View Full Version : Greetings from The Baron of Deephold!

11-05-2016, 02:08 AM
The honorable Baron of Deephold offers his warmest regards to his Grace Duke of Wessex, his magnificence King of Hyperion and Lord of all he surveys. I humbly request private audience within the Curia and restoration of my rights, responsibilities, and privileges within amongst my fellow nobles.

The Barony of Deephold has been left to rot and ruin. Following my long absence from these lands I have returned to bring the Barony back to fruitfulness and prosperity and contribute to the glory of the Duchy and perhaps the future reconstruction of the Kingdom writ large.

I pledge my assistance in the new feudal lands that are set to open within only a few short months. My thanks in advance for this audience and I say that after so many years since our adventures in the lands of Darkfall, it is good to be home.

( Gents, it's good to be back in touch with you all. I can say with all honesty its been too long and I miss my old friends from the Hyperion days)

Baron Cian
Barony of Deephold

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-05-2016, 01:57 PM
Greetings Baron Cian,

Welcome back. I will follow up with His Majesty for confirmation, and will restore your access once provided.

I also see that you have sent me a message within the LIF system. Unfortunately I an having issues with my Azzerhoden forum account so I will not be able to access. On their forums I am currently using my alt accesss (Thorne Razeri) until it gets resolved.

11-05-2016, 04:21 PM
No matter. It is essentially the same message with my added apologies for not responding to you back in July. I had taken a break from LIF before I got your message confirming that his Majesty was good with my return. I intend to be more active with the future waves and start preparing my Barony for release.

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-06-2016, 03:50 AM
Greetings Baron Cian,

I believe I have your access set (specifically Ducal Court and the LIF sub-forum), as well as your title. I see your character's surname had been Stonearms. Would you like me to update your login name with this, or would you prefer a different surname?

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-06-2016, 02:11 PM
Welcome back into the fold Cian.

11-06-2016, 02:22 PM
Thanks Kaylem, I hope to see some more old faces but I am certain I won't see everyone we used to fight beside.

No need to alter my surname for now. I've not yet decided what it is that Deephold is going to be this time around. Im learning toward heavy infantry but once I decide on a style of combat I'll set our guild culture to reflect it and thus my surname.

Jaidyn Sothenic
11-06-2016, 02:38 PM
You'll be surprised, we have managed to bring back a fair few older names and hopefully more will follow in time :)