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Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 06:55 AM
Yeah, what up?

Apparently, the Duke decided I'm cool enough to hang with you guys, so HERE I AM. BEHOLD. You guys run a pretty awesome site (I dig the intro, as well as all sorts of cool little banners in the sigs) with a rockin' community as well. Everybody seems so nice and friendly, it's nothing like my days in elementary school where everybody picked on me and one time I got thrown in the trash in the art room. Also the time John Mitchell threw a mason jar at me and it exploded all over my head, cut my hand and the teacher got pissed at me for making a mess. So in turn I'm the worst guildleader ever because of all the mental issues that scarred me for life as a child...

Just kidding!

All of that made me an awesome guild leader, and knowing exactly what non-friendly people are like, I pick out the exact opposite pretty quick. Also, nice organization and all. Yeah, the Duke and I go way back (about a few days ago, but that is unimportant and you should disregard anything I'm saying here like the time I smeared oil all over my.. NO NO WAIT) so we're pretty tight. Yeah, I remember all those times we had.. Good times. We originally met in Bora Bora, he had shown up to investigate a severe beer shortage in Candyland or wherever he's from and wound up in the tropics. Fortunately I was there, doing lines of coke off of hookers and of course he and I had this natural chemistry. Not like a Batman and Robin sort of chemistry but more along the lines of Duke Nukem and his guns. Actually that's a horrible analogy. Like Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta in Pulp Fiction sort of chemistry that just seems to work.


His intellectual, sharp sort of ways combined with my street-smart, utterly retarded sort of ways hit off right away and then the movie flipped (low budget) right into the action scene with guns and ninjas and I don't know where I'm going with this because I said I was writing a story about how we met and now I'm just making it up as I go along as I've always been doing so whatever. We won. He totally didn't get kicked in the nuts because I promised I wouldn't tell you guys about that and then we lived happily ever after and was given a million dollars for our efforts. Each. Also pudding.

And cake.

And Belgium.

NOW IT'S TIME FOR A LITTLE SOMETHING ABOUT ME! I'm 20, I like long walks on the beach. I'm a Pisces, I like the wind blowing in my hair and I collect (fail to throw away) Mt. Dew beverage containers. I have them on display (again, I don't clean) in my house. I'm very passionate about my opinions (belligerent, ignorant and vulgar) and I'm Pagan. If I offend you, don't cry to the Duke because for once I'm not trolling/spamming and I don't want to get banned.

SO HIE!!!!!111

A little somethings while I was writing this:

Duke: And we like to post a historically authentic type of feudal grant, like the ones seen here:
DeadWolfDaemon: Posting my intro.
Duke: http://faculty.juniata.edu/tuten/oath.html
Duke: Then, after that, and in the same thread, my heralds will grant you your arms all ceremonially.
DeadWolfDaemon: Do I have to roleplay on the forums?
Duke: No, only for that thread, which goes in our "Cathedral" forum.
DeadWolfDaemon: Okay because I'm definitely not roleplaying as I'm writing this.
Duke: This is only for the wording of the charter, so it can be very specific and official.
Duke: Your intro is just your intro.
DeadWolfDaemon: Yeah. It's also a short story on how we met in Bora Bora while fighting crime.
Duke: lol You and I, huh?
DeadWolfDaemon: Yeah.
Duke: Don't tell them how I let the perp kick me in the nuts
DeadWolfDaemon: I won't.

DeadWolfDaemon: If I wasn't drinking right now, this story would suck but I find it funny as hell.
Duke: lol Alright. I hope you come off well.

EDIT: Oh and I'm from Sleggjaholl, new vassal of the Duchy of Wessex! HO HO.

Chrono Veincrusher
10-09-2007, 07:44 AM
Oh the Vikings.
Welcome to The Duchy of Wessex!

Spaw Kindred
10-09-2007, 09:19 AM
Well this is going to be a challenge....

Welcome to Wessex.

10-09-2007, 10:47 AM
Welcome to Wessex!

Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 11:39 AM

And yeah, we are the Vikings.

Zora Flynn
10-09-2007, 11:46 AM
Um, this should be interesting. Welcome!

10-09-2007, 11:53 AM
Wow. Things are getting curious. ^^

Welcome to Wessex.

Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 12:13 PM
Why is everybody saying this is going to be interesting? I'm fairly certain I am in no way interesting.

Chrono Veincrusher
10-09-2007, 12:36 PM
Why is everybody saying this is going to be interesting? I'm fairly certain I am in no way interesting.
Perhaps not you in person, but i believe all Vikings are interesting by nature.

10-09-2007, 12:43 PM
Uncivil vikings.......... we can do this guys,..right?..... guys?

Welcome aboard (>^_^)>

Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 01:23 PM
Perhaps not you in person, but i believe all Vikings are interesting by nature.

I style myself as a Viking in appearance, demeanor and spirit. And yeah, we are pretty interesting.

