View Full Version : Gru? Morgaine!
11-12-2007, 11:41 PM
Gru? Morgaine, Liebe Leute!
I am Elicas of Merica, son of Sigeberht the Saga-master. I have always been faithful to the Lady of Light, the true God of Agon, but a friar's path is not yet my own. I wish to serve in His Grace's Ducal Garrison and eventually obtain the rank of Cavalier. I have a talent for equestrian skills; a true centaur, some have said. I have also studied the art of war: both of combat and of strategy. With great pleasure, I offer my talents to His Grace, the Duke of Wessex.
Hello. Back on Earth, there are those who call my Wade. However, Elicas will suffice for any forum and in-game matters. I live in the Southern region of the United States.
I understand that for some weeks I will remain a trial member, then will gain the title of "villein". I would like to request access to the restricted forums.
Beric Veincrusher
11-13-2007, 12:17 AM
Ich bin ein Wessexer!
Welcome to the Wessex forums - have you practically applied your talents in war recently, Elicas?
Gunnarr Varghoss
11-13-2007, 12:51 AM
Elicas, Welcome to the forums!!! And what a wonderful Intro if I do say so myself.
11-13-2007, 12:59 AM
Ich bin ein Wessexer!
Welcome to the Wessex forums - have you practically applied your talents in war recently, Elicas?
Do you mean in the real world military? No, I am physically incapable of joining.
Talfryn Emrys
11-13-2007, 01:31 AM
Well Met Elicas.
11-13-2007, 01:38 AM
Welcome to the Duchy. I look forward to getting to know you as we wait. Finnigan McGowwan, at your service. *bows curtly tipping hat*
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 07:30 AM
Do you mean in the real world military? No, I am physically incable of joining.
I noticed you played Roma Victor (I handled your app, if you recall). Who were you?
11-13-2007, 11:12 AM
I noticed you played Roma Victor (I handled your app, if you recall). Who were you? Slepanandiaz. I didn't play much of the game after release, just mostly beta. My forum name was Shu Lord Liu Bei.
11-13-2007, 11:34 AM
There is really only one thing I dislike about the Duchy: the name. Well actually, the name fits well considering "Merica" is the name of the human land. But anything that contains the word "sex" (sextant, Essex, Wessex, etc.) sends me porn pop-ups. :p
Aiden Morild
11-13-2007, 12:11 PM
Welcome to Wessex
11-13-2007, 06:57 PM
There is really only one thing I dislike about the Duchy: the name. Well actually, the name fits well considering "Merica" is the name of the human land. But anything that contains the word "sex" (sextant, Essex, Wessex, etc.) sends me porn pop-ups. :p
What browser are you using? O.o
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 07:13 PM
Slepanandiaz. I didn't play much of the game after release, just mostly beta. My forum name was Shu Lord Liu Bei.
Haha, I remember your forum name. My character's name was/is (though I got banned from the forums for arguing a different view of features with KFR, seriously -- I can still log-in game) Eunapius, forum account Titus Ultor.
11-13-2007, 08:03 PM
Good to meet you Elicas. Welcome to Wessex.
11-13-2007, 08:17 PM
Haha, I remember your forum name. My character's name was/is (though I got banned from the forums for arguing a different view of features with KFR, seriously -- I can still log-in game) Eunapius, forum account Titus Ultor.
Your name sounds familiar as well.
While I was searching though some guilds for Darkfall, I saw some other familiar names. Such as Cynewulf and Starcius.
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 08:23 PM
Your name sounds familiar as well.
While I was searching though some guilds for Darkfall, I saw some other familiar names. Such as Cynewulf and Starcius.
They've been keeping their eyes on the game for a long time. I tried to get Starcius to join Wessex (he and I are good friends), but he's just started the Portuguese college system thing which is apparently really intense, so he never has time.
I haven't talked to Cynewulf in sometime, I'm not sure what exactly he does or plays now. He left the Roma Victor community entirely a couple months ago, and I don't even see him on MSN anymore.
11-13-2007, 08:36 PM
They've been keeping their eyes on the game for a long time. I tried to get Starcius to join Wessex (he and I are good friends), but he's just started the Portuguese college system thing which is apparently really intense, so he never has time.
I haven't talked to Cynewulf in sometime, I'm not sure what exactly he does or plays now. He left the Roma Victor community entirely a couple months ago, and I don't even see him on MSN anymore.
I have been out of Roma Victor for a long time. To be honest, I was extreme disappointed with it. I did spend a lot of time on the Hundred's website and I was a part of their sister "guild" called the Fyrd.
