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View Full Version : These are not the Goons you're looking.

11-21-2017, 09:58 PM
Greetings from the Hugh Munghus.

I, Lord Hugh Munghus, have traveled here to inform you that the citizens of Goondor are not affiliated with whatever other members of the Goon race you have beef with. Only one of us has ever played Darkfall online, which is the only reason we even know who you are or why you might be upset.

Of course if you choose to be hostile towards us simply because of how we choose to organize our group then fine, but many of our residents are not even Goons. We would appreciate having a dialogue with you before you decide the best course of action is to run into our claim killing our peasants yelling "For Hyperion".

Do note that choosing to be hostile towards us simply because we subscribe to a certain forum and we are of the Goon race seems tantamount to racism and a potential genocide.

Edit : There seems to be some confusion as to whether the people who attacked us yelled "For Hyperion" or "For Emperion" again though neither mean anything to us.

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-22-2017, 12:29 AM
Greetings Lord Hugh Munghus,

I'm afraid I don't know anything about this. First, we don't yell things in local. Second, we are currently in cluster 6, on an isle, and are not running around attacking anyone that hasn't engaged us first. I will say that there are a few guilds on the US server that are extremely, shall we say, 'hurt', that we beat the crap out of them time and time again in various YO instances, and are desperately trying to get others to fight us for them. Most of their attempts are rather childish and easily dis-proven.

I agree with you that Darkfall was long ago, and while parts of it was rather fun, mostly the game sucked blue boar balls.

Our guild tag is 'WSX', and should you see this again, I would appreciate some screen shots. Within the version of the 'beta', my name is Azzerhodn. If this continues to happen though I would offer that we look at dealing with the imposters together.

11-22-2017, 10:03 AM
Again we wouldn't know about darkfall sucking blue board balls because we didn't play it. We've just heard there is bad blood and that there was a reward offered for our location. One of our guys also spawned on your island and was KOS'd.

I didn't want to come here to accuse anyone of anything just clear the air in case you guys felt there was a reason to worry about us being goons.

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-22-2017, 01:03 PM
Anyone on our island who is not in Hyperion or a friend of Hyperion is KOS, it was nothing to do with any of your members.

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-22-2017, 05:35 PM
Again we wouldn't know about darkfall sucking blue board balls because we didn't play it. We've just heard there is bad blood and that there was a reward offered for our location. One of our guys also spawned on your island and was KOS'd.

I didn't want to come here to accuse anyone of anything just clear the air in case you guys felt there was a reason to worry about us being goons.

Ahh, was that Jooohhny TheLad?

As Sir Kaylem indicated, anyone on our island without tags or not wearing heraldry is considered KOS. I would strongly council that you have a similar policy as personal claims will be the bane of this game.

I can assure you that we are not paying a reward for your location, and that there is no bad blood from any previous games. In the past I have been allied with the Goons and have fought against the Goons. That was then, and this is not those games.

May good fortune find you often.

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-22-2017, 06:22 PM
Same here, I was actually a member of Bat Company in EVE and Albion Online, which is a sub guild of the goons.