10-09-2007, 01:35 PM
Aye, its all about the vikings. I can go off on a speech all day about the history of vikings in RL, and still not lose interest. =P

Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 01:56 PM
Aye, its all about the vikings. I can go off on a speech all day about the history of vikings in RL, and still not lose interest. =P

Me too, most people get annoyed but I don't care.

Komako the Hawk
10-09-2007, 02:22 PM
You're quite the personality, Sir Caius.

Now tell us about Sleggjaholl - perhaps we could meet some of your vicious Vikings?

Beren Fiennes
10-09-2007, 03:15 PM


Einar Tyrssen
10-09-2007, 03:16 PM
You're quite the personality, Sir Caius.

Now tell us about Sleggjaholl - perhaps we could meet some of your vicious Vikings?

Why thank you.

Uh, not much to tell really. Mainly a raiding clan if you get down to it. In basic senses we're just like any other guild, like to have fun. We're generally mean to eachother, but in a loving kind of way. And I don't know if they'd join this forum, a lot of them haven't even gotten around to getting on the guildcafe site.

They said they'd either try to be in beta or get Darkfall ASAP when it came out. IF it's sold in Wal-Mart.

Aiden Morild
10-09-2007, 03:45 PM

Cynric Oakheart
10-09-2007, 03:53 PM
A vassal...hmmm does that mean we can pillage your women freely? :D

Welcome and salutations :)

Nira Nathair
10-09-2007, 05:42 PM
Welcome to the community, Lord Caius, and a warm welcome to your band of smelly vikings.

Einar Tyrssen
10-10-2007, 02:03 AM
A vassal...hmmm does that mean we can pillage your women freely? :D

Welcome and salutations :)

Usually we're the ones doing that, but if you want to try it with our women go ahead. I don't think they'll be too cooperative though.

Welcome to the community, Lord Caius, and a warm welcome to your band of smelly vikings.

Hah, it's the rest of the world that smells. We have a special day just dedicated to bathing, it's called laugardagur.

Nira Nathair
10-10-2007, 04:14 AM
Hah, it's the rest of the world that smells. We have a special day just dedicated to bathing, it's called laugardagur.


Manus Dei
10-10-2007, 04:37 AM
But does that mean it's the only day you bathe?

Einar Tyrssen
10-10-2007, 04:41 AM
But does that mean it's the only day you bathe?

Pretty much. But for medieval times, that's fantastic!

Brokk Volund
10-17-2007, 08:30 AM
Pretty much. But for medieval times, that's fantastic!

Maybe for you, but i have a private bath everyday in within the confines of my Smithy ^_-. Hail thee friends, im the Grandmaster Smith of Sleggjaholl Brokk Volund. Its a pleasure to be here ^_^

Manus Dei
10-17-2007, 08:32 AM
lol Nice to meet you Brokk. You're allowed to make your own thread, you know! No need to ride Einar's coattails.

Einar Tyrssen
10-17-2007, 08:50 AM
lol Nice to meet you Brokk. You're allowed to make your own thread, you know! No need to ride Einar's coattails.

Yeah, you can make your own, Brokk.


Brokk Volund
10-17-2007, 09:43 PM
lol Nice to meet you Brokk. You're allowed to make your own thread, you know! No need to ride Einar's coattails.

^_^ i was thinking on it, and i will eventually, but i thought it would be more fun to "ride Einar's coattails" as you put it ^_-.

Dafur Gewissae
10-18-2007, 04:07 AM
As the leader of a vassal state, what is your Wessex status? Where do you fit into the hierarchy peer wise?

Beric Veincrusher
10-18-2007, 04:35 AM
A thane is a minor feudal landholder, vassal to a lord. Thanes hail from fiefs outside of Wessex, but hold the same amount of land and villeins as a knight.

Komako the Hawk
10-18-2007, 04:42 AM
Caius is of equivalent social rank to a Knight of Wessex.

Einar Tyrssen
10-18-2007, 09:49 PM
As the leader of a vassal state, what is your Wessex status? Where do you fit into the hierarchy peer wise?

As they said, for now I am a knight. After Sleggjaholl gains in size and ability I'll probably be a peer. Depends, I guess, on how large Sleggjaholl gets.

If you're joining Wessex, but have friends who you'd think enjoy playing Vikings, forward them to me.

Dafur Gewissae
10-19-2007, 03:36 AM
The idea of you taking away possible Wessex recruits doesn't really bode well with me. I'd assume Wessex recruiting efforts would be to enlarge the number of Wessex.. All is well until you begin to threaten the prosperity of our clan.

Einar Tyrssen
10-19-2007, 03:51 AM
The idea of you taking away possible Wessex recruits doesn't really bode well with me. I'd assume Wessex recruiting efforts would be to enlarge the number of Wessex.. All is well until you begin to threaten the prosperity of our clan.

We're on the same side. ...

If they're turned away by the particular structure of Wessex or it's lore, but like mine they're going to GO TO ME ANYWAYS. Besides, my member count is a drop in the bucket to yours and if I take away a max of, oh, ten the who cares? You're going to get 30 in the course of my ten anyways.

