme back ache. The majority of people blame either their job, age, posture, stress, or maybe an injury. I always recommend daily stretching....but sometimes, it's not that easy....
Bernardo dei Medici
12-11-2007, 10:00 PM
Hurray! Another member of the natural healing segment of society. Both of my parents are chiropractors and they're really into natural medicine. My mother is a practicing acupuntcure specialist and I'm never short on natural supplements. Helped me through my younger years when I used to destroy my lower back pole vaulting all the time.
Einar Tyrssen
12-11-2007, 10:16 PM
I'm curious about the cause of your extreme back ache. The majority of people blame either their job, age, posture, stress, or maybe an injury. I always recommend daily stretching....but sometimes, it's not that easy....
I'd go as far as to say stress, mainly. I'm pissed off all the time, and the fact that at 20, I've already got arthritis. Apparently Scandinavians suffer from joint pain of some kind at a young age and either don't care or don't notice.
And Brando, could you get any bit more masculine or what? Pole vaulting? Did you do it while fighting a dragon? Axe or sword for a finisher? Do you often pole vault over common things like flights of stairs, small boxes on the ground or potholes? I hope so, because that's what I'm imagining right now.
Tilia Virga
12-13-2007, 08:39 AM
Hurray! Another member of the natural healing segment of society. Both of my parents are chiropractors and they're really into natural medicine. My mother is a practicing acupuntcure specialist and I'm never short on natural supplements. Helped me through my younger years when I used to destroy my lower back pole vaulting all the time.
That sounds pretty awesome! How did your mother become an acupuntrist? Did she get schooling in the states? I'm thinking of doing that in the future, any tips and advise?
Bernardo dei Medici
12-13-2007, 03:51 PM
... actually ... I have no idea how she learned it. My family has always been incredibly spiritual. I've experienced just about every major religion or spiritual discipline from Buddhism to Taoism, native american shamanism, Christianity, and a few others. I've settled on Christianity for my own reasons, but definately influenced with a wider view of the world.
So, the short answer is that I think she picked it up as part of her spiritual nature as I tend to see it being beneficial and almost necessary to blend the actual practice with what its purpose has always been.
I'll ask her though and get back to you about it.
Tilia Virga
12-14-2007, 06:52 AM
I'd go as far as to say stress, mainly. I'm pissed off all the time, and the fact that at 20, I've already got arthritis. Apparently Scandinavians suffer from joint pain of some kind at a young age and either don't care or don't notice.
Wow! It takes great effort to be mad all the time. At first, you came off rude...but're actually not that bad. :rolleyes:I've been blessed w/ a healthy body. :DThat constant pain (from your arthritis) sucks. Sorry to hear about that.
Einar Tyrssen
12-14-2007, 09:23 AM
Wow! It takes great effort to be mad all the time. At first, you came off rude...but're actually not that bad. :rolleyes:I've been blessed w/ a healthy body. :DThat constant pain (from your arthritis) sucks. Sorry to hear about that.
An unofficial test. You are now a part of my tribe.
Well, my body is sort of healthy. I heal fast, I shaved off about a week and a half to two weeks on my arm when I broke it. And by shaved off, I mean I cut my cast off with a bandsaw. And don't be sorry for the arthritis, it's not crippling. My bones just make an audible creak when I move, and my joints pop a lot. You can tell when it hurts because I'll make this face (apparently) that looks like I got stabbed.
Dreign Swift
12-14-2007, 01:05 PM
And don't be sorry for the arthritis, it's not crippling. My bones just make an audible creak when I move, and my joints pop a lot. You can tell when it hurts because I'll make this face (apparently) that looks like I got stabbed.
Everytime I see you posting about your joint problems, all I keep thinking is "drink more water." Seriously, it works wonders for your joints to actually receive the lubrication they were intended to have...
By "drink more water," I mean TONS of it. Work up to that if necessary, but get it done.
Chrono Veincrusher
12-14-2007, 02:33 PM
By "drink more water," I mean TONS of it. Work up to that if necessary, but get it done.
Drink 4-6 Liters a day and you will die.
2-3 Liters MAX a' day is enough.
Aiden Morild
12-14-2007, 03:27 PM
its all about how many litres you have drunk that are in your body, you could drink 10 litres a day provided you urinate sweat etc 10 litres. Otherwise you will drown your brain!
Dreign Swift
12-14-2007, 04:02 PM
Drink 4-6 Liters a day and you will die.
2-3 Liters MAX a' day is enough.
I don't get it...why do people feel the need to go there? Do you have any clue just how few people actually die from drinking too much water, or how hard it is to actually do it on accident?
How about this statistic: 75% of all North Americans are chronically dehydrated, and other sources state that it is somewhere in the 90's for Americans. Based on this statistic, and the fact that many drink SO little water (I used to be one of them), even what the average person considers to be "TONS" will most often still be less than the recommended amount for their body type. I definitely experienced this when I first started trying to drink the recommended amount. That's just the way it works.
Water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for life, and our bodies were designed to take in oxygen automatically. That should tell us something about the importance of water... I would say it is quite safe to tell someone to drink TONS more water, especially if they suffer from something which is often completely cured simply by increased water consumption. Clearly, you making that point was unnecessary, and the issue of proper water consumption is far more pressing. I've done a lot of research on this topic, and it is truly of great significance. Water is absolutely vital for the human body to function properly.
Sorry to hijack the thread.
Chrono Veincrusher
12-14-2007, 06:47 PM
I don't get it...why do people feel the need to go there? Do you have any clue just how few people actually die from drinking too much water, or how hard it is to actually do it on accident?
What are you talking about?!
No one should drink TONS(4+ liter) of water everyday if they ain't either enormous, do muscle work, or in hot environments.
