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View Full Version : Tree at last tree at last, thank God almighty I found a tree at last.

11-25-2017, 01:13 PM
Hello everyone! I'm DurkMcTowel (Ingame: Skree McTowel)
I spent the first hour of my new life in the desert looking for any kind of sustenance. I eventually made my way to a verdant island under the control of the Duchy and was gifted food before I starved to death.

As such I wish to dedicate my life as an artisan to his majesty, the King of Hyperion, so that I may benefit him and his realm.

But seriously, my name is Derek. I'm a chill dude looking to just play vidya games with other cool people. I hope to see you guys soon!

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-25-2017, 01:58 PM
Welcome Derek, make sure you jump on Discord.

Jonathus Feldgres
12-03-2017, 07:39 AM
Welcome! Make sure you read our MMO groundrules (http://duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?14173-You-must-read-and-acknowledge-before-you-can-join-wessex-in-life-is-feudal) and leave a comment there that you did! Some of that write-up is a little out of date, but the rules still apply.

Manus Dei
12-06-2017, 07:56 AM
Welcome Durk, and I am so glad that they gave you food instead of killing you!