View Full Version : Crusader Arn Magnussen

Heilgar Magnussen
04-10-2017, 03:44 AM
My Lords and Ladies,

I am Arn Magnussen. I have traveled far to seek out an organized Kingdom. I have spent many years in the service of the Church. Having paid my debt with my time and blood, I find myself ready to once again serve. It is a gracious blessing that I have been allowed a trial membership here! For this I am truly grateful beyond words.

I Look forward for the opportunity to serve in the Kings Military if permitted. My sword will be my oath to you and your realm! I am a dedicated soldier and skilled at that! My years in the Crusade have also rightfully brought me the grace of the Lord!

I will fight hard to my very last breath if need be to defend the realm!

Thank you again for this grand opportunity. I look forward to serving!

- Arn Magnussen

Jaidyn Sothenic
04-10-2017, 07:11 AM
Welcome to Wessex Arn.

Quinton Emeka
04-10-2017, 12:26 PM
Welcome aboard Arn!