View Full Version : Glad to join a clan.
ZtyX Roman
10-16-2007, 10:26 AM
Hello everyone.
My name is ZtyX and I've just joined this forum. I found a link through the Darkfall forums and ended up signing up through the website here. Today I was accepted into the guild as a Villein. I'm quite anxious to learn what kind of people you all are, hehe. I have to admit, though. This clan does seem to go real far in pursuing a deep roleplaying experience. Hehe, but I don't see that as a problem. At least not yet. .. Actually, it's quite interesting. It adds this extra dimension to your gaming experience and I guess you guys are extra-good friends. :D
Well, anyways. If you have any questions for me just ask.
Chrono Veincrusher
10-16-2007, 10:28 AM
I'm glad to have you with us!
Welcome to Duchy of Wessex!
Oh, And what kind of play style do you have?
Going for Melee or Magic?
And what kind of race?
ZtyX Roman
10-16-2007, 10:39 AM
I'll be a human. I suppose I will be melee, because I'd like to be a captain in Darkfall. So I have to be good defensively and able to take some damage.
Chrono Veincrusher
10-16-2007, 10:43 AM
A Captain as in the Navy?
For more information regarding the Military:
Fireside Chat 2: On Matters Military (
ZtyX Roman
10-16-2007, 10:45 AM
Well, not particularly in the navy. More like a captain on vessels transporting resources or people. I don't want to be a pirate.
Manus Dei
10-16-2007, 10:46 AM
Ah, so a mercantile captain; a burgess who owns his own ship.
I read your application, Ztyx. Welcome to Wessex.
ZtyX Roman
10-16-2007, 10:50 AM
Ah, I see.. Yes, that must be it.
Thank you, Sir.
Leto Atreides
10-16-2007, 01:29 PM
welcome and well met :)
ZtyX Roman
10-16-2007, 02:00 PM
Thanks Leto.
10-16-2007, 04:18 PM
Welcome to the guild ZtyX.
10-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Welcome to the forums!:o
Jord Hunter
10-16-2007, 06:08 PM
Welcome to the Duchy, Ztyx.
Aiden Morild
10-16-2007, 06:37 PM
Welcome to Wessex!
Spaw Kindred
10-16-2007, 07:43 PM
Well, anyways. If you have any questions for me just ask.
I'm Spaw Kindrid, also known as Kanja, and I like to gank a lot :D Do you like to gank a lot?
Cynric Oakheart
10-16-2007, 07:50 PM
Welcome to Wessex and the forums!
You can catch me playing a whole range of games on steam and xfire! all the info is in the gaming subforum if you wish to hop in and play.
(Currently Team Fortress 2 has my whole attention :P)
Yulia Fiennes
10-16-2007, 08:44 PM
Welcome :)
10-16-2007, 08:57 PM
Hello, fellow who thinks he knows me from another game.
Welcome to Wessex!
Duplicarius Dillingham
10-16-2007, 09:47 PM
Welcome, I haven't heard of too many people wanting to be mercantile people, besides the trading co. :)
ZtyX Roman
10-17-2007, 12:01 PM
Thanks a lot Yossarian, Oprah, Jord, Aiden Morild, Gwar, Yulia Fiennes, Finnigan (hehe).
It's great to be in the Duchy of Wessex, it seems to be a very interesting clan with a lot of good ideas and good people.
Spaw Kindrid:
Hehe, well.. No, it's not my favourite thing to do. Actually, I can't do it. I always pity people who I can beat easily, but I really love killing strong opponents. Haha, so maybe you will have an ally there. ..
Oh, that's cool. I actually use Steam a lot myself, but pretty much only for Counter-Strike 1.6. TF 2 looked pretty good. I saw it the other day at a friends computer. Mine is not strong enough to run it well though. Currently, I'm saving money for a new gfx card.
Hmm, yea. I guess it's not the most obvious line of work, but if the game mechanics allow it I think it could be one of the more profitable and enjoyable lines of work. Definitely. .. I assume that with all the islands in the game, having a vessel and a crew to help out people with passenger/cargo transportation could be quite rewarding. .. However, if the game turns out to have many means of NPC transportation, then I suppose I could just stick to transporting cargo. ..
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