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04-08-2014, 07:01 PM
Hey guys, a brief introduction about myself first:

I'm a 23 year old Brit finishing up University which leaves me with a decent amount of time to play. My character in game will be known as Maverique le Courageux the mounted archer/foot swordsman. I won't be picking up any crafting specs and I'm new to the game! That's probably all that's worth mentioning!

Oh and my character is currently living out of Tindrem... not the best place to be. With that in mind I'll take this opportunity to accept any help with my safe transport from Tindrem to wherever the hell is the best place for me to be, guild-wise and also for my own personal needs. Propheta suggested Vadda to me, as it is close to Bakti...

Anyway, thanks for taking time to read this (if you did). See you all in game!

Azidano Valkran
04-08-2014, 11:26 PM

I saw you in the Teamspeak and it is a pleasure to meet a fellow Brit.

Britain had Dukes, Britain has a place called Wessex, this place is naturally British. So it is GOOD to see another Real McCoy!

Enjoy your stay in the Guild!

Maxik WildSky
04-09-2014, 08:18 AM
Hello Maverique

Nice to meet you :)

Vaada may be a good chice and it is relativly close to Bakti (even that the route there can be slightly dangerouse in rush hours :) ) but as you discribed you are more of fighter/hunter so meybe Bakti is beter for you as most of the guild activity is situated there or starts there (hunting parties, there are most of the guild crafters where you can get soem equipment).
If you are in Tindrem I can suport you some horse/donkey and you can come with me when i will go taming and bring you to Bakti, (But I cannot garantee the safty as the tamer is sqishy :( ). If I meet you on TS I will chat with you there :)

04-09-2014, 12:13 PM
Hey Maxik, I'm actually about for the large part of today. I have a swift Horse and I'm pvp ready but I have absolutely 0 experience with fighting back in this game. Most of my pvp up until now has been blueblocking/group up to take down a very hostile grey. However, 2 is better than 1. Drop me a PM when you're about, perhaps we can find a 3rd... or maybe a 4th!

Camarro Valkran
04-09-2014, 02:42 PM
Here's a couple of maps that may help. The first one will allow you to share locations by means of a grid ref; the second one shows you the local names that you will hear in guild chat for the area around Bakti.

