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View Full Version : Oath of Service to Sir Kentalis Wraithborn

GigaChad McChad
12-14-2017, 11:56 PM
Let it be known, to all who bear witness to my words, written or spoken, as I do declare this Oath of Service, in service as Esquire, to Sir Kentalis Wraithborn. Until he bid me leave or shall find in me merits deserving I vow;

To offer no threat, nor injury, nor disrespect, to any my Lord hold as friend,
To offer no disrespect to any, including the enemies of my Lord, even if they should deserve it,
To be observant and thoughtful in all things, whether by the tutelage of my Lord or by the words of others,
To lead those with whom I am entrusted, both on and off the battlefield, with honor and prudence in the name of my Lord,
To show not fear, nor doubt, no matter the task set before me,
To seek and share all knowledge, and uphold an oath of honesty, to my Lord where I find and hold such knowledge,
To uphold, be true, and be faithful to the Laws of my Lord, and of the Carta Solis, with every fiber of my being,
To defend the beliefs of the Kingdom of Hyperion, of the Duchy of Wessex, and those of my Lord,
To swear my utter loyalty to His Majesty, Manus Dei, until my Lord release me, or Death take me,
To uphold the standards and codes of Chivalry, in defending the weak, helping the poor, and to uphold the values and defend the Church of Soldeus, to the best of my ability;

As a man, I shall be honorable, just, and courteous; as a soldier I shall be fearless, dedicated, and unflinching; and as a servant I shall be faithful, virtuous, and definite.

May Soldeus give me wisdom and strength to see this Oath fulfilled in its fullest.

Kentalis Wraithborn
12-15-2017, 02:28 PM
I accept this pledge of service, and shall groom Mister Aebyrwulf Hardurhnefa to become a future leader of our great kingdom, and to be worthy of his noble title. I will work with him daily to train him in the schools of war, and will teach him of the customs and expectations that come with one of his noble standing. With time, I will hope to shape him to become a sharp instrument useful to King and Kingdom in the art of war, so that he may bring swift death to our enemies.

Sir Kentalis Wraithborn