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Aurelius Augustus
06-28-2017, 02:56 AM
I greet you a most weary traveler. Long have grown the shadows of my days.

I am Aurelius Augustus, a proud general from the lands of Agon. I come to you as I am now, a weathered warrior and proud veteran of many a war--I have survived to see more in Agon than many of my contemporaries in the Duchy ever did manage.

From The Crusade, a proud and noble upstart guild, I bring an ancient greetings. We married our future to that of the once illustrious Hyperion long before the mighty darkness and slow, inevitable death crept across the world Agon. We fought at our home, Spear Waters, until it was ripped from us; and we continued to fight as the darkness swept we men and women of Hyperion from our homes the world over. Order was destroyed, and a miserable chaos took the place of our once lawful lands.

How I miss those days.

I come to you war-weary; I've carried many banners since my time in Hyperion. I joined IMPERIUM during the Unholy Wars, and I rose from a nameless deckhand to become Imperator; the Senate anointed me to lead the the great and ancient houses of the IMPERIUM by my singular, immutable will. I established clans in worlds over; I am basked in the glories of victory and have watched in agony as my brothers were rent asunder and discarded from atop Calfardar. I made a home for mine own in the shoals of Zaghuroth and in the depths of the Rubiyat mountains of Ul'Hamra. I am a traveled, beleaguered soul.

I seek now to make a humble holdfast for mine self and, perhaps, few of my now meager compatriots. Should His Majesty, Manus Dei, will as much, I offer my blade and plow in his service now as I did in the dawn of Agon.

Strength and honor.

Jaidyn Sothenic
06-28-2017, 10:17 AM
Welcome home Aurelius.

We're waiting for the game Life is Feudal, is that something you are also planning on playing? When you were in Wessex, was you under the same name and also what rank were you?

Thank you.

Aurelius Augustus
06-28-2017, 03:42 PM
Well met, Kaylem.

I was known by the name Fingolfin Soulforge at the dawn of Hyperion in the lands of Agon. I was never a true member of Wessex; I acted on Manus's will by leading my clan at the time, The Crusade, to do His bidding as a member of the Hyperion alliance. I did work alongside Audin and Zek Wessex in DF:UW when we were in IMPERIUM together.

LiF is certainly something I'd like to play, though I am much more interested in the MMO side than I am in the 64-man server side. Any plans to play on the bigger side of things when the game comes out?

I currently lead Sinister (alongside Sendog) in Darkfall: Rise of Agon.

Oh, also of tangential interest: my alliance currently owns Brockmoore in RoA. Small world indeed.

Jaidyn Sothenic
06-28-2017, 07:20 PM
Ahh yes I remember The Crusade.

As for LIF: MMO, we are planning for that yes.

Aikar Walmoor
06-29-2017, 09:33 PM
I remember the crusade too. Hope you join us for LiF the MMO!

Aurelius Augustus
07-01-2017, 01:54 AM
I certainly plan to join when the MMO comes out.

Azzerhoden Razeri
07-01-2017, 01:14 PM
Excellent news Aurelius, though I am a bit disappointed that you don't remember me from DF:UW ;)

Waldo Dannling
07-02-2017, 07:48 PM
Can't wait to see you around

Maranen Karithma
07-08-2017, 08:17 PM
Hope to bump into you soon.

Aurelius Augustus
07-15-2017, 05:54 PM
Excellent news Aurelius, though I am a bit disappointed that you don't remember me from DF:UW ;)

Surely I remember you - as I do his holiness Varrick. What adventures we had in the briefly reborn Agon.