I saw those two in the Specto Mundus guild member list and forum list.
By the way, who else here came from Roma Victor? I didn't see any threads on it in the gaming forum.
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 08:41 PM
No one else, to my knowledge. Ferox of the 24th is an occasional poster on the Darkfall community forums, and the occasional RV forum troll Milo Hobgoblin posts there as well, but otherwise I'm not sure what happened to most everyone.
11-13-2007, 08:48 PM
No one else, to my knowledge. Ferox of the 24th is an occasional poster on the Darkfall community forums, and the occasional RV forum troll Milo Hobgoblin posts there as well, but otherwise I'm not sure what happened to most everyone.
If I get accepted into the Duchy, I'll try to get Zakke to join as well. Him and I were both in the Fyrd at the beginning.
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 08:59 PM
Haha, that'd be a trip. We got into it pretty good towards the end of his playtime in RV, because he started supporting more carebear measures in the game. So did Clovis and a lot of other people, sadly. I got banned primarily for supporting Darkfall-esque game mechanics whenever possible.
11-13-2007, 09:09 PM
Haha, that'd be a trip. We got into it pretty good towards the end of his playtime in RV, because he started supporting more carebear measures in the game. So did Clovis and a lot of other people, sadly. I got banned primarily for supporting Darkfall-esque game mechanics whenever possible.
More carebear measures? I almost lost it when KFR said they changed it from full loot to looting one item.
Did they ever implement the things that were supposed to come out "shortly after release"?
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 09:35 PM
More carebear measures? I almost lost it when KFR said they changed it from full loot to looting one item.
Did they ever implement the things that were supposed to come out "shortly after release"?
Not really. New lands did come like half a year later. Some armors and buildings have been introduced, as have guildhalls. But they're all gimped, weakened versions of what they were originally supposed to be.
KFR strengthened RPL, insisted on giving the murderer badge to anyone killing an unarmed person (even of another faction) and began comparing the game to a "chess match" instead of a sandbox. It's really disgusting.
11-13-2007, 09:54 PM
Not really. New lands did come like half a year later. Some armors and buildings have been introduced, as have guildhalls. But they're all gimped, weakened versions of what they were originally supposed to be.
KFR strengthened RPL, insisted on giving the murderer badge to anyone killing an unarmed person (even of another faction) and began comparing the game to a "chess match" instead of a sandbox. It's really disgusting. But no horses and bows?
I have quite a few questions concering the Duchy of Wessex that I don't feel were addressed entirely in the Fireside Chats. Should I ask them in one of the other forums?
Aethelric Brandt
11-13-2007, 10:07 PM
But no horses and bows?
I have quite a few questions concering the Duchy of Wessex that I don't feel were addressed entirely in the Fireside Chats. Should I ask them in one of the other forums?
Commons or Boroughs would probably be best, or you could pop into our IRC (#wsx in stratics, info in your acceptance e-mail).
11-13-2007, 10:52 PM
I have quite a few questions concering the Duchy of Wessex that I don't feel were addressed entirely in the Fireside Chats. Should I ask them in one of the other forums?
Search for the unstickied Fireside Chat in the Commons or Boroughs, I think it was. There's a live thread where you can ask His Grace directly questions about things, for him to assemble a new Fireside Chat on.
Welcome Elicas, should you change your mind about the Church we will be in the Cathedral waiting for you.
Zora Flynn
11-14-2007, 11:56 AM
Welcome Elicas.
I've enjoyed the RV updates as I was also in beta. :)
It was so long ago that I don't remember my names on the boards or in-game.
Chrono Veincrusher
11-17-2007, 01:39 AM
Welcome to the Duchy!
Enjoy your Stay!
Dreign Swift
11-17-2007, 02:59 AM
Welcome Elicas, should you change your mind about the Church we will be in the Cathedral waiting for you.
Has anyone else been finding the occasional church-member comments hilarious? It seems they've really taken this in-your-face evangelical/inquisition role on quite automatically, lol.
Man, that was one creepy post, Gwar. ROFL!
EDIT: Oh, yes...welcome, Elicas. Look forward to getting to know you better. :)
11-17-2007, 03:05 AM
Has anyone else been finding the occasional church-member comments hilarious? It seems they've really taken this in-your-face evangelical/inquisition role on quite automatically, lol.
Man, that was one creepy post, Gwar. ROFL!
Its alright. We like to let them think they have power. =P heh jk
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