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View Full Version : Award of FIEF - Sir Kaylem Sothenic, Knight of Brockmoore, Knight of Launceston

Manus Dei
01-06-2018, 01:54 PM
I, Manus, by the grace of God, King of Hyperion, Duke palatine of Wessex, Count of Elba, Grand Master of the Solar Legion of Honor, make known to those present and to come that I have given in fee to Sir Kaylem and his heirs the estate which is called LAUNCESTON, which lies west of Wentus Castrum within territory of Wessex; and whatever the same Sir Kaylem shall be able to acquire in the same estate and its environs I have granted to him and his heirs in augmentation of that fief I have granted. I have also granted to Sir Kaylem the right to build a fortress in this territory. I have also allowed Sir Kaylem the use of any facility in Wentus Castrum and also the borrowing of any skilled artisan from Wentus Castrum.

To Sir Kaylem I award the villeins Everard, Nerf, and Morganus. Sir Kaylem shall also have the right to recruit independently from outside of the realm of Hyperion to invite and acquire what other villeins he can for the development and industry of that fief I have granted.

Sir Kaylem has agreed to fight our causes and to receive protection from us in turn. The same Sir Kaylem, moreover, shall remain my liege man, as duke of Wessex as well as king of Hyperion.

Given by my own witness, in the ninth year of our reign,

Manus Rex

Manus, King of Hyperion, Duke of Wessex, Count of Elba

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-06-2018, 02:18 PM
Before all who stand before me and the radiant lord Soldeus, I, Sir Kaylem, Knight of Brockmoore, do hereby renew my fealty to His Majesty, King of Hyperion, Manus Dei.

I and mine swear to uphold and enforce the common law, the Carta Solis, to abide by the decisions of His Majesty and his cabinet, and to honor any proclamations or decrees issued by the Crown.

With old lands lost, I now receive my new fiefdom located west of Wentus Castum, held by His Majesty himself, King Manus. The land and its surroundings are of beauty and are known as Launceston.

In return for Launceston I continue my unwavering loyalty to the King, and from henceforth start to build Launceston to become an even better asset to Wessex and His Majesty, Manus Dei.

By Soldeus' name, I shall, to his Grace, be loyal and stalwart, a champion of his will. I shall bring pride to our people, and bring ruin to our enemies, so long as his Grace holds me to his bosom. This I swear now, and forever.

Kaylem, Knight of Launceston, Knight of Brockmoore, Warden of Wessex