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Domitian Severus
08-07-2007, 11:23 AM
*A young man with short, blonde hair and steel gray eyes enters the reception chambers. He almost walks into a table because his eyes are diverted, taking in the majesty of the place. He finds and application form and, holding the writing tool in his shaky fist, begins to draw the characters of his name- C R A N S O N*

Chrono Veincrusher
08-07-2007, 11:44 AM
Suddendly a Dwarf, from the looks of it some sort of smith walks towards the new fellow.

Welcome to Wessex young lad.
*Gives the lad two warm slaps on the back*
You sees to be a bit shaken, Are you perhaps new in these lands?

*Notice the application on the table*
Oh, *takes a good look on the fellow*
Aye, with a bit of help you could do fine within these boarders.
Do you have any experience with combat or such?

Aiden Morild
08-07-2007, 03:54 PM
((Welcome to the boards Cranson))

08-08-2007, 12:29 AM
Welcome welcome Cranson

08-08-2007, 01:28 AM
Welcome, I see you have now been accepted as a trail member. Good to have you in the Duchy.

08-08-2007, 05:14 AM
Welcome to the duchy!

08-08-2007, 11:17 PM
*an elf entered the room from a passageway, leather boots clicking on the hard stone floor as he walked & black cloak trailing him. he noticed Chrono was with a young man that bore an unfamiliar face. he glanced at Chrono* Hello Chrono. *then to the newcomer & smiled warmly*

welcome, friend.
i am raihn eveslayer.

*he eyed the application briefly, then looked sternly to the young man, still friendly as ever*

it's good to still have new applicants showing up.

things have been a bit slow these days...*he sighed*
once you're accepted, you'll have my blade and bow, as every other member of Wessex does.

Erwin Carius
08-09-2007, 01:52 PM
*Thyreus notices the new one as he walks hastly across the large circular marble floor, heading in the direction of the chapel*

Domitian Severus
08-09-2007, 02:57 PM
*Cranson looks to Chrono*

Well met, sir dwarf. I am not shaken, merely tired from the long journey from the capital city. I've come from there seeking a place to become apprenticed, although I'm not sure what at.

*Cranson notices the elfs approach and listens*

Ah, why thank you sir. I'm glad to be here in Wessex.

Chrono Veincrusher
08-09-2007, 06:21 PM
*Some time later: A guard last seen on patrol enters the building and walks straight up to Cranson.*

Excuse me, Im here to tell you about your application.
Welcome to the Duchy, Sir. You have been approved for trail-membership.
With a low voice he then whisper: "You should know, we have high hopes for all our members so do your best."
Good day to you, Sir.

*Still in the reception chamber going through some paperwork, Chrono see the guard come and leave. So he walks over to Cranson.*

Ah. I can see on your face that you made it, young lad.
I knew you would make it, Welcome to Wessex mate.
Now lets take some time and meet the other members.
I happen to know a great tavern just a few blocks away if you would like to accompany me?

Dreign Swift
08-10-2007, 04:33 AM
((Greetings, Cranson. Heh, it's actually really funny that you're here. I was just reading the Darkfall boards and I saw your post in a poll I recently posted in titled "You, Your Clan, or Your Realm?" (I'm "Dreign" if you want to see what I wrote there). After reading your post and a few other things about your playstyle, etc., I felt like you might very well be someone who could be interested in a clan such as ours (I had a mind to send you a PM, but in the end I didn't. That was today, so obviously I would have been late anyways :D. Welcome.))

Domitian Severus
08-11-2007, 07:19 AM
((Thanks to everyone who has said hello. I think I'm going to like it here.))

Domitian Severus
08-11-2007, 08:58 AM
*nods and smiles at Chronos*

Yes, yes. A few blocks to the tavern is a short way! And I am a bit parched as it is.

*wonders which way the tavern is*

Chrono Veincrusher
08-11-2007, 07:25 PM
*Chrono cheers up a bit*
I'm glad to hear, lad.
Follow me!

*As the sun began to set at the horizon they walk out from the reception building they turn left to begin the stroll down the alley.*

Usually it's quite crowded in these parts because of all the foreigners, and of course the fish market down there. *Points in the direction of the harbour*

*Suddenly Chrono charge and kick at something lying in a pile of barrels.*
God damn it, Yossarian! Didn't i tell you last time that the street ain't a place to sober up in!
You better get moving before the guards spots you!

Those damn elf's, they just can't handle our quality alcohol.
Sorry lad, but after a while you just get so tired of them.

Ah, Can you hear the music? Just another block left.
They always have musicians playing while it's open.

*Two minutes later. Chrono nods at the bouncer, and they enter the crowded building. The atmosphere was at it's peak and everyone was celebrating as usual.*

Order anything you like, lad. The tab is on me.
I recommend the Dwarvish special if you got the guts for it.
Myself, I always drink two at once. *Chrono starts laughing and gives the bartender a sign with hes hand*

So, where was i.
Right, can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

Domitian Severus
08-15-2007, 07:35 AM
*looks back at Chrono, having been distracted by all of the sights and smells and sounds*

Dwarvish special huh? I better try just one to start with! You folks are are hefty even if not tall, and everyone knows you hold your booze better than that elf we saw on the way.

*ponders the question*

About me? Never really been asked that before.

