View Full Version : Vow of Faith- Tierus Eisenhorn

Tierus Eisenhorn
02-05-2018, 06:38 PM
“Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong"

I Tierus Eisenhorn, cousin of Gregor Eisenhorn swear my loyalty, my wisdom, my chalice and my honor to the realm of men. I put forth my sword and arrow to defend the weak, protect the light and burn the heretic ways. I pledge my undying service to the Lord of Men King Manus Dei! Let my devotion be unwavering and fielty go unnoticed! I swear to the True God and the divine god emperor my life is yours at free will.

'They have only one purpose and there is nothing they will not do to accomplish this, no matter how vile or loathsome it might be. These abominations mean to destroy everything proud and noble, everything we hold dear and have fought so long to achieve.'

-Inqisitor Agmar on Tyranids

Jonathus Feldgres
02-10-2018, 04:18 AM
Does this mean you're finally an Inquisitor for real? Has the Church granted you that title yet?