View Full Version : Hey Wessex
04-29-2007, 10:59 PM
Howdy, names Kranthor. And I come for a very distant land, a once beautiful land. My father was killed at a very young age, and fearing the unjust treatment of the church as a young acolyte. I have forsaken my lands, and I seek a new home among human brethren perhaps.
Chrono Veincrusher
04-29-2007, 11:46 PM
Greetings Kranthor, Welcome to The Duchy of Wessex.
You must be tired from your long journey.
Might i offer you some of our best ale in the local tavern so we all could get to know you a little better?
Topher der Jagermeister
04-30-2007, 12:59 AM
Welcome Kranthor. I believe you have chosen a very good path to follow if it has led you to Wessex. While I too am not a full member of the Duchy, I have found that the natives to this land are very friendly, and some REALLY like their ale. Hope to hear more about you and have many adventures together in the future.
04-30-2007, 01:53 AM
Greetings Kranthor, Welcome to The Duchy of Wessex.
You must be tired from your long journey.
Might i offer you some of our best ale in the local tavern so we all could get to know you a little better? I would be honored, Chrono. Do you all have such lovely signatures here, and grand titles?
Topher der Jagermeister
04-30-2007, 02:30 AM
I believe only full members may have titles like that. and i know that the signatures are only for full members.
04-30-2007, 03:32 AM
I believe only full members may have titles like that. and i know that the signatures are only for full members.
If I had a signature sitting under this glorious name it would show my brutality towards the races of Agon I see unfit to rule themselves.
Chrono Veincrusher
04-30-2007, 04:34 AM
This way if you could follow me.
The dwarf said and led him down a alley while the sound of people and music got louder.
Ah, Here it is.
This is one of the most popular taverns in these parts you know.
Waitress, bring us some ale!
He shouted as they entered the big building and sat down at a table.
Now while we wait, what more could you tell us about yourself and your playstyle?
Do you all have such lovely signatures here, and grand titles?
As Topher12QB told you, when you get full membership status you are free use and even request a signature to be made for you.
About the titles, you can read more about them at: (
Government -> Ducal Court.
04-30-2007, 04:53 AM
Kranthor walks along Chrono. He hadn't been this relaxed since he was very young among his own peoples. I have read all of your governing documents, but I've really come here to see if there is any meat upon the skeleton of words. Picked up Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and I've been playing a while now. I 'know' somebody very well thats in the Age of Conan beta, and I often watch him play that game. I work at a Hotel right now, and I basically usually just sit here and look busy playing games, unless there's a problem of course.
Chrono Veincrusher
04-30-2007, 05:11 AM
Been a Darkfall follower for long or just got your eyes on this fantastic game?
Any thoughts on what race you might be playing?
Jord Hunter
04-30-2007, 11:51 AM
Welcome Kranthor, good luck with your application.
I think quite a few of us have applied for the Age of Conan beta, don't know if anyone has had any luck though.
Alexio Corbeille
04-30-2007, 02:18 PM
hey! LOL I got here with a tragic made up backround as well. Kinda glad that it's deleted now. :) BTW check out this comic page
Topher der Jagermeister
04-30-2007, 08:34 PM
so Kranthor, do you play any other games that some of us might play also? i personally have an account on both WoW and FFXI, but do not play either very often. i mainly stick to and, there are a couple other free online games that i play but those are the 2 that i am most involved with. list any other games you play or feel free to look us up on any games that you find that we play.
Aiden Morild
04-30-2007, 10:53 PM
Welcome to the Duchy
05-07-2007, 06:07 PM
and good luck to you!
Dreign Swift
05-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Greetings, Kranthor, welcome to our place of discussion.
If you find yourself with the time, please tell us more of yourself. We're all friends here.
Also, feel free to submit an application to the Duchy Of Wessex by clicking on the image in the bottom left corner of the main page.
Tagrun Urit
05-09-2007, 01:51 AM
La de da! Welcome Welcome. Tagruns slaps him self down right next to Chrono! "Yes Yes, my friend, welcome, looks like you got some of our finest, I detest the stuff,"While Talking he nods toward a well-known waitress as she brings him a glass of Wine, and Raises his glass "To each their own fancies then."
Well Hello, Do you think you could tell us what you would like to enjoy playing, a few of us are playing Tribalwars, a browser based game, a few of us signed up for AoC beta, though the guild signed up for Warhammer. Just list some games you might play, and I bet we know someone in the Guild who also plays the same.
Btw...join us on World 5 in tribalwars,
Erwin Carius
05-16-2007, 08:57 PM
Howdy, names Kranthor. And I come for a very distant land, a once beautiful land. My father was killed at a very young age, and fearing the unjust treatment of the church as a young acolyte. I have forsaken my lands, and I seek a new home among human brethren perhaps.
It saddens my heart to hear you've been done wrong by the church; I hope your experiences have not weakened your faith. Man makes mistakes, man turns corrupt out of greed and man can't always handle the powers given to them - Morgaine does none of these. Stay true to Morgaine, and you will find that Morgaine will see to that your new life in this duchy will be a time of light in a life of darkness.
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