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Juko Arcuri
06-28-2015, 06:26 PM
Following the Great Exodus from Nave, I returned to my nomadic (some say barbaric) roots to try to find a way to rebuild. While my body has traveled far, my mind always drifted back to familiar roots of the time I've spent in the Duchy of Wessex. I remember my tutorage under Levald Aurelius as his pursivant. I remember the drills, battles, and sieges lead by Sir Bastor Sharpeye and the Coat of Arms I failed to make him. I remember the great buildings we erected with Wooster Redwood at the helm as Chief Architect and Great Slayer of Forests. I remember the community we had built together there all before the coup of then Sir Rhygar and the then Arch-Bishop Malachi Drake. The schism it created and the corruption of the lands of Nave thereafter drove us from that place. But I remember it being said that "All Roads lead back to Wessex"...I find that to be true as I find myself coming back to your town gate with crimson banner flying high above the ramparts. As a humble traveler still sworn to the true king, His Majesty King Manus Dei, I feel that it is fair to report that it is good to be back.

Azzerhoden Razeri
06-28-2015, 10:46 PM
Greetings Juko, and welcome back to our doors.

Juko Arcuri
06-29-2015, 02:08 AM
Greetings Sir Azzerhoden,
I was hoping to implore on any territories, existing or potential, of Wessex that are looking for more settlers. I long to reconnect with the community after being in hiatus for so long.

Aneirin Cuthwulf
06-29-2015, 11:33 PM
Greetings and welcome back!

We are currently expanding in the lands of Wurm and Life is Feudal.

I can be found on the Oakheart server of Life is Feudal.
and others members of the Duchy can be found on the Elevation server of Wurm, fighting for Mol-Rehan.

Azzerhoden Razeri
06-30-2015, 12:34 AM
It is as Aneirin has stated, though for myself, I am done with Wurm.

On the Oakheart server for LIF, we are frequently raided by bandits, though as paupers they typically leave everything we had on us. Occasionally they even leave us with a donation! (True story - some bandits left me food the other day. Which was silly, as I know how to use containers to keep any valuables secure).

We now have the forms setup for the outside walls in LIF, and once we get them completed it shall be meeting these vile foes in the field!

Varrick ChaosWielder
07-20-2015, 01:47 PM
The Church has seen the steady influx of subjects to His Majesty come back slowly over the years. We have heard the cries of the faithful, we have even seen what has happened. And as such, with the will of SolDeus being made clear on this subject... We urge all faithful to arm themselves - Pitchforks, Swords, Halberds, Bows, Shields, Armors, Clothes... Whatever it is you have... And travel to the land of Oakheart (Life is Feudal) or Elevation(Wurm), and there to clearly show that we are serious about expanding our lands there.

May the roar of a thousand faithful be heard across the realms, and on that day, SolDeus' blessing shall upon us as a searing light that shall blind our enemies and carry us to ultimate victory. As such, in the name of SolDeus:
I command all faithful to carry a holy crusade to the lands of Oakheart or Elevation, and to establish a permanent outpost so that the searing love of SolDeus may be spread to the infidels, enlightening their barbaric minds.