View Full Version : Cvs
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-24-2007, 07:25 AM
We need to get a CVS server setup. Fishbarrel will you do the honors?
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-25-2007, 12:04 PM
i don't control the domain any longer
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-29-2007, 02:50 PM
We need who ever has control of the duchy server to help set the CVS server up for us or if you're okay with it Fish, we would like to set it up on your server. The links to the binaries are here:
And the link to the pdf manual is here:
The pdf is rather big so give it some time to load.
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-29-2007, 03:25 PM
upon further inspection it would appear as if this CVS version is not the one I wanted ;P I will keep looking for one that has better checkout proceedures.
Okay I've found a CVS system I've used before but I never was the one to setup the server so I don't know how it is done exactly.
The CVS-GUI version is located here:
I'm reading through the material to see how one would go about getting this to work but chances are the majority of the server would have to be done by the administrator of the server.
Here is what I've got so far. It supports the following protocols:
Out of all of these I only know about SSH so if anyone with an understanding of servers would know whether or not your servers run these it would be nice to know. It is also important that the servers can give read and write capabilities.
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-30-2007, 01:35 AM
That thing only works on a windows server, I use CentOS (Linux)
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-30-2007, 06:42 PM
That's just the windows client. Here's how the program works now that I've read up on it. We need a communal space that we can all access and have read and write permissions too. So now the client will access this communal file section with a ssh (i.e. like a secure ftp) and it will upload and auto-create a directory there from the client. I now just need to tell Angeleon the SSH account login and password and as soon as he logins in with the CVS client it will read the files there and immediately know what is going on. So there is no server program running at all. All the information is in the files saved on the server, which is why it needs read write access. It's an ingenious self built in client/server program.
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-30-2007, 09:28 PM
oh, it's all client side and it just uploads its own tracking files?
why don't you just use Dreamweaver's built in CVS and handle it over FTP? Or is this particular CVS, uh, better for some reason?
I can set up shell access to some random directory if you want though, does it need to be web-accessible?
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-31-2007, 02:13 AM
oh, it's all client side and it just uploads its own tracking files?
Aye the tracking files are uploaded from what I can tell.
why don't you just use Dreamweaver's built in CVS and handle it over FTP? Or is this particular CVS, uh, better for some reason?
I don't know but I'm guessing dreamweaver is for html mostly and this one can handle all files and it's free but I'm guessing dreamweaver's is free too right? Otherwise I don't really know ;P I've just been taught to use this one mostly.
I can set up shell access to some random directory if you want though, does it need to be web-accessible?
Web-accessible? I'm slightly confused as to what you mean by this :confused: but err yeah if you can give us ssh access to a random directory and give us read and write on the user that can access that directory then yeah it will work 8)
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 05:47 AM
does the apache server need to index the folder? that's what i meant.
dreamweaver handles all files, actually... the editor in it is pretty basic and has some good features for coding like being able to collapse X to X line numbers, for instance. i'll get a ssh folder and account set up.
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 06:00 AM
usr: wsxgame
pass: W3ss1x
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-31-2007, 06:53 AM
Everything works up to the point I need the password and even then I tried all possible ways you could have screwed up the password so I'm running out of ideas. You should check the password really is what it is or just change it to something simple right now like hotdog just so that we can see if this works.
By the way I used a real SSH client before using wincvs to make sure everything worked heh ;)
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 07:25 AM
oh, sorry.. try now, it's workin'
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-31-2007, 09:08 AM
I have one last step for you Fish. Apparently it tries to execute a CVS shell and since it isn't installed on the server it fails so... Here's the source code
Download it, make a build and then include that build into the server shell commands.
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 08:01 PM
I fuckin' knew it.
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-31-2007, 09:09 PM
When you're done with that I'd like you to make a double OS partition with windows 95 on the second paritition. Then I need you to update the firmware for everything and while you're at it juggle a few keyboards... ;)
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 09:13 PM
Are you serious?
Surly von Fishbarrel
05-31-2007, 09:14 PM
anyway, test this shit out and see if i installed it right.
