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Anikitos Monomaxos
03-25-2014, 06:40 PM
I have read your post in my looking for guild post in MO forums, so I dropped by to introduce myself, make you some questions too to know you better, so you can both decide if I am fit to join you and me to get sure if I can feel at home and thrive under your flag. Before I start telling you about myself, I first want to tell you, that you got my respect for being a lawful good guild. I, for myself, been in online gaming since late 1997 and was always known to believe in good and justice and even I haven't role played in years(its a hobby that takes a lot extra time and clear mind and my RL has been busy).
I am male, 34 years old, living in Greece, on time zone GMT+2. I mostly play 2-4 hours somewhere in between the hours 9:30pm to 1:30am, so in a sense close to both EU and US timezones, despite living in EU. That is mainly cause I tend to come late from work.
Most times I can use TS(even as a greek my accent sounds weird to you I am sure) and I got a working mic. I play mainly sandboxes, like MO, EVE and Perpetuum(downloaded Wurm and Xsyon to test them too but got too focused on MO) but I have preordered TESO too. For EVE and Perpetuum in specific, if I were to join you and you got activity there I could help you, but sure couldn't leave the guilds(corporations) I am as someone that holds true loyalty to his guilds. I am also part of one more multigaming community that doesn't seem however to be on same games. The name of it is The Arcane Light and have the game The Secret World as their main focus.
In Mortal Online, I started a melee player with axe weapons not long ago and took some advice from help channel and MO forums but definitely I am newbie with lots to learn and will need advice. To buy a few books and make some cash in general I was just killing springboks near Tindrem and selling carcasses which permitted me buy some books. Definitely I dont know my surroundings well yet either.
What I seek is a guild that is friendly, mature, and against RPKing. In fact I would love hunting down RPKers as I get stronger. I do like combat based PVE and definitely I like to PVP with guild, either to defend, expand or deliver justice.
I already know you are against RPKing and I think we are on same page on the rest I said too but would like to ask too:

1. Is RPing Mandatory?(I can RP occasionally but been a decade out of it so not too good at it anymore)
2. Do you mind that I am part of another multi game community too?
3. Is the amount of time I play daily(in hours) sufficient to your expectations from a member?
4. What are your common guild activities?

Feel free to ask me anything you need to know as well, so you can get to know me, and see if I meet your expectations.

Also since I never have anything to hide, I received invitations from Daveslaw, nWO, kotO and of course you. I will definitely not pick Daveslaw both for forced RP on char names and because due to their RP as vikings they do raid and thieve if they want. So I want to pick the right home among the 3 of you. Every anti-rpk guild has my respect, no matter my decision will be

Azidano Valkran
03-25-2014, 08:51 PM
Welcome to the Duchy! I would like to attempt to answer your questions. Remember these are attempts and can be abrogated by those with much more experience than myself:

1 - RPing is not mandatory, just encouraged. We are a practical roleplay society. So, for example, you can't join as a Serf/Villein and 'roleplay' by saying: "I am the Emperor of the Known Universe and Veiled Dimensions. I bring terror where I walk *everything dies around him, including the Duchy and it joins the Dark Conglomerate or Evil*" The roleplay is as deep as you make it, we have certain cultural customs, such as a proper form of address ("Sir" to gentry, "Mister" to equites, and a few others for the Clergy. It's not compulsory, but highly recommended, at least in the game-world.

2 - I don't think it is a problem, but please take this Multi-Guilding Policy (http://duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?13231-Multi-Guilding-Policy&p=161748#post161748) into consideration. This becomes an issue when your other gaming community has a guild in MO and you also wish to be part of the guild in MO. Of course, you can choose not to play with the Duchy in MO, but that won't stop you from playing with us in other games. If you need clarification, don't hesitate to ask Azzerhoden Razeri who authored the policy!

3 - From you introduction, I would say this is more than enough.

4 - Day-to-day tasks are dependent on the career path you wish to follow. Villeins work on gathering, processing, farming. The Garrison do training and patrols, and when enemies come, they do PvP. The Church would go and recruit new players and get into the roleplay by proselytising the virtue of the Duchy.

