View Full Version : Creation of ROYAL PEER - Lord Azzerhoden Razeri, Viscount of Wessex, Baronet

Manus Dei
11-05-2017, 11:44 PM
To all whom these presents may come, I, Manus, by the Grace of God, King of Hyperion, Duke of Wessex, Count of Elba, Grandmaster of the Solar Legion, greeting.

WHEREAS Azzerhoden Razeri has performed the office of Bailiff of Wessex with persistence and constancy, and indeed has with great success and confidence carried out the office of LORD OF WESSEX in all but name, we have seen fit to create Lord Azzerhoden Razeri in the rank of Viscount, Magnate, and Peer of the Realm of Hyperion. Subsequently, he is desirous of having Letters Patent and of having his Armorial Ensigns elevated to the coronet of sixteen pearls and duly recorded in Our College of Arms, and accordingly shall receive the favor of Our Warrant in recording his status in the LISTS.

LET IT BE KNOWN that We with royal scepter anoint and sanctify Viscount Azzerhoden, henceforth creating him as a VISCOUNT of the Kingdom of Hyperion, that from this day forward We do by these presents prefer our trusted friend to the state, degree, style, dignity, title and honor of VISCOUNT OF WESSEX.

THESE MAY BE BORNE and used forever hereafter by the said Lord Azzerhoden Razeri and by his descendants with their due and proper differences according to the Laws of Arms.

AND WE COMMAND From this day forward to Ourself, Our heirs and successors that he above shall retain his station subject only to Royal good pleasure; That this peer shall have the right to bequeath his station to his appointed heir should he see fit, and if he should not that it shall return to the Crown upon departure. And further, that it shall and may be lawful to and for our said cousin, his heirs and assigns, by these presents from time to time, to nominate, make, constitute, ordain and confirm, by such name or names, as knight, thane, laird or baronet, as to him shall seem good, and likewise to revoke, discharge, change and alter as well our officers and ministers which hereafter shall be by him thought fit and needful to be made or used within the territory of WESSEX; And also to make, ordain and establish all manner of orders, laws, directions, instructions, forms and ceremonies of government and magistracy fit and necessary for and concerning the government of the territory aforesaid. And we do further of our special grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, grant, ordain and declare, that such officers and ministers as from time to time shall be authorized and appointed in manner and form aforesaid, shall and may have full power and authority to use and exercise martial law in cases of emergency, invasion and mutiny, by force of their commission of lieutenancy, or any law or statute of this our realm of Hyperion. We further of our special grace, grant and ordain that he may build, fortify, man, and enfeoff any edifice of sound construction that shall by his judgment seem necessary within the realm of Wessex.

ALL OF WHICH BY THE TENOR OF THESE PRESENTS we have caused to be exemplified. In testimony whereof we have caused our seal of our said Kingdom of Hyperion to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS our trusty and well beloved Apoca Ailen, Herald of Wessex, and our distinguished cousins Brando, the Doge of Aquileia and Cian, Baron of Deephold.


Made in the Ninth Year of Our Reign
Manus, King of Hyperion, Duke of Wessex

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-06-2017, 12:16 AM
I thank His Royal Majesty and am humbled by your generosity. I shall continue to strive at all times to serve His Grace and your Duchy faithfully in all my endeavors.

11-06-2017, 01:58 AM
To his Majesty and fellow Lords I give greetings,

On this auspicious day I, Lord Cian, Baron of Deephold, Gul Khan of the House of Khans, Lord of the Tribal Lands give my recognition to this Royal decree.

In the custom of my people I recognize this elevation with a pledge of blood we recognize your nobility and call you brother.


Vanzan Vega
11-09-2017, 03:08 AM

Felicidades Lord Azzerhoden.

Varrick ChaosWielder
11-15-2017, 02:34 PM
The Church has prayed greatly on this subject, and it has become evident to us all that it is with Divine Providence that Lord Azzerhoden has been elevated above men. Praise be the Radiant Lord! Praise be to Lord Azzerhoden! We shall pray to ensure that you continue to thrive. The Church blesses you, and this kingdom with greatness; the Radiant Lord shine upon us all.