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09-08-2007, 08:27 AM
A small click echoed throughout the reception chambers as a tall and medium built man entered the room. He was dressed in all black and his hair was a white blonde, which contrasted his clothes very well. In one hand he held an old skull and in the other, a rosary drooped down past his fingers from around his wrist.

His posture wasn't great as he walked, but something about him gave people around that did not know him the sense of royalty. He stopped in the middle of the room, and smiled at the faces that peered at him throughout the room. He paused to scan the room before he took in a deep breath, "Greetings citizens of Wessex, my name his Hamlet, the son of a dear father murdered; and a ruler of a kingdom that I know not if I truly want. Alas, my woes need not to be made public, nor would the public want my woes public, although of that I am not sure," he said, in a loud accented voice. Hamlet did not make much sense at the best of times, nor did he hold a good conversation for any length of time. His words always seemed scattered, puzzling, and almost always troubled.

"I have come merely to introduce myself to you all, if I should decide to build my kingdom up, I would very much like to be allies with you all. If I were to decide that all hope was lost in building a kingdom, then I would very much like to attempt to join your ranks. As of now however, I am merely introducing myself, as I will be visiting often, sometimes at lengthy periods of time," he paused and smiled, "... with your permission of course," he added, still holding the smile.

He bowed deeply before he left the chambers, still clutching the skull he brought with him tightly in his hand.


Hey there, I was searching through the darkfall forums and happened to stumble across this guild. I was impressed by the roleplay and the actual government you are attempting to create within the guild. I am very interested although at the moment I aspire to create my own township/kingdom whichever it might be for it suites my character the best to be in control of something.

You might be wondering however, as to why I am even bothering to post a "hello" thread if I am not interested in joining.. well.. the awnser is that I want to do some decent roleplaying before the game launches and develope a good friendship with many people so that I am not lost when the game goes live.

With that said, as you can see, my characters name is Hamlet (huge fan of Shakespeare) and he is a rather dark and gloomy fellow. He is quite the socialite although what he says isn't always quite clear. I plan on RPing out his personality more and seeing where it goes, for I dont want to make a final decision until he has interacted with other players.

Anyways, thank you for looking this over and cant wait to talk and rp with you all soon.

-Jordan (Hamlet)

Chrono Veincrusher
09-08-2007, 09:21 AM
Chrono standing behind the reception desk raised an eyebrow as this man was holding his speech in the center of the room. "What a odd color contrast this man have chosen. And to come here and talk about his kingdom in front of the citizens. Hmm.." he thought for himself and decided to approach this odd fellow.

"Greetings sir, My name is Chrono - Herald to the Duke of Wessex." *bows* "Always nice with new visitors. Do you have any further information about this Kingdom of yours?"

09-09-2007, 01:49 AM
Hamlet grinned as the man approached, "Greetings Chrono - Herald to the Duke of Wessex," Hamlet said as he took a wobbley bow, "Mine name is Hamlet, king of a Kingdom prematurely concieved in the bowels of mine wretched heart. I have none information as of this times, although I will give you word when a stone slab is laid and a foundation solid. Give me my robe, I say, put on my crown; words which long to be spewed from mine lips," Hamlet said, likely confusing everyone in the room.

09-09-2007, 02:35 AM
OOC: Sorry Hamlet I'm a little confused. Are you rping a king or a Duke, because Dukes do not control kingdoms, which is what it seems you are in posession of.

09-09-2007, 03:10 AM
OOC: Sorry Hamlet I'm a little confused. Are you rping a king or a Duke, because Dukes do not control kingdoms, which is what it seems you are in posession of.

OOC: Edited.

09-14-2007, 05:27 AM

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to give you all an update. I decided that I wanted to try for membership and applied, this is rather late to be posted as I was accepted as a recruit a few days ago. The reason I didn't post was because I was away for four days with limited internet access.

Anyways, this is a post saying hi and that I can't wait to get to know all of you. You'll be seeing more of me around the forums.

Thanks again,

Chrono Veincrusher
09-14-2007, 08:39 AM
Welcome to the Duchy, for real this time.

09-14-2007, 01:13 PM
"Very good, very good, welcome to Wessex. Now off to the fields with a plow, your majesty!" Destinova gives the new villein a swift kick in the rear.

Aiden Morild
09-14-2007, 03:39 PM
OOC: Welcome to the Duchy, Hope you enjoy the boards!