Plus, every time I recruit a member, that's one that Wessex didn't. So are you discouraging Wessex' allies from gaining members? I don't entirely follow you.

Dafur Gewissae
10-19-2007, 04:16 AM
Are you implying that the new Wessex members are expendable? I'm not discouraging your growth, but I don't see it as healthy if its at the expense of valuable Duchy members' references.

10-19-2007, 05:09 AM
Caius has got the right of it. It's what political parties do. Every party will more or less do the exact same thing in office, but in order to appeal to different demographs, they offer different things. In the end, our Duchy is the corporate entity that dictates terms to the political parties and benefits from corporate equity!

Manus Dei
10-19-2007, 09:02 AM
lol You see? It's a happy world after all.

Dafur Gewissae
10-19-2007, 06:04 PM
Well, yes.. but as a separate entity we can't necessarily regulate or standardize their drills, or merit the qualification of the ranks given to Caius' members by Caius.

Manus Dei
10-19-2007, 06:23 PM
Caius and I made sure we were on the same page with ranks. That's one of the great things about Sleggjaholl in this arrangement - all the Sleggjaholl ranks have direct equivalences to the Wessex ranks, even with regard to both social and military rank.

10-19-2007, 06:26 PM
But as a subsidiary to us, it's not our job to manage precisely how their work gets done. All that's expected is that they deliver reliable and satisfactory military and political results when called upon, in exchange for being allowed to exist within our realm. Think of it a bit like a private contracting service. We get them to do a job, they get it done. We don't need to bother ourselves with how they got it done unless it's going to get us in trouble with some legal agencies or something.

At least, that's my interpretation of this situation.

Surly von Fishbarrel
10-20-2007, 01:38 AM
Brokk was absolutely my favorite dwarf from the Eddas.

Talfryn Emrys
10-20-2007, 02:32 AM
Brokk Landers?


Einar Tyrssen
10-20-2007, 07:55 AM
Caius has got the right of it. It's what political parties do. Every party will more or less do the exact same thing in office, but in order to appeal to different demographs, they offer different things. In the end, our Duchy is the corporate entity that dictates terms to the political parties and benefits from corporate equity!

Yeah, I'm all for any of my members moving to the Duchy's way of things if mine doesn't suit them. It's more along the lines of what's best per player, and not some obligatory false sense of honor that binds them to me. I'd rather they stay because they like it, not because they HAVE to.

Caius and I made sure we were on the same page with ranks. That's one of the great things about Sleggjaholl in this arrangement - all the Sleggjaholl ranks have direct equivalences to the Wessex ranks, even with regard to both social and military rank.

Yeah, initial talks sorted out any differences with historical accuracy and feudal rank even before we were included in this. The Duke wanted to make sure of it, I wanted to make sure of it and it payed off.

But as a subsidiary to us, it's not our job to manage precisely how their work gets done. All that's expected is that they deliver reliable and satisfactory military and political results when called upon, in exchange for being allowed to exist within our realm. Think of it a bit like a private contracting service. We get them to do a job, they get it done. We don't need to bother ourselves with how they got it done unless it's going to get us in trouble with some legal agencies or something.

At least, that's my interpretation of this situation.

That's basically what this whole thing is. Don't worry, Dafur, we deliver. :D

Brokk was absolutely my favorite dwarf from the Eddas.


Oakk Haddock
10-20-2007, 06:42 PM
Oh wow!

Hey, I just got out of the mountains of northern Washington, hows fall hitting Minnesota? I'm playing catchup on all the posts made in the last...6 months.

Anyways, a friend of the Duke is a friend of mine. Plus, I've only showered 15 or 16 times this whole summer.

Its good to have more allies, welcome to the family.

Dafur Gewissae
10-21-2007, 12:14 AM
Alright, I can accept that. You've got my approval, if it means anything.

Einar Tyrssen
10-21-2007, 12:38 AM
Oh wow!

Hey, I just got out of the mountains of northern Washington, hows fall hitting Minnesota? I'm playing catchup on all the posts made in the last...6 months.

Anyways, a friend of the Duke is a friend of mine. Plus, I've only showered 15 or 16 times this whole summer.

Its good to have more allies, welcome to the family.

Why thank you. Fall's rainy here, rainy and dumb. Frost some days, then it's random mid-temperatures with cold rain.

I think I've actually showered only a little bit more than that. Depends if I saw my lady friend that day or not.


Sure it does. Thanks for the approval :D

Gunnarr Varghoss
10-23-2007, 02:32 PM
Hail, I have a message from Sir Caius. He would like you all to be informed that he may be MIA for a few days, it is hard to say how long. It appears a deadly virus has rendered him ill.

OOC: He thinks a Trojan is blocking his internet. Hard to say when he will have it back, if more info is collected I will let you guys know first ^_^

Einar Tyrssen
10-24-2007, 05:45 AM

Situation: Under Control. Look in the Commons for my saga.