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View Full Version : Hail and Well met to the subjects and Royals of the Great Duchy of Wessex

Anubis Shieldbreaker
05-17-2014, 11:53 PM
My Lords and Ladies, Well met. I am known as Anubis Shieldbreaker a soldier of Tamriel (ESO) Some call me by Justicar Anubis. I have traveled many lands, under many names, I have set foot in the lands of Ultima, Participated in the GuildWars, and lead soldiers on the battlefields in a World of Warcraft to name but a few of my adventures. I have traveled and Fought many wars for many Kings. As my travels have brought me into the kingdom of Tamriel, I was greeted upon the road by his Grace Varrick and told of a place where my experiences might serve myself and others well. The Duchy of Wessex seemed a land ripe with opportunities, leadership and virtue. Again I find myself starting over as a vassal of a greater kingdom, however hope I may bring with me my years of travel, experience and maturity and share that with the Duchy as I serve as my liege sees need of my talents. I look forward to serving and meeting with you all.
Yours in service to the crown,
( In mundane terms, hello I am Scott. I have played in MMO's since the beta of UltimaOnline and played MuDs long before that. I am also a teacher and student of history, I participate in a medieval historical society. I practice Western martial combat, I am an armorer, and leather craftsman IRL. I study medieval history through the late 3rd crusades. I run 3 servers part time for DayZ. Play probably 12 different online games, and am involved or administrate several game clan groups. I look forward to participating in what looks to be an fun, creative and detailed game group. Thank you for letting me join you and look forward to more time getting to know the duchy)

Varrick ChaosWielder
05-18-2014, 01:51 AM
Welcome aboard! We look forward to interacting with you more. I think you will fit really well here.

Amethys Aurelius
05-18-2014, 08:47 AM

DayZ standalone or arma 2 mod? if its first one ill support it and play on yourservers then if they are not zero populated and normal gamemod, i like hardcore much more

Varrick ChaosWielder
05-18-2014, 02:41 PM
I believe we do have a DayZ group of players, somewhere. Sir Amethys can put you in contact with them.

Amethys Aurelius
05-18-2014, 03:58 PM
i have atm 6 totally who will play dayZ, but propably when first vehicle is put into game, we got bored to running all around. we have played much more arma 3 wasteland mod

Casilda Tametomo
05-19-2014, 09:11 AM
I believe we do have a DayZ group of players, somewhere. Sir Amethys can put you in contact with them.(( (many ellipses and a demi-facepalm) Formally, that's Lady Amethys or Dame Amethys, not "Sir".))

Azidano Valkran
05-19-2014, 11:36 AM
Hail, valiant Justicar Anubis!

I am Azidano Valkran, a Pauper of these lands!

Although I am without shirt and shoes I am not without manners! I bid you a jolly welcome to the Duchy!

Amethys Aurelius
05-19-2014, 03:19 PM
Thanks Casilda, i prefer Lady Amethys :)

Manus Dei
05-20-2014, 04:52 AM
We welcome you to our service, Anubis Shieldbreaker.

Valdovas Kadangi
05-27-2014, 02:27 AM
(That's so cool Azidano, a Jolly welcome)

Yes Anubis, well Met too!
May you find interesting times, be recognized by people in high places and get what you wish for. Oh wait.. i think i've done something wrong here.

None the less if you need anything, feel free to chat to me on ESO..

Valdovas (tpb. Aleatha & Valdovas)

Anubis Shieldbreaker
05-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Arma 2 mod....the stand alone was horrible imho. i bought it , played it for a week and deleted it. no content, buggy and a pain to navigate.:/

Anubis Shieldbreaker
05-29-2014, 03:27 PM
Thank you all for the warm reception. I look forward to getting to know you all more as time goes on. Forgive my long silences, I am a thoughtful person and I prefer to think and act, as opposed to filling my days with words. A man of action, one would say, were they doing me honors...myself, it just seems second nature to move forward. I will endeavor to visit more often, and use my words, and put away my actions for a time, and get to know the Duchy more thoroughly.

Varrick ChaosWielder
06-02-2014, 11:48 PM
Thats great to hear :) We always need more great players, and you sound like you will be an incredible asset to the community.