View Full Version : We need guidance
Apoca Ailen
02-12-2016, 01:42 PM
It has been long - much too long - since we have had a consistent source of guidance within one of our realms. The number of Faithful has dwindled. Today, many of those born in the Duchy will respond with, "Huh?" when Soldeus is mentioned. Those that do know his name are unfortunate in that they do not truly know his glory.
If someone would be willing to step up, I am sure that The Reverened Father Varrick ChaosWielder would be glad to take you under his wing and guide you so that you may guide us. In turn, when it comes time, I promise to pledge myself in helping you build and maintain a place of Worship. Whether that be a small garden on a hill or a church building in the town.
And before it is suggested, I would step up myself if I felt I had the time or the ability to do the job correctly. Unfortunately, I do not.
Varrick ChaosWielder
02-25-2016, 03:49 AM
Guidance is coming my child. While we have been silent publicly, we have been very active in the background, preparing for a very vibrant launch of the Church in full force. That means Church Guards (Pikeman in Church Attire), Church Knights (Mounted Paladin's!), and of course our Deacon's and Priest's that will be very active "diplomats" of the Religion. We intend to found a Monastery, and have it be a vibrant centre of faith! And that is just the beginning!
Great things are coming, and I can't wait till I can give you all more information on everything coming up soon!
Apoca Ailen
12-21-2016, 04:40 AM
Are there still any plans for the Church?
Altus Whyte
12-21-2016, 09:40 AM
Unless Varrick is around to do something with the church, I guess we'll only worry about it once were established and numerous in the game.
Clergy-oriented members could always start some unofficial following or monastery in the meanwhile though I guess.
Azzerhoden Razeri
12-21-2016, 06:27 PM
SSR has a bishop, but won't be available to be active until later in the year.
Varrick ChaosWielder
01-08-2017, 08:59 PM
Sorry about the delay. I can be contacted by email always btw ( I have been in contact with the Bishop of SSR. We are on the same page and working on things, but we won't be announcing details till pretty much the start of everything. Which is getting to be sooner than later. But we DO have something in the works for you all!
Azzerhoden Razeri
02-06-2017, 05:26 PM
Alright Reverent Father, I have primed the audience for you:
Varrick ChaosWielder
02-08-2017, 03:15 PM
Thank you for pointing that thread out, and yes it is. Sadly, after I had composed a wall of text for them, I went to post.. Oath Error.. apparently they sent an email when I created the account (no idea when, years ago?) and didn't receive/notice the email to prove it was my email indeed. So I sent the admin's a email, and hoping it gets resolved soon.
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