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Phlar Magnus
11-21-2017, 01:16 PM
Hi all,

Let me do a formal "Hi I'm me" post too.

I'm Phlar (iRL known as Ralph), 41 years old and father of two and living in the Netherlands.
I have been a gamer my whole live starting to dabble with Msx and Commodore 64 in the early days. Maybe I'm even ancient here .. I do not know :P

During my long years I have lead squads and guilds in various games ranging from FPS (like Delta Force series) and MMO's (SWG, LOTRO, GW and SWTOR). One game more successful than the others.

I bought LIF:YO when it came out and missed the early alpha stages because I was not aware of it's existence. I was instantly hooked on LIFYO and spend more than 1100 hours before I was bored of restarting over and over.

Duchy of Wessex (seen on forums a lot) actually embodies what I wanted to achieve with a guild in LIF and there are some friends and family member already. So the choice was quickly made.

Due to my experience I know what it takes to organize, but due to time limitations it was a good call to join you guys instead of starting on my own again.
With me in your ranks you have a responsible, capable and loyal member which may grow/evolve with the guild. I will contribute to it when I can and will do what is in my powers to ensure we have a healthy and good game experience.
I hope we get to know each other and make this a mutual beneficial relationship :)

Sincerely yours,
Phlar Magnus

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-21-2017, 11:19 PM

Thaurus Magnus
11-21-2017, 11:23 PM
Welcome Bro!

Quinton Emeka
11-22-2017, 12:12 AM
Welcome Phlar!