View Full Version : Tadgh

08-14-2007, 10:56 PM
*I look up as I enter the reception hall. The ceiling seems to stretch up for an eternity before it stops. It's made out of...well, not straw. oof... I wonder if any in the hall notice that the decision to sit was not mine. I suppose that is what comes of not watching where I am going. Damn...now I look like a fool. I stand and continue through the hall. There seems to be so much to take in. I wonder if they have a library. There. A bench. I'll sit there and wait until someone sees me. They'll know what I ought to do.*

Chrono Veincrusher
08-14-2007, 11:27 PM
*Not long after the last person left the reception hall a interesting fellow entered, he seemed a bit lost but in a way still focused. After wandering around in the entrance he suddenly fell, but didn't seem to hurt himself as he could continue down the hall where he found a bench.*

"I can't blame him for looking a bit lost, this place is a work of art for those who ain't used to this." the dwarf behind the reception thought for himself.
"I better go and see if hes all right" *And so, Chrono stood up and walked closer to the interesting man siting on the bench*

"Are you okay?, Sir. Just let me welcome you to the Duchy of Wessex. Could i perhaps be of any service?"

Aiden Morild
08-14-2007, 11:40 PM
((Welcome to the Duchy))

08-14-2007, 11:53 PM
*As I sit down, I notice a dwarf. Oh no. He noticed me too. I think that I can see a glimmer in his eye - almost like he is laughing at me. Or at least laughing at what I just did. He must have seen me fall. And now he's coming over here. And he asks if I'm all right. Definitely saw me trip on that...umm...rock? Surely not inside. Must have been the rug. MUST have been. Scholars don't trip on their own feet. SIR?!? He just called me sir. Must not laugh. Scholars don't laugh.*
"hello, sir. my name is tadgh. umm...i just filled out some papers, and i think i put them in the right stack. i am in the midst of trying to find a place to term 'home' and was directed towards this, the Duchy of Essex. i would like to learn about...umm...things." *Damn. I just said 'things.' Scholars don't describe their aspirations with the word "things." Damn.*
"The world. I would like to learn about the world. This world. Do you have a library?"

08-14-2007, 11:54 PM
((Thanks. Good to be here. As a note, and since I don't know how to work it in, Tadgh is pronounced 'teeg'. Just in case anyone was curious.))

Dreign Swift
08-15-2007, 12:09 AM
((Welcome to the forums, Tadgh. As a note, you're applying for citizenship in "The Duchy of [W]essex." :p))

Chrono Veincrusher
08-15-2007, 12:12 AM
"Ah, so your a applicant and a scholar. I'm glad to hear. No need to be nervous tho, we're all friendly in these parts"

"Just a reminder, Wessex is pronounced with a W. Some people tend to miss that.
And I'm afraid that we don't have a library of the size you're looking for in this building, But in the great tower we do, and of course we have a royal library in the castle but that's not a place for newcomers.
So if i was you i would try my luck in the great tower, it's huge so you can't miss it. It's the place where scholars and mages mix with the commons to gather and swap information."

"Feel free to stroll around in this town, you will be contacted about your application as long as you're within the castle walls. If that was all, i'll take my leav, Sir."

08-15-2007, 12:15 AM
((Shoot. I spelled it wrong. I was thinking wessex, I promise. Thanks for the welcome.))

08-15-2007, 12:20 AM
*Damn it. Wessex. I'm an idiot, and they know it. I hate talking to people. And I can feel the red creeping up my face.*
"i am sorry, sir; I misspoke. Thank you for your help."
*Should I bow? I should bow. There. I hope that was appropriate.*

Chrono Veincrusher
08-15-2007, 12:32 AM
*Chrono nod friendly*
"No worries. Take care and enjoy our town." *the dwarf said, and then he turned around to walk back to the reception*

08-15-2007, 12:42 AM
*I approach the reception.*
"excuse me, Sir Dwarf. Reverend Father Destinova just sent me a note indicating my acceptance as a trial member. in the note, i was told to introduce myself and request access to the appropriate forums. so...may i have access to the appropriate forums?"

Chrono Veincrusher
08-15-2007, 12:52 AM
"Congratulations, my friend! Your now one of us!" *the dwarf gave out with a cheer*
"I'm sure one of our great sheriff's will soon give you the access needed."

08-15-2007, 12:55 AM
"thank you, kind sir, for you generous help. i look forward to my time here in the Duchy of Wessex."

08-15-2007, 05:15 AM
On his way out, Tadgh bumped into a Mirdian by the name of Yossarian.

"Forgive me for my clumsiness sir." *Yossarian took a long look at Tadgh*

"You must be the new fellow. I have already heard a lot about you from others and I have been assured that you will be an excellent member of the Duchy."

Yossarian looked through his bag but all that was inside was an empty bottle, a look of disappointment fell across his face.

"I have not yet been here long myself and I still mistake this buiding for the tavern. Perhaps once you are settled you will drop by the tavern and share a few stories, you look like a good story teller."

08-15-2007, 05:23 AM
"i am afraid that your clumsiness probably has little to do with it. i apologize. and i'm surprised that you have heard of me. all i have done since i got here was trip over a rug. but, i am proud to say, i am an accepted ((trial)) member of the Duchy of Wessex. i have little doubt that i will be in the tavern occassionally. i am terrible fond of wine. i would not say that i am a terribly talented story-teller, but i am constantly told that i am my own worst critic. you shall have to judge for yourself. it is nice to meet you."
*i bow deeply and nearly fall over*

08-15-2007, 05:47 AM
"There is no need to bow to me friend, and once you spend some time here you'll see why small things travel fast around the Duchy. Some of those Dwarves love to gossip! But don't worry I'm sure you will prove yourself a good citizen and your fall will quickly be forgotten."

((Do you know what race you are playing yet Tadgh?))

08-15-2007, 06:06 AM
((i have always been a fan of the elf races. however, i also like to experiment a quite a bit with the races and classes.))

"i appreciate that. thank you for the welcome."