View Full Version : Website recommendations
Dreign Swift
11-27-2007, 03:27 AM
Thought this would be a good place to post this, I'd never heard about this forum for some reason, and only recently did it mysteriously show up at the bottom of forums for me.
Only have two things I think really need to be remedied at this point:
#1. The pop-up tool tips in the editing section have a seriously long hovering time, and during this whole time, no other tool tips are available for viewing while mousing over the various editing features. You can get around this by clicking on dead space every time you want to see the tool tip for another button, but that's no solution.
I'd imagine two things should be addressed here:
A. Shortening the hover time of pop-ups after mouse-over a tool tip,
B. Allowing faster switching out of pop-ups, meaning even if I have just moused over the "Insert Image" button and got that pop-up to show, switching to and hovering over another button should automatically bring up a new tool tip.
(B) is probably more important that (A), and possibly even makes it pointless, but I'll leave that up to the technical people to decide. It should be noted that I have no clue if this is even fixable, I just figured it might helpful if it is.
#2. I visited the main page recently for the first time in a long time, and now that I have a laptop with a much higher native resolution, the site looks really horrid in my opinion. The whole central unit of the page is tiny and recessed into the bottom left corner, leaving a ton of unused/blank space. I don't have fraps, so I tried taksi (the capture program which came with Irth Online), but I couldn't get it to work. If anyone would like a screenshot of it, I'll get fraps. In general, I think the site needs some major updating, or at least a fix for this issue.
I think I've noticed a thing or two more which could use fixing, but they don't come to mind at the moment. Hope that was helpful.
Thirlan Tyrandor
11-27-2007, 04:10 AM
#2. I visited the main page recently for the first time in a long time, and now that I have a laptop with a much higher native resolution, the site looks really horrid in my opinion. The whole central unit of the page is tiny and recessed into the bottom left corner, leaving a ton of unused/blank space. I don't have fraps, so I tried taksi (the capture program which came with Irth Online), but I couldn't get it to work. If anyone would like a screenshot of it, I'll get fraps. In general, I think the site needs some major updating, or at least a fix for this issue.
I think I've noticed a thing or two more which could use fixing, but they don't come to mind at the moment. Hope that was helpful.
Brando is currently working on giving our site a functional face lift by upgrading it with plenty of guild management tools. As for how the site currently is designed, I know what you mean. If you use any unix variant operating system you'll get the same issues you're talking about. Regardless the people who made it, which I believe was the Duke and Fisbharrel, both knew what they were doing I believe. The site has plenty of fixed values instead of auto generated ones. As nice as it would be to have the site expand to fit all resolutions, it's kind of difficult, especially the way they have done it.
Thought this would be a good place to post this, I'd never heard about this forum for some reason, and only recently did it mysteriously show up at the bottom of forums for me.
Someone must have recently granted you access rights to it. I hope they had a reason for it :confused:. That or some user groups have had their access rights suddenly changed
Nira Nathair
11-27-2007, 04:55 AM
Regarding #1, that is unfortunately not something we have control over. That code is part of the vBulletin forum engine. It will depend somewhat on your browser and javascript engine, probably. I can dig around and see if I can find where those scripts are defined, but no promises.
Interestingly, on my Vista system, the tool-tip will vanish if you move your mouse over it, but stays around if you move your mouse out of the associated control in any other direction. It's still a work-around, but hey, it's better than clicking off.
#2, yeah. I don't expect anything new on that for a while. The site Brando is working is separate and he's really just doing the programming and such, not the pretties.
Mysteriously showed up? How did you hear about it? I know who gave you access, I assume you asked for it? Generally this forum is used to discuss any kind of guild promotional work, so this is the right place for such things.
Dreign Swift
11-27-2007, 07:29 AM
Someone must have recently granted you access rights to it. I hope they had a reason for it :confused:. That or some user groups have had their access rights suddenly changed
I meant that back in the earlier months of my membership, I don't ever remember seeing this "Academy" forum. This last month was the first time I ever saw it at the bottom of the forum, and it said restricted access, or something like that, so I assumed it was somewhere I wasn't allowed to go. Then just a few days ago I was going through the forums looking for stuff I'd missed in the last 2 months and I saw a thread from January by Lord Fishbarrel: He suggested any who felt they might have something to contribute should PM him, so I promptly did.
Mysteriously showed up? How did you hear about it? I know who gave you access, I assume you asked for it? Generally this forum is used to discuss any kind of guild promotional work, so this is the right place for such things.
Oh, you too :)
Surly von Fishbarrel
11-27-2007, 12:18 PM
Putting a pretty face on a functional backdrop is easy enough, I'd be more than happy to. I was never all that happy with the main site. Dynamic content, particularly with an interface, is something that I've come to treasure.
Thirlan Tyrandor
11-28-2007, 12:08 AM
I meant that back in the earlier months of my membership, I don't ever remember seeing this "Academy" forum. This last month was the first time I ever saw it at the bottom of the forum, and it said restricted access, or something like that, so I assumed it was somewhere I wasn't allowed to go.
There are a few hidden sections on this forum. There's even one I'm not allowed into but I know exists because my brother has access to it. It's nothing special, just a private area for the heralds to talk without anyone barging in and injecting useless information... like what I just wrote.
Orishas Morgan
03-04-2008, 05:29 AM
There are a few hidden sections on this forum. There's even one I'm not allowed into but I know exists because my brother has access to it. It's nothing special, just a private area for the heralds to talk without anyone barging in and injecting useless information... like what I just wrote.
Wheres our Exchequer/Reeves secret forum where we can talk about breaking peoples kneecaps, and screaming "WHERES MAH MONEY?"?
*no I actually wont act like an idot in-game
Thirlan Tyrandor
03-08-2008, 01:32 AM
Heh yeah, we don't need one :P We're not exactly doing anything that deserves a private forum.
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