I hope this helps, and if I haven't answered anything fully, feel free to ask anybody else, we are all willing to help!

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-25-2014, 10:26 PM
I see:)

Well the other community, unlike me, isn't into sandboxes anyways so don't expect to ever see them in MO.
Like I said I am more into melee combat and its how I tried to train so far, so I most probably would fit Garrison I guess. I was farming npc mobs, but wasn't getting butcher skills, just sold carcasses.

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-26-2014, 05:37 PM
By the way just reached Bakti for the first time, seems a very practical little town

Aelian Valkran
03-26-2014, 09:57 PM
Hello Anikitos I apologize for not answering sooner my friend I can only say I was busy. Our teamspeak is voice.duchyofwessex.org and perhaps you can get a better idea of our activity there as not all of our members check forums but yes we are here. Welcome to the Duchy my friend I hope we are what you are looking for.

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-26-2014, 10:16 PM
Thank you:) And its ok, sure we all got an RL to take care as well. Due to the late of time(passed midnight here right now), my gf is sleeping so not able to talk, but I can catch you up tomorrow if you dont mind. I am very positive about joining you really so I think all will be good. I do have have 2 questions though, before I go sleep as well:

For now, I am F2P since initially I wanted to test the game, but during first 1-2 weeks of april I will surely subscribe. Not sure if you mind that and you need me wait till I subscribe before joining? Second thing I want to ask apparently when made my char didnt know you so the name of my char is Anikitos, not sure if its an acceptable name for you or I need to remake him?(its possible that I didnt raised him totally right but I was asking people in Help chat and in MO Forums(stat limits are 111 str, 98 dex, 117 con) and I wanted axe weapon) I dont mind remaking him since at early start, just still got difficulty finding bakti easy on my own coming from Tindrem, but would be good to know in advance.

I am also not sure on your requirements cause the link I tried about recruitment on the sticky was dead but I can tell we are on the same page :)

Aelian Valkran
03-26-2014, 11:05 PM
We accept all people P2P or F2P We also dont force anyone to play a specific character. The name should be fine :). What link was dead sorry if I dont know the initial recruitment post.

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-27-2014, 09:23 AM
Hello again, I am at work so cant do much at the moment but on the sticky in this sub-forum you got some links to official recruitment post on MO forums and when clicking the link there I get that page doesnt exist and most others meant for potential new recruits access is denied. As for F2P I am almost sure I will go for premium in april

On a funny note, getting to Bakti was a bit of challenge, to a big part cause I dont know my surroundings yet, got killed by players while checking map(at least 5 times), and choosing to rev at nearest priest some times in a row got me to the eastern most lawless town, took me 3-4 hours just to find a way out of the mountains there, and had to do twice the distance, then I followed the river passed the lake till a hungry wolf decide he wanted a duel with me and I accepted his challenge, but he cheated, he brought more wolves:p
So after I died, I followed nearest beam which happened to be in bakti, and went to bank to use some food I had stored in Tindrem, but to my surprise, banks dont share the same storage(more realistic, less practical though) so went on a training session against the poor piggies south of bakti cause I kept getting the message I cant sleep while hungry, lol

Azidano Valkran
03-27-2014, 12:52 PM
I think the TS chat is an unofficial 'screening process' in a way...

I would expect that once we can put a voice to the name we should be able to move forward provide you the forum and TS permissions you'll need as a Serf :)

To eat stuff, right-click on eddible material.

Aelian Valkran
03-27-2014, 01:51 PM
Azidano He could not sleep due to him having to high of hunger man...We do use the Teamspeak rather frequently (daily) and I can set your perms up there when I see you in there :)

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-27-2014, 01:53 PM
Sure, I will be back from work in around 6 hours or so

Caldros Valkran
03-27-2014, 04:33 PM
Hey And kits! Sorry I haven't said hey before. I've been really busy with school. You should get on ts when you can or when you are in game.

Anikitos Monomaxos
03-27-2014, 08:14 PM
Thank you, just came home, will clean around a bit, make a phonecall and come on TS soon. And yes couldn't sleep due to lack of food so I went hunting piggies for food, lol