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Thaurus Magnus
11-21-2017, 11:41 PM
Here's my formal introduction,
My name is Thaurus Magnus and IRL is Marvin, 36 years of age, married and father of two daughters. We live in the Netherlands in Europe.

Like my brother (Phlar Magnus) I've been a gamer all my life started online with FPS games and in 2004 made the switch to Star Wars Galaxies as my first MMO.
After SWG i played many MMO's but the two most notable are Lord of the Rings Online and Star Wars the Old Republic. Always arranged our own clans/guilds and was 2nd in command most of the time.

Started playing LIF:YO the day it released in Early acces and played it on and off trough the years with a total of 1425 hours on the record.

I love to Roleplay and can be considered as a medium to heavy roleplayer and will create an in-depth character for the MMO, have some ideas but need to work them out.

My goal in the Duchy is to become a Ranger, since I think this will fit my Playstyle and will give me a good starting point for Roleplaying.
Love to travel and scout other areas and being constantly on my guard. I can handle my self in PvP just hope the ping (around 200) is good enough.

Greetings Thaurus Magnus.

Quinton Emeka
11-22-2017, 12:13 AM
Welcome Thaurus!

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-22-2017, 08:05 AM
Welcome to Wessex