2-3 liter is more then enough in a everyday life!
0-2 Liter is too little, And that's what your going on about.
Einar Tyrssen
12-14-2007, 09:46 PM
What are you talking about?!
No one should drink TONS(4+ liter) of water everyday if they ain't either enormous, do muscle work, or in hot environments.
2-3 liter is more then enough in a everyday life!
0-2 Liter is too little, And that's what your going on about.
I dehydrate naturally. I can usually keep an equilibrium going in colder areas but when the temp gets above 75 I get really sick, and start to feel dizzy if I do a lot of activity and don't keep cool. I've noticed when I sweat, it's a mild amount during the day, I sweat all day. I don't stink because it's not copious but my skin is constantly wet.
On really hot days, I usually drink six or seven liters of water if I do a lot of activity. Which is a lot of water to consume in a 24 hour period.
And no, Swift, drinking anything doesn't help. What does help, though, is putting considerable strain on my knees (like lifting heavy things) because at a certain point they give and pop. Then it's a different world, the pain is gone. My elbows hurt all the time, and I may have carpel tunnel but whatever. (I think that's all bullshit anyways) My largest problem, and my biggest concern is my ribs. Everything else I can survive if they fail, but my ribs are the protective cage that saves my innards from mashings. If I lean forward, my ribs feel okay, but if I lean back suddenly.. Every single one connected to my sternum cracks, and you can physically see them part about a quarter of an inch away from it. First time I saw it, I fucking vomited, now I'm okay with it. I also have a birth defect at the bottom of my sternum that, apparently, caused it to fragment and split. There's usually a tiny little bone that extends downward, and a small groove running down your sternum. Mine is a fissure, a crack, and it's an inch and a half long one starting from the bottom and I suppose working it's way up.
So I take special care to lift properly and not put strain on my ribs.
Tilia Virga
12-14-2007, 10:14 PM
Besides proper water consumption, have you ever though about doing Tai-Chi? ...not for combat, but the form. Water is vital, so is Chi. :D
It's fun and looks very relaxing. Maybe it'll also be good anger management. (Although your spontaneous burst of rage is amusing.....) ;)
Dreign Swift
12-14-2007, 11:01 PM
What are you talking about?!
No one should drink TONS(4+ liter) of water everyday if they ain't either enormous, do muscle work, or in hot environments.
2-3 liter is more then enough in a everyday life!
0-2 Liter is too little, And that's what your going on about.
I think you may have missed the entire point of that post.
I dehydrate naturally. I can usually keep an equilibrium going in colder areas but when the temp gets above 75 I get really sick, and start to feel dizzy if I do a lot of activity and don't keep cool. I've noticed when I sweat, it's a mild amount during the day, I sweat all day. I don't stink because it's not copious but my skin is constantly wet.
On really hot days, I usually drink six or seven liters of water if I do a lot of activity. Which is a lot of water to consume in a 24 hour period.
And no, Swift, drinking anything doesn't help. What does help, though, is putting considerable strain on my knees (like lifting heavy things) because at a certain point they give and pop. Then it's a different world, the pain is gone. My elbows hurt all the time, and I may have carpel tunnel but whatever. (I think that's all bullshit anyways) My largest problem, and my biggest concern is my ribs. Everything else I can survive if they fail, but my ribs are the protective cage that saves my innards from mashings. If I lean forward, my ribs feel okay, but if I lean back suddenly.. Every single one connected to my sternum cracks, and you can physically see them part about a quarter of an inch away from it. First time I saw it, I fucking vomited, now I'm okay with it. I also have a birth defect at the bottom of my sternum that, apparently, caused it to fragment and split. There's usually a tiny little bone that extends downward, and a small groove running down your sternum. Mine is a fissure, a crack, and it's an inch and a half long one starting from the bottom and I suppose working it's way up.
So I take special care to lift properly and not put strain on my ribs.
Didn't know that, guess yours is quite far from being remedied simply by proper hydration. Still, do it. :D
Einar Tyrssen
12-15-2007, 01:58 AM
Besides proper water consumption, have you ever though about doing Tai-Chi? ...not for combat, but the form. Water is vital, so is Chi. :D
It's fun and looks very relaxing. Maybe it'll also be good anger management. (Although your spontaneous burst of rage is amusing.....) ;)
What the hell is Tai-Chi? I've never heard of it besides in combat form (and that's laughable) so.. No idea.
I do try to just chill sometimes, I guess you could call it meditation. I just try to find myself by just sitting quietly in the woods.
Dreign Swift
12-15-2007, 03:27 AM
by just sitting quietly in the woods.
Excellent tactic, imo. Combine that with water, and you're going somewhere.
Ok, enough of that, lol.
Tilia Virga
12-15-2007, 06:38 AM
I do try to just chill sometimes, I guess you could call it meditation. I just try to find myself by just sitting quietly in the woods.
The woods?oOoOo that sounds nice! I live in the city...if I want to go to the woods, I'll have to drive there.... a long drive that is. I live near a park....but that's pathetic next to a wood. Where are you again?
Dreign Swift
12-15-2007, 06:53 AM
Where are you again?
Tilia Virga
12-15-2007, 06:59 AM
OH! OH! I get it! you're telling me Einar Tyrssen is like Stewart? HHAhAahha j/k....
Einar Tyrssen
12-16-2007, 02:08 AM
The woods?oOoOo that sounds nice! I live in the city...if I want to go to the woods, I'll have to drive there.... a long drive that is. I live near a park....but that's pathetic next to a wood. Where are you again?
Minnesota. I basically live in a woody, swampy area. I could never live in town. D:
And no, I'm not like Stewart but that was my favorite sketch on there for a long time.
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