View Full Version : I wish to greet you all with warm welcome!

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-10-2014, 11:43 PM
Greetings. I am Lee (Last name hopefully not required to join), a loyal companion and a great friend to anyone just and friendly. I have played Mortal Online before (probably a year ago) and became inactive after a few weeks of playing. During those few weeks playing, I have mastered the basics and have found my way to Bakti. I have now come back and returned to Nave to continue my journey. I have rerolled my character and deleted my old one. My new character is about a few weeks old. I am currently a free-to-play player and I do not have a likely future of being a pay-to-play player (personal choice :P). I very much appreciate being given the chance to join this guild and meet it's members :D I do have several questions to ask this guild and I hope by asking any of these questions that your thoughts have not changed about my membership.

Do I have to role-play as a medeival knight to be a warrior? Or can I be something else like a foreign warrior of Asia or a fierce tribesman from the acients tribes of South America?
Is voice chat necessary? I can chat once in awhile, but my household prefers as little disturbance as possible making voice chat rather difficult. All I'm saying is, that I probably won't be as active in the voice chat as I can be.
Who should I know that is a high official or VIP in this guild? Where can I find this information as well as guild members with specific jobs?

Again, thank you for accepting my request to join this guild. I shall try to be an excellent member as well as fighter, for WSX!

-Kenpachi Zaraki

Azidano Valkran
04-11-2014, 07:13 AM
Hi Kenpachi and welcome to the Duchy of Wessex.

1 - Regarding this question, if you are talking about roleplayong particular ethnicities then this is not a problem, as is evident from my signature. When you asked about being a "knight" I took this to mean, roleplay as a European soldier. In this guild a "knight" is social class of the gentry, which may take a long time to reach, it basically shows you are leadership material, you are a good roleplayer, you are pious, and noble.

2 - Voice chat is not nessecary but strongly recommended. The Teamspeak is where we hang out and get to know each other. I would recommend hopping on, even if you are not speaking just to know wha's going on. We have a few members that don't speak, but instantly respond to calls in Teamspeak.

3 - There is a stickied thread regarding the people who have responsibility in the guild in MO. Your first port of call is Caldros as the Governor-General, then it is Dismas as Constable, the Aelian as Chamberlain.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-12-2014, 12:48 AM
Ah! Thank you for your help!