Hmm... Well, I'm originally from the northern part of Mercia. When I was just a boy my village was destroyed by damned orkish raiders. I had been gone fishing and suddenly heard the war horn in the distance. I immediately began to rush home, but after three minutes the war horn did not sound again. My father made it clear many time what that meant. Knowing everyone was dead I changed direction ran for my life. I found a small cave to hide in and it became my home for a short while.

I was picked up one day by a group of traveling soldiers. They brought me back to the capital, though it took several months and I don't know the route. They sold me to a merchant there and I spent most of my days for years hauling carts of goods through the thoroughfares there.

Just my luck, the old rich guy croaked and freed me in his will. Now I had nothing! I tried to scrape by in Sanguine for the next year, but I found that opportunity was lacking in a place with so many people already. I'd only seen and heard the best of goods and knights from Wessex, and set out with that caravan that came into Wessex this morning.

And here I am.

*sips the drink* *COgh!*

08-15-2007, 08:36 AM
*Yossarian suddenly bursts into the tavern with a small sword in his hand and everyone falls silent until they realise that this Mirdain was drunk as a skunk.*
*Yossarian searched the room with his elven eyes which even when he was drunk were one of his sharpest senses. He found Chrono and Cranson sitting at the bar drinking and talking happily. He stumbled over.*

"Getting friendly with the newcomers are we Chrono?" *Hiccup!*
"I don't recall you ever putting drinks on your tab for me."
"That reminds me, I was kicked by a Dwarf walking along side a human earlier, while I was recovering from a previous encounter with a Ork with a bottle of Rum. That wouldn't of been you would it?"

*Chrono and Cranson grin at eachother, and even the drunkest of Elves could see that they were having a laugh at his expense.*

"So it was you. Well you sir, have insulted me for the last time!"

*Yossarian makes a sluggish jab at Chrono with his short sword, even if it had hit him it would of barwely scratched his skin, but Chrono was taking no chances, he swerved out the way and flung a fist that connected with Yossarians eye. Chrono picked up the sword and gave it to the barmaid for safe keeping. He began to laugh at the way Yossarian was moving on the floor, like a fish on land. He helped Yossarian up and began to speak.*

"When will you ever learn Yoss, not to come near a Dwarf when you've had to much Rum? It's a good thing it was me and not one of the full time miner Dwarves that you attempted to kill."

Yossarian replied, " It's the miner Dwarves that force me to drink Dwarven specials with them when they come in from a hard days work." *Hiccup!*

*Before Chrono could reply, Yossarian moved on the Cranson.*

"And you sir, I hear you have been saying that I cannot hold me drink! Well because you are new to these parts and you seem like a good willed person, I will let this one go. *Hiccup!* But I assure you, I can hold ma drink much greater then any other Elf you have ever seen!" *Hiccup!*

*With that, Yossarian left the tavern in hope of finding his way home before a Sheriff saw him.*

Chrono Veincrusher
08-15-2007, 04:48 PM
*Chrono laughs a bit* "I don't know what to say. Between you and me, the dwarven miners don't force that elf to drink our dwarven special.
It's more the other way around, that elf force them to give that much to him. But it's nothing new, hes almost never sober.

Anyway, I've heard you're aiming to become a burgess.
May i ask what sort of burgess you want to be?"

Domitian Severus
08-15-2007, 08:47 PM
Oh gosh, the rich type I hope!

I have no idea how I'll pull that off. I'll probably go hunting to start collecting hides and find a niche depending on what Wessex needs. I should probably stroll the market and see what kinds of shops are there already.

I'll admit, I'm not sure I'll be successful. But my father always told me, "First try your hand at trade and if that fails you can earn your keep as a soldier. If you try to be a soldier first and fail you'll just be a corpse."

((Trying to start of Cranson with a fairly blank slate, to allow him to develop in game. Thats why I have him traveling from Sanguine. I understand thats where human player characters will start))

Alexio Corbeille
08-16-2007, 06:33 AM
once you're accepted, you'll have my blade and bow, as every other member of Wessex does.

:D Having Raihn's blade and bow is what every wessex boy has to go through before he becomes a man. :D

Domitian Severus
02-03-2008, 02:59 AM
Still alive and well here. Wanted to check in to let you all know. Patiently waiting for 'the future' so that I can play Darkfall Online! I tend to be pretty quiet on forums, but try to read them so that I get all announcements from guild/clan leadership and know what types of events are scheduled. I very rarely RP on any forums because I'm a spontaneous player and I like my character to develop in game. So yeah pretty much everything I do with games happens 'in-game.' Wacky, I know. :eek:

So I've been spending my time in Norrath and enjoying it very much, all the while knowing my time there will ultimately come to an end. Its just a matter of when.

I do have an EVE account which I almost never play. I will see about looking you up there. Even then I'll probably not be very active there since to me EVE isn't an EQ2 killer, but if DFO lives up to its claims it sure will be.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi! Hi!

Bernardo dei Medici
02-03-2008, 03:18 AM
((If you have Station Pass and Vanguard at all, you can join some of us there!))

Chrono Veincrusher
02-03-2008, 08:24 AM
I very rarely RP on any forums because I'm a spontaneous player and I like my character to develop in game.(( It's all good to RP on the board and in game. But if you ever lack the motivation, feel free to go OOC and just join a discussion on board and relax. ;) Anyway, Nice to see you again. ))