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Mathadar Whisennand
12-21-2014, 03:59 AM
I, Mathadar Whisennand have travelled many lands... fictional and naught. From Minecraftia, Banished, 7 days to die, Starcraft RP ( http://tristram.wikispaces.com/ site subscription expired, but it was quite the medieval RP community. ), Gaia Online, Rust, The Elder Scrolls, Starbound, Terraria, and many many RPG games over the years. I come forth to discover what has been around as long as I have been gaming... the Duchy of Wessex. I had not before attempted to join their ranks, but indeed now I am on a trial, I will not disappoint. Indeed, I am a knight of the rose, by decree of Henry VII, Rex, and Anne Boleyn, Regina at Scarborough Faire. And in reality I am a Knight of St. Anne, as I was thus Knighted in December 2013 by my father the Knight Grand Commander of the Order of St. Anne on my 27th birthday, shortly after my marriage. This was due to the amount of Volunteer service rendered in my 18 years of service to the Air Force Auxiliary, 4 years in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and years in the Boy Scouts. Thus I feel myself qualified to depict in the RP a serf, and work my way up, as anyone else does.

Jaidyn Sothenic
12-21-2014, 09:01 AM
Welcome to Wessex

Azzerhoden Razeri
12-21-2014, 10:49 PM
Indeed! Welcome!

Apoca Ailen
12-21-2014, 11:34 PM
Welcome to the Duchy!