View Full Version : Greetings

Jonathus Feldgres
01-29-2016, 09:46 PM
Hello there! I'm Jonathus. Big Life is Feudal player. I love cooking, farming, carpentry, animal lore, bowcrafting, herbalism-- just crafting skills in general! I can do just about anything. I'm not a huge PvPer, but I've practiced a bit on melee and I'm actually decent with a bow.

I hope to be a big contributor to our guild! Can't wait for the beta for the MMO.

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-29-2016, 09:49 PM
Welcome to Wessex

Francis Winterfell
01-29-2016, 10:05 PM
Welcome to Wessex mate.

Jonathus Feldgres
01-30-2016, 04:35 AM
Thanks guys!