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View Full Version : Writ of Villein Release - Warren Black

Nira Nathair
03-16-2006, 08:03 PM
I, by the Grace of Morgaine, Duke of Wessex. Let it be known to all and singular that I have determined that I shall not hold Warren Black as a villein on account of the appointment of his brother, Darcy Montague Black to my court and his investiture as an envoy of my court. Warren Black is henceforth freed from the oath of servitude and shall be known to the court as a burgess of Ouenta Castrum.

Written by my own hand in this year 213.


I do solemnly swear that I will be good and true to His Grace the Duke of Wessex; that I will be obedient to the Mayor of this City; that I will maintain the Franchises and Customs thereof, and will keep this City harmless, in that which in me is; that I will also keep the King's Peace in my own person; that I will know no Gatherings nor Conspiracies made against the King's Peace, but I will warn the Mayor thereof, or hinder it to my power; and that all these points and articles I will well and truly keep, according to the Laws and Customs of this City, to my power.

Darcy Montague Black