Thirlan Tyrandor
05-31-2007, 09:43 PM
Are you serious?
Hehe nono I was just joking... :o
Okay here's what it tells me now.
cvs [init aborted]: cannot make directory /RTS: Permission denied
I'm guessing you didn't give the CVS program the rights to create directories. Sounds bizarre but it's my only guess because I sure as hell can mess around with the directories.
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-01-2007, 05:27 AM
ah, fuck. i'll fuck with it tomorrow, i'll just make the owner of it wsxgames sinc eyou're the only one using it.
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-02-2007, 03:28 AM
you got a link to the fuckin' documentation for this shit? i have no goddamned clue what the hell it wants me to do, i think i need to set up a "respository" of some sort (which I guess is like a database?) and i haven't got any fuckin clue how to do it. NEED DOCUMENTATIONS!
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-02-2007, 10:44 AM
Hehe okay okay don't worry I'll give you the documentation ;) I was going to setup the repository myself once the CVS command was working.
Here's the documentation in pdf format (
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-02-2007, 11:26 PM
Well I still don't see what the problem is. Maybe you didn't specify the CVSROOT variable? I created a folder called cvsroot in your home directory now so you have access to all of its shit (don't fuck with any of the files inside the folder, ever). I did a cvs init from the wsxgame user successfully so... hmm. I don't know what else could be the problem, try it out and I'll fuck with it some more if it's still broke.
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-06-2007, 02:15 AM
Yes there does seem to be a problem with the file tree. After you created the cvsroot/CVSROOT/ I created a folder called RTS in it for fun and then I tried to access this cvsroot/CVSROOT/RTS and it told me this path didn't exist... So here is what I think is going on ^_^ I could quite possibly be in the root of the actual server itself, because how else would I not have the rights to create a folder called RTS? So I'm obviously not in my own folder -_- which is an issue with wincvs itself
Now this brings me to the CVSROOT variable path, which I tried to find and edit but alas could not. So here's something we could try. Tell me the ENTIRE path of the directory you made for us. You might have successfully created it because you gave the entire path. It would be pretty sad if the in built ssh for wincvs didn't include that :mad: but then again it might be something you'd have to set yourself on your server because I think we're executing it from your server... regardless just tell me the full path and send it over an e-mail.
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-06-2007, 05:57 AM
You should have full ownership rights to the folder now as wsxgame. try doing "cvs init" in ssh. if that works, access is working as far as what the documentation is telling me.
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-06-2007, 06:59 PM
Everything works now except the checkout proceedure, which I think can be attributed to versioning issues. Wincvs may not have the same cvs version as the one I gave you so I'm going to tweak around with Wincvs.
Edit: nope that was not the issue... after finding some webmail I followed it and figured out the issue. Nice to know that the documentation doesn't mention some of this crap -_-
Edit: Hooray it works now 8) Okay Angeleon I'll help you out with setting it up.
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-08-2007, 11:45 PM
I can't believe it... I think Angeleon left on his trip already! No code made available to us either! -_-
Well I guess I'll just prepare for his return then by doing silly opengl programs while I wait...
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-08-2007, 11:51 PM
Angeleon Askaroth
06-09-2007, 12:06 AM
hehe, no I have not left... Just getting used to living at my mothers place, and it took longer than expected. I'm not gone though and I'm just going to set up my environment so that I can compile the code so I know it is at least not faulty, then I'll cvs it.
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-09-2007, 12:37 AM
Take your time... just don't leave without giving us your code. Also we need to refresh some of the pages to restate the new things you wanted to incorporate like that thing whose name I cannot remember :p
Angeleon Askaroth
06-09-2007, 08:35 AM
hehe, I won't =)
Refresh? Honestly, I can't remember what you are refering to... When did I mention it?
Thirlan Tyrandor
06-09-2007, 04:49 PM
GLUT that was it...
It looks like a bit of red tape but we just need to refresh how we're doing our project, who is doing the project, what the classes are and other things from time to time. When I get your code I'll put together some UML diagrams to see how the program is pieced together and